Chanute Race Day Reports

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Chanute Race Day Reports

#1 Post by shredder » Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:44 pm

I worked the Chanute race day and got to help with the Pees Wees. It was really fun. The land owners son (sorry but I'm at a loss here anyone step in and help me if you can) was new to our sport and and several come off's. Yup. Not really his fault as he was really attacked from behind in the rocky sections as passing was being attempted. He had a yard sale the first time, wadded it up the second time and a complete entire estate sale the third time. Those kids get so excited they are bumping into each other and all kinds of stuff can happen (sound familiar?)
We had at least 3 to 5 helpers on the scene every time even before the dust settled. wow. Adults taking the time to talk to the kids and listen to what they say and really check em out. Those rocks are huge to small tires and he hit pretty hard. It's so cool to see these youngsters toughen up and get back on and tear out to finish what they started (provided they get the adults ok of course.) Stonner's girl (dang it I can't remember names at all...) hit a big rock and went over the bars fast and unexpectedly. She hit chest first in the rocky section and without a lot of details she got banged up pretty good. She gave up, thought about it a second and got back on and wheelies out of there! (Man her Dad woulda been so proud if he could have seen what I saw.)

I guess I'm taking the long way around the barn to say that watching all the mom's and dad's supporting our kids and most of all spending time with them and we all end up learning it together. Our kids end up being confident assertive people with the ability to make their own decisions - sometimes on the fly and in an instant and are fully prepared to stand by what they chose and take responsibility for themselves and the consequences of what happens next. I'm thinking that our future as a country and the family unit will endure after all... It was cool to watch these kids get emotionally tempered in the fire today and strengthen their character. as well as just having fun.

So keep a sharp eye on the might learn something :wink:
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Re: Chanute Race Day Repots

#2 Post by Btrigg88 » Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:20 pm

My race day report will be a short one. Got my first ever hole shot. Almost blew the last open turn before the trees began. I quickly out ran my riding abilities and crashed on a turn just past the hay barn. I felt the "crack" of breaking bones and I knew my day was done. I was unable to move my bike off the trail so I waited for the sweepers to help. Dan and crew showed up and gave me a ride back to the pits. Thanks to all who stopped to help and the sweeps who got me off the course. I ended up breaking 3 ribs on my left side. At least I know how sweet it is at the front, even if it was only for about 3 minutes. See everyone again in 4-6 weeks. Cheers
Brian Trigg
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Re: Chanute Race Day Reports

#3 Post by Frank » Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:01 am

Great track, it covered all types of terrain. Rocks, mud, slick ground, all out fast grass, tight trees, large downed trees, tight turns, and rocks-that’s right I don’t like rocks, enough dust to make you slow down and look in the open areas, dust free trails in the trees, roots, creek crossings, and lots of good folks looking out for us.

This track showed me where my abilities are and many of the skills I’m lacking. I was really surprised that I did not have to wrangle my way past riders from other classes; they all seem to find a way to make room for a pass. That was neat.

I do want to thank the person who stopped to ask if I was alright, I felt like I was staring up at the blue sky wondering where I was before I realized I needed to get going. Also, if anyone can pass on a huge thank you to the crew that was watching over the two mud crossings, please get word to them. They saw my tool pack fall off, retrieved it, and got it back to me at the finish line. That was awesome. Thanks you.

Overall, I was challenged. The track had areas that where exciting, challenging muddy sections -even the small ones, and surprises along the trail which supplied many moments of sheer terror! I was ready to park the bike and grab a chair at the end of the first lap, but I am glad I hung in till the finish. I must have ridden more than half of the race flat exhausted, bouncing off of trees, rocks, stuff, and sliding around on the ground. My lap times got slower as the race went on. I even managed to get the bike stuck in between some trees; the back wheel was between two trees on one side of the trail and the front wheel was stuck between two trees on the other side.

I had a great and memorable ride. Thanks to everyone, including the riders.

