my heroes

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my heroes

#1 Post by cbn250xc » Thu Jul 05, 2012 5:05 pm

Let me just start out by saying that the drexel race just made my top 3 dumbest things I have ever done. Between the heat, dust and everlasting field highways, it officially made the list. I knew all of this previous to lining up on the line so it is nobody's fault but my own. So alot of you know that my body doesn't do well in the heat. I've made multiple trips to the ambulance following a few of the really hot races throughout the last 9 years of my wannabe racing career due to heat exhaustion, so yesterday was absolutly something that I shouldnt have done. I guess nobody ever claimed that dirt bike riders were extremely smart individuals. So last lap about halfway through the course lies the last hard/easy line. I had been taking the hard line every lap and had no problems with the 7 previous laps so I felt comfortable taking it one last time. Long story short, I noodled out before making it up the first of the two walls, which put me in a horrible predicament. I didnt have the energy to push it up the wall and I couldnt go backwards without ending up in that water hole or whatever the heck that thing was. I struggled a few seconds trying to get my bike up the wall but my energy was zapped. Then like a gift from God I see little Nick Brawner pop his head up over the top of the wall comes running my way. All I'm thinking at this point is this is still gonna be a task getting up this thing even with the two of us. About that same time I hear somebody who I'm sure is in my class approaching and all I can think about is that I'm about to get passed and loose a position. Well sure enough it is #210, Kasey Oehlert. Next thing I know, Kasey is jumping off of his bike and making a mad dash towards Nick and I. Between the three of us I was able to get back on the course and racing again. Apparently Nick had broke down really close to that spot and Kasey, well that kid was still racing. He put his race on hold to help out somebody who he coulld have passed and gained a position, but he chose to help me out. I think I've been racing this series for about 10 years and I personally have never witnessed this first hand, nor can I say that I've ever done the same. Kasey, you are a class act and I give you mad props man!!! I know my body and I can tell you that without the help of these two young men, I would have over exherted myself and who knows what may have happenned. With this being said, Nick and Kasey, you guys are my fourth of July heroes. I owe you both one. :D Chad Nash

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Re: my heroes

#2 Post by shredder » Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:59 pm

So after ten years your part of the Forward Motion Family! I always here these stories after the show is over too but when you witness it or it comes your way it's a great great feeling - aint it? :wink:
Dennis Tschirhart - #1000 something

If your going to scuff it, scratch it, crack it or break it, always do the best job you can!

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