2012 FMHSC....That's a wrap

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2012 FMHSC....That's a wrap

#1 Post by MGN » Mon Nov 05, 2012 8:38 pm

Well boys and girls, another season in the books. I want to say thanks to everyone who makes this happen year in and year out. Score keepers, landowners, promoters, race day workers, etc....thank you. And a huge thanks to Dan the man Johnson. I don't know how you deal with all the drama and issues along the way but you do, thank you. You make it happen and I hope no one forgets that.

I have had a ball this year racing and riding with everyone. Ethan, it's been a fun year battling with you...you got me. :x :lol: Big Russ, you the man. You had an off year but you stuck it out and finished top ten! Whooo hooo! The Brawner clan....man Jim what are you feeding those kids of yours? :lol: What ever it is, it's working. They are all climbing the ranks and I know your proud....good guys. Congrats Macon, you had a great year and I see many more in your future. So many good guys in the series I can't name them all, but just know that I have a blast lining up with all you or just bench racing in the pits. All the new guys coming up from A and B, WOW! I can't believe how much talent is coming up through the ranks. Keep it fun and you will only get better.

I know things are said and done in the heat of the battle/points chase but I hope everyone at the end of the day knows how lucky we are and holds no ill will towards one and other. I love you man..... :lol:

I guess I am done rambling, for now anyway. Looking forward to 2013 and I hope to see everyone at the 100 Miler. Man I swear I have more fun every year doing this! Whoooo Hoooo!

I'm out...
Matt Newamn

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Re: 2012 FMHSC....That's a wrap

#2 Post by shredder » Mon Nov 05, 2012 9:20 pm

Ditto that Matt!
Every year I meet more and more good folks and I see we are all out for the same thing, not just a "win" but a fun, great timing weekend! A lot of drama and stuff does happen - especially when ya got so many good competitors with their hair on fire and adrenaline pumping. Seems that Dano never loses sight of whats important and keeps us focused...being safe, fair and considerate. Thanks to all who work out in the field, in the trailer, behind the scenes and anywhere else to make this sport happen - you too PK, we got it good!

Now for the trash talkin!
Devon - A real competitor in every sense of the word. If you want to get by Devon you better get on him fast, take aim and pull the trigger real quick cause he is always ready for a challenger and will elevate to a new level and push his body beyond it's limits to get the job done!

T-Climber - He is off on super human body training I think in high altitude locations. The dude rides like a deer running through the woods. I've never seen such a guy that can hit warp speed say in lap 2 or 3 and pass riders like we pass trees...learned a lot watching you ride dude.

Mr Houghton - Be careful here as this one is very patient and calculated. Passed this guy many times and just like a bad penny always shows back up when ya try to take only a moment of a breather.

The Slomojo - That's just his cover up name. This guy plays fair too! Even when temptation rears it's ugly head an ol Joe could take a cheap shot and push you off the track this dude takes the high road!

Rod Smith - How he remembers so many cool facts and info I'll never know. I want to thank you Rod for showing me how much fun and true competition there is in the pee wees! Those little guys really overcome mental hurdles really push it hard too!

Tim - Mr Wirefryer your the glue of poetic wisdom that keeps the Forward Motion Family together.

Randy - Man you got your game face on this year and did a lot of riding and yourself in great shape and are a force to be reckoned with - keep it up as I'll get cha next year!

Dave - You had me Dave! I was sure you were going to at least work Carbondale and put me away - I'm guessin that you wanted to beat me out on the track or heck with it. Heal up my man. I hope you get yourself pain free and see you next year!

Ed - Always helps to analyze practice and hang out at the muddy spots and get some wisdom from Mr Ed!

Scott - You truly are super fast - no doubt! You just get faster and faster! Glad I'm safe in the seniors class!

Slim - We need more slim next year! Please explain to me one more time..."don't poke bare?" I still don't get it? :lol:

Met the Thomas clan, very cool indeed! Tough clan! They run full out and head on at each other like wild rams do the night before a race ...WHAMMMO! Then they get back up and go racin the next day. Tough clan man, tough clan - don't spit in the wind and don't mess with the Thomas clan!

Danielle and Lauren - Wow... you two have shown you hang tough and just keep getting faster and faster! Lauren could you teach me that jedi bike levitation thing some time? I could really use that to get my bike back!

OK...I hear the music playing now...got to clear the stage...Thanks you guys for an awesome year! :wink:

My 2 cent$
Dennis Tschirhart - #1000 something

If your going to scuff it, scratch it, crack it or break it, always do the best job you can!

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Re: 2012 FMHSC....That's a wrap

#3 Post by cbn250xc » Mon Nov 12, 2012 2:07 pm


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