Milford Race Reports

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Milford Race Reports

#1 Post by shredder » Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:44 pm

Nice start - 3rd into the woods. Hung around long enough for the "new guy" to burn me. Slow Mo Joe aint so slow no mo! I was appalled when you made that pass when 743 (I think) let us by then just as I went to pass on the right you moved him over putting me somewhere between Alice in Wonderlandville and Land of the Lost! I was seriously OFF ROADING the OFF ROAD! What were ya thinking ...pulling that stuff up all in here???
Hey just a few things Joe:
1: You can't start the card game at the seniors table till AFTER the third lap when ALL the Seniors who want to play are present... 2. Once at the table you HAVE TO ALWAYS PLAY THE HAND THAT YOU HAVE BEFORE YOU LEAVE!!!! ALWAYS!!! 3. The triple "Black Clouds" as you called them was actually a good hand (It beat my pair of ruts and that other guys pair of empty gas cans). But when you left the table (after drinking the "undiluted lemon aid" I might add) You caused Mother Nature to get very very angry and Stir up a monster rain thunder storm and crash the race computer. Good thing Dan kept his wits and with a pair of pliers and peanut butter sandwich got it fixed. 4. NEVER, EVER, EVER drink the lemonaid undiluted you idiot! Sure it's a kick in the pants for a couple of hours but that stuff is made from (ask WireFryer) locust tree bark, simmered tree root and god knows what else. DO NOT call me tomorrow morning with a headache, severe ongoing chills, 5 days of explosive diarrhea, monkey butt, and your eyes bulging out of your head. (call DR Zippy or Wire Fryer and pay the bill promptly)
Congrats on your 2nd place finish but sheesh already!

Anyway we need to retrain you at another "orientation" at the next race.
Dennis Tschirhart - #1000 something

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Re: Milford Race Reports

#2 Post by Speedysdad » Mon Apr 08, 2013 1:01 pm

I was hoping to hear from River Rat. He showed up on a YZ125 and raced Collin hard for a couple laps after about halfway in B class. Collin didn't know who it was. He said he was a big guy and he was hoping he would get tired, but he just kept after it. Congrats to the rat.

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Re: Milford Race Reports

#3 Post by MGN » Mon Apr 08, 2013 2:47 pm

He said he was a big guy and he was hoping he would get tired, but he just kept after it. Congrats to the rat.
Oh many races in years past have I thought the same thing. :lol: Jerry knows how to ride that's for sure. In looking at the results it's cool to see some of the old crew out there. River Rat, Super Cooper, all we needed was Johnny Bravo and Adrian just like old times. Good stuff!

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Re: Milford Race Reports

#4 Post by bmb » Mon Apr 08, 2013 3:25 pm

Yeah it was a good one matt, ol river rat made a one race comeback with the 'built excuse not to do well' 125, but he's still a hell of rider. Coop gave nick a good run before he got a flat, and im too old to reel in young jadan johnson, but he was really haulin the mail. Big props go to him and macon for showing the rest of us how its done!!
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Re: Milford Race Reports

#5 Post by WireFryer » Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:53 pm

Ahhh, the fun we have setting up and racing these hedge tree rodeos'.....

Showed up bright and early Saturday morning by myself and promptly hit the trail with Dan hammering out a "Serious Possibility of Rain" course.

With all the wicked little hillclimbs and cliffshots the place has to offer, one would think the race course would include them, and we would have... if Ma Nature would have been inclined to like us enough, or the WeatherGuessers get it right for once :roll: !

It was, however, enjoyable to listen to OnTheRocks bitch about packing a chainsaw around all afternoon :mrgreen: ( my Poulan usually does 2 laps per show on foot, plus firewood duty :wink: )

Superfast and Family roll in about quitting time while we're packing up to head to the School Creek Campground. Scott and and his rookie Daughter Alesha run the loop, and pronounce it fit for riders of minimal seasoning.

Hit campground A where Jim and Rod have set up shop for the evening, whack up a dead hedge tree, and proceed to have one of the better campfires I have enjoyed in years... smoke straight up and heat all around, most of you Milford campers will know what I'm talking about 8)

Rod is kind enough to offer us lodging in his hauler for the evening (thanks again!) and the small company we had for fireside conversation worked out just fine.

I get up at daybreak, and enjoy the world coming to life while getting my gear on... coyotes howling, fish busting up on the lake, and one rowdy-ass Pheasant Rooster that was smack talking a flock of turkeys to the South of us. He would let out a lone but firm cackle... and every last one of the Turkeys would make all kinds of noise that made no sense to anyone! (Reminded me of our current Kansas State House IN it's entirety :roll: )

For the fast mover race I go hang out on the South end at my usual post with visits from the Houghtons, Schafers' Flipstick and Bearbait to make sure I don't get bored.

Yes, some 400s and 500s got mixed up with the AA's on the 2nd lap, but Scoring was notified and it got fixed.