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Re: Chanute Race Day Reports

#4 Post by gruberxcw » Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:47 am

Well I was impressed with the track layout. Never imagined a flat land track could have such a variety of terrain.
We drove four hours to make this race and it was a blast. I only had one lap that I did not get stuck or miss a turn. I did manage to get the hole-shot and hold it until I blew a corner however so that's some bragging rights.
Pinned it 6th gear all my little 200 would do to reel in a guy on a Honda only to see it was a kid on an XR100 when I did catch him. Kinda popped my bubble :lol:

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Re: Chanute Race Day Repots

#5 Post by E.A. » Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:58 am

Notonthepipe wrote: I ended up breaking 3 ribs on my left side. At least I know how sweet it is at the front, even if it was only for about 3 minutes. See everyone again in 4-6 weeks. Cheers
Woah.... OUCH! I can't even imagine (knock on wood) breaking a rib, let alone 3 of them. I am glad to know that its not something more serious, and that you can walk away from it with a smile. And that your going to be back riding again. :) I personally wish you the best, and hope everything goes well with the healing process.

(Did you hit that crazy rock in the grass section, that had everyone splattered?)

Well, it was my first race in the 800 grouping...... To be honest it felt a little weird, all new faces on the starting line then I am used to, didn't know what to expect at the start....

This is the first race this season, my CR wanted to start on the first kick,…then I knew the day was going to be a decent one. Running this course backwards from last year had me all SORTS of confused. LOL.

I did manage to remember that random rock out in the grass, so I didn’t yard sale it on the first lap… (thank goodness)

Fought through a lot of traffic the first couple laps, finally on the 4th lap, got to the front of the pack…. Only to get super greedy, and try to pass my friend (Joe Bartles) on his first race… and went by him WAY to fast…..So fast that with all the back brake, and all of the front brake, nothing stopped me for blowing the turn, and going down HARD.

At that point, I got to watch 2nd and 3rd go past me, as I took my helmet off, and had to rearrange my glasses, goggles, pretty much everything. Only to realize that my bars were bent at a 30+ degree angle…. And my fork tubes are tweaked. I got the bars back to about a 15 degree angle, shook off the crash, and decided to try and salvage what was left of the event.

I couldn’t believe I still was in 4th or 5th at that point, just clawing my way back up….. (knew I had no chance for a win, but still)

Coming through and seeing #2 in the screen, was literally one of the highest points of racing for me this year…..

(Now I just gotta fix the front end of the bike before next race)


PS: That large creek crossing, with the killer mud jump coming out of it, was AWESOME. About 3 of the 5 laps, I full on did a HUGE step up, and almost cleared all the mucky mess. I have no idea how it worked out, but it did. I wish I could do that on all of them!

PSS: Thanks to Dan and the crew as always.....!!!!

PSSS: Big Congrats to Joe Bartels, first time racing, only has a couple hours under his belt on a dirt bike....and still managed to pull out 3 solid laps in the heat, on a borrowed bike!
Last edited by E.A. on Mon Aug 26, 2013 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chanute Race Day Reports

#6 Post by Tpull123 » Mon Aug 26, 2013 10:09 am

First off I want to say thanks to everyone who spent the time to prep for this event, the track was in awesome condition. I was expecting it to be a dust bowl and it absolutely was not, great event.

My Race went sour from the beginning as I pulled up to the starting line only to watch my group take off.....ahhhh. Made up some good ground, but it was short lived only to find a grass covered rock in one of the open sections that ended very poorly. Apparently a guy in front of me had it happen to him, and after spending a minute picking the bike up assessing the damage, two other riders almost took the same fast tumble.....kind of a danger in my opinion since it was hidden/hard to see in a fast section of the track. So the rest of the day was a wash between spending 10 min straightening out the bars, and limping through the rest of the race.

