Merwin Race Reports

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Merwin Race Reports

#1 Post by JayShafe8 » Mon Sep 09, 2013 2:31 pm

Even with dust and heat, the Merwin course turned out to be fun and well flowing. The MX start always makes the start a bit more hectic because there are no struggles with getting one's bike started. I headed into the woods in 5th behind Collin, Remy, Luke Daniels, and Everhart. We trained for the whole first lap and gapped the rest of the class a little bit before I crashed into the back of Remy and we both lost a few spots (sorry Remy). Then worked through some dust and passed a few guys to get up to 4th. I ran the rest of my 6 laps in 4th by my self. I slowly gained on Collin throughout the day and he finally came into sight as I could see him only a turn in front of me. Sadly he looked back just took off as I didn't have the energy to keep up after trying to run him down. Finished off with 4th in B and 19th overall. It was a fun day and I would like to thank RJ and Dan for putting on a good race in this heat! Can't wait for Thurman. (I rode there a week ago and it is like nothing around this area. Just a blast.)

Jared Shafer
Jared Shafer
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Thanks to: Letko Cycles, Moose Racing, Bullet Proof Designs, Motorcare, Decalworks, HeavyD, Mika Metals, EVS, TiLube and Pumpkin Patch Racing.

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Re: Merwin Race Reports

#2 Post by KTM SLIM KARL » Mon Sep 09, 2013 4:53 pm

:D Best day I had not racing!!!
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Re: Merwin Race Reports

#3 Post by E.A. » Mon Sep 09, 2013 5:49 pm

Here is my race report: I'm still sweating, and finding dust in places I didn't know I had. (End of report) :)

Just kidding, but honestly it just wasn't my day....

1) Felt like I was going to throw up even before taking off. (bad food or something)
2) Switched tire to Mich. S12 the night before, (I hate it)
3) It was 99 degrees.
4) Crashed on the first lap, right as I finally had 1st place in sight
5) It was 99 degrees.

With that being said, would I do it all over again, YES.
But would I rail the big table top jump, and double, ....YES.

What can I say, sometimes you just aren't feeling it. And its better to know your limits then to push them in those times. And this was one of those times.

Can't wait for this weekend,

PS: Anyone have thoughts on me swapping from the Mich. S12 to the MX51?
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Re: Merwin Race Reports

#4 Post by shredder » Mon Sep 09, 2013 5:55 pm

This was the best Merwin ever...Yup...Ever. Yes I agree it was dusty here and there but better than rain and mud. I ran faster this year than ever before. I got my personal best last weekend and even though it was 100 degrees in the shade.

The gate drops and I just let her rip. Got 3rd into the woods. I was surprised to see Chris wasn't the engine pulling the freight train. After about half a lap I start thinking If I stay patient and keep this pace I could win this with Mr. Locke behind me....HMMMM. Ever start enjoying something when the wind kicks up and knocks your ice cream down on the hot dirty concrete? YUP. I get hit HARD with a reality check as I hear that dreaded sound of #1018 (always polite and courteous, asking NOT screaming) whooping the band of 700's I've got in my sights. I decide I've got all day and slide over and let him in front. OK Game on pal! We work our way up and I'm sticking like glue I decide to take a balls the size of battleship move and pin it to win it........well I slid back off the gas tank and front end washes out. Chris hits the RED button on his rocket boost assist and he was gone.

I knew ol Wadedog and possibly Leaderhouse just had to be close when I went down the 3rd time so I pushed even harder hard all day. I usually hold a little back so I can maintain the pace but not today, I ran it at 100 percent (to match the temperature) I ended up in a second place finish with ol Wadedog only about a minute or so behind be. One more mistake and he would have had me for sure. Leaderhouse was laying down letting the girls ride over him and had mechanical problems, sorry maybe next time Joe! My camel back somehow got gasoline in the bladder so I ran the whole damn day with no water. That last lap was the longest and didn't notice the heat till I pulled into camp and stopped and Whammo! I was done! Sure enjoyed Merwin. Thanks R J and everyone who blazed the heat to set it up for us. Many thanks :wink:
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Re: Merwin Race Reports

#5 Post by Superfast » Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:27 pm

I agree with Shredder, this was an Awesome race!!!!

Made the morning practice lap, the course looked great! RJ has a great place.

On the line I can feel the sweat running down my back, time to get this thing going. The gate drops and I hit the first corner in second behind Chad, the second corner Ryan comes around me wide, now it's on. We hit the woods, I am pacing myself off Ryan, don't want to let him out of my sight. A few miles in, I come into the narrow creek/rock section, somehow I must have fallen off the pace, I can't see Ryan or Chad anymore, time to up the pace and get caught up. Finish the first lap and they are nowhere in sight! As I pass through scoring it says I am in 1st place. A little confused but kept the pace heading into the second lap.

At this point a I am really starting to feel the pressure, I think Silva had a rope tied to my rear fender, he was right there at every turn! Just when I thought I pulled away, bam, there he is again! I know alot of guys in the series have tough battles from time to time furing the race, but Silva was there the entire race! I ran 5 full laps knowing in my mind if I blew one corner, missed an inside line or screwed up in any way he was right there to take the position. Talk about pressure! I put 100% out there, blocked every inside line I could, kept my pace and got my first win at Merwin!

This race will be a very memorable one for me, and probably Silva too, I fought extremly hard for the win and pushed myself to the limit. Silva, thanks for an awesome race man! This is what racing is all about, I look forward to our next battle in the woods! I still can't believe for 3 laps, our times were identical.

RJ, thanks for an awesome race! I always like riding Merwin.

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Re: Merwin Race Reports

#6 Post by Tank » Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:34 pm

My Merwin report is short, like my shot at glory, NOT! I took off on my practice lap and first practiced my start. It felt good and I was off on my practice lap. The lap was feeling great and I felt like I could do well today. My first notice that this was not going to be my day was when I was going into a corner near the start and grabbed some brakes and found I had no front brake. Well, after getting very acquainted with a bunch of trees. I pulled my bike out of the trees and tested my front brake and pressure was there on the lever. After 2 more corners with the same result, I decided to call off the practice lap and go back to the pits. On the way back, I heard some noise coming from my front brake. Looked down and saw that my caliper was dangling by one bolt. After getting back to the pits and Scott found one in in his box of bolts. Replaced the bolt and now I'm ready to rock and roll. I had purchased one of those cool suits to help me make it through the heat of the day. Well, found out that after the ice cubes melt, it becomes a very hot vest. :x During the first lap of the Race it started out great and I got the big Kaw to really motivate and we got to the first corner in maybe 4th or 5th. 8) After a few corners the first part of the balloon popping happened and I slid out in a left hander. :oops: The bike fell on me and I had a heck of a time getting it off of me. By the time I got out from underneath it I saw most to all of the 900 class go by. :mrgreen: Had some more regular issues during the lap and got stuck at a hill climb that had roots on both side and the left side had some trees close to it and we all know just how much I love getting acquainted with trees. :P On the first attempt, I got snagged by a tree and the bike feel over and I tumbled down the hill with the bike in hot pursuit. :roll: One of the sweeps came by and assisted me on getting the bike back up and after he left I attempted to try again after taking a long drink of water. The second time faired no better than the first and I found myself at the bottom of the hill again. :shock: This time I was dizzy and having more balance issues. After watching everyone come by on the second lap, Brad on a Husky came by and asked if I was alright and encouraged me to give it another try. I did and made it up to the top and killed the bike, but at least I was on top. From there it was just trying to make it to the timing area. Upon making it to the timing area, A gentleman ran his thumb across his neck and lifted up the tape