At the conclusion of the first race I was planning to Sweep ride out as part of a warm up lap, but stopped to help out a 300 who was having a very expensive day (Don't sweat the plug, the crank kit will be bad enough :shock: ) and ended up leading out a Yamaha with a busted clutch cable out the easy way.

Racetime comes for the meat-n-taters side of the Series, and We are well represented! Whoop!

For an off weekend the turnout was good all around, but Very Good for the back half. Lots of new faces is good for the health of ANY Sport, the 700 club had 16 in the row and I've only drank beer with half of them, who are these Guys :mrgreen:? !

XC-F fires first kick, but so did everybody elses :roll: , hit the woods in mid-pack, haven't been on the bike since C-dale 2012, and very quickly figure out the rest of the 700 Class has spent the winter at the Shane Watts complex in North Carolina......

For the guy that cleaned up the section, you would think I would have seen it coming, but I blew the first abrupt downhill RH coming in too hot... and it sounded like a damn freight train picking my pocket as the remainder of the 7's and ALL of the 10s motored on down the ravine.

No hoots, no hollers, just a noisy wad of dust and color..... heartless,. every last one of ya!! :mrgreen:

And then we get to the PEZ dispenser that cranked out at least 2 800s per half mile wanting by for three laps straight!

Let a couple 800s by, jump back in and chase em' for 30 seconds, and here we go again, over and OVER!. They all passed clean 8) .

Had a half-dozen 600s lap me at the end, and where somewhat unpleasant about getting by in tight single-track.... Kids, rethink your attitude :wink:

Finished second to last, got lapped by a third of my class, had a blast, sore as hell, renewed old friendships and made a few new ones.

Bout' normal for the opener :mrgreen:

The saddest sound in all MotorSports is the noise the drivetrain makes as you slowly coast to a complete stop.

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Re: Milford Race Reports

#6 Post by quik406 » Mon Apr 08, 2013 8:25 pm

Loved the course, Dan can find the rocks and roots at Milford. When I ride it any other time it seems smooth. :D Battled all day with 715, and no matter what I threw at him he held me off. Congradulations I know how hard it is to be pressured all day, and not choke. Good Ride Man!! Way fun to "race" with someone the whole time. Dust was bad and lappers were worse. Funny how the only thing Dan mentioned in riders meeting "let them by" very few must have heard. :evil: Not you WireFryer you were a complete gentleman.

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Re: Milford Race Reports

#7 Post by KTM_rookie » Tue Apr 09, 2013 2:59 pm

Hey Chris, I didn't recognize you on the line. I think you were next to me at the start. I need to learn who's ridin what # this year. Missed an opportunity to give Wirefryer the standard 'pat' on the way by on lap 6! :shock: Had a good, clean, aggressive battle with Matt, #742, throughout most of the race. Good times. Overall, had a blast and really enjoyed the course. It let me know just how out of shape I really am, but I was happy to finish in 3rd. That and no injuries to me or the bike, I'll take that any day. And I had guys moving out of the way better than ever, figured it was because of Dan's little speech. Either way, greatly appreciated. Thanks to everyone that worked to make the race happen!

PS. This was much better than the cold, rainy, muddy, bike killing, injury causing race the week before. My 82 minutes on the bike was sufficient that day. There's my race report for The Offroad Cup. 8) But had a good time regardless and hope to do it again some time.

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Re: Milford Race Reports

#8 Post by El Dog » Tue Apr 09, 2013 3:47 pm

Anyone else get poison ivy EVERY SINGLE TIME we ride there???
First time in the Sportsman class...dumped over heading off the beach at the start....last up the big hill. Passed a couple and thru scoring 17th for lap one. Managed to get up to 13th I think, then fatigue kicked in and started making some mistakes...tried to blow thru most of those hard right handed downhills most of the time....gotta stay smooth. On the last lap I really had no reason to do the hardline up the hill but had successfully done it on all previous left hand guard decided to give a young sapling a high-five and put me down about 2/3 way up the hill...was exhausted after getting her uprighted and pointed at the ez passed...back to 17th I went...
Opening jitters...I hope...
El Dog
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Re: Milford Race Reports

#9 Post by slomojo » Tue Apr 09, 2013 4:50 pm

Good weather,good course,good friends,good finish. :)
Joe Lederhouse
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Re: Milford Race Reports

#10 Post by WireFryer » Tue Apr 09, 2013 5:04 pm

Yo Russ, it's the Poison Oak the place is infested with that's chewing you up right now.

My left arm got it this round... way better than '08' when I got it 'on the bag' :roll: somehow.

Soak a cotton ball in Clorox Bleach and hold it on all blisters as long as you can stand it, all the while drinking copious amounts of beer to dull the pain :wink: .

Repeat daily until the blisters dry up and go away( takes 3-4 days) but continue on the beer therapy to flush any leftover Clorox toxins out of your system(takes 3-4 decades).

Just trying to be helpful :mrgreen:

The saddest sound in all MotorSports is the noise the drivetrain makes as you slowly coast to a complete stop.

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