I will say this about the crash though, this was my first race using a Neck Brace / Support and I truly believed it saved me from a much worse injury! I was hesitant to make the purchase since it is a decent chunk of money, but all it takes is one crash where it does its job to bring you to your senses. I highly recommend to any riders not wearing one to consider this purchase, I know I will no longer ride with it.........just my 2 cents.
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Re: Chanute Race Day Reports

#7 Post by bmxpro2621 » Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:28 pm

Awesome Race. Never ride MTB's the day before when you dont work out at all and try to ride in the heat the next day a 2 hour race. :lol: Great course as always and it was fun railing the turns like in a MX race. Wish I could have finished the race before poopin out :| .
(oh yeah and jumping that huge log out of the creek instead of going right way around it was just crazy cool/fun if you can keep the back tire down)

Did anyone else notice that the cut log next to the hill going up left (white sign saying log... --that's funny too by the way) kept getting closer and closer to the right of the trail and started to block it off? I could picture people hitting it and bumping it farther in the wrong direction.
Last edited by bmxpro2621 on Mon Aug 26, 2013 4:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Chanute Race Day Reports

#8 Post by Brveagle » Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:35 pm

First race this year due to some bike issues this spring.

Must say i was very impressed with the course layout. Those creek/river crossings were intense. I managed to snap my shifter clean off on the first lap while going through the chainsaw'ed logs.

Thought my day was done and then thought of all the crap i'd have to take if i stopped after one lap. I managed to finish the race using only first gear on my the mighty rm250. It really beat my up though.

Does anyone know where the pics (if any) from the race will be posted? I noticed a few photographers along the course...

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Re: Chanute Race Day Reports

#9 Post by Tank » Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:38 pm

This was my third race on the big Kaw! I am starting to get used to it and riding better, at least for a couple of laps. The start was uneventful for me as I decided to not slow up anyone after the start and left almost last. Went around for the first lap and did fairly well for myself only fell a few times. The second lap showed me just how much I needed to work on my endurance as it took almost twice as long to make the second lap as it did the first one! The water crossing with the sharp short climb after going through the water was the start of the bad lap. The ruts in the far side were deep and there was 3 places to climb now instead of 2. I went for the middle one and promply missed the rut and ended up on my head and in the water. Great props to the guys assisting on that side of the creek. Without them, I'm sure that many of us would not have made it up the side. I was sure that many of the 600 and 700 guys and gals were going to be coming by soon, so was looking back a lot and not looking at the trail enough. Many a tree had moved during the race and wanted to get hit by me. After feeling like a pinball for most of the second lap, and picking up the bike more times than I would like to admit (I really think that the bike was a 2,000 pound cow). At this time I was dead tired and just wanted to finish the lap. I must have really looked bad, because some of the sweeps and helpers were asking me if I needed medical or were telling me maybe I should just take the short way back and call it a day. Even though I was dead tired and could not think or see straight, I was determined to finish on my own power. Just want to also say sorry if I did not get out of the way for some of you fast guys quickly enough during the race (still wasn't thinking to fast or straight). Thanks for the support and friendship from Shredder, wirefryer, and many other. Anyway, I did finish and was proud of myself and know that I am getting better and faster. Hopefully before the end of the season, I will be competitive. See ya at Merwin! :D
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Re: Chanute Race Day Repots

#10 Post by Tank » Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:47 pm

Notonthepipe wrote:My race day report will be a short one. Got my first ever hole shot. Almost blew the last open turn before the trees began. I quickly out ran my riding abilities and crashed on a turn just past the hay barn. I felt the "crack" of breaking bones and I knew my day was done. I was unable to move my bike off the trail so I waited for the sweepers to help. Dan and crew showed up and gave me a ride back to the pits. Thanks to all who stopped to help and the sweeps who got me off the course. I ended up breaking 3 ribs on my left side. At least I know how sweet it is at the front, even if it was only for about 3 minutes. See everyone again in 4-6 weeks. Cheers

Heal up quick and see ya back on the trail soon! :)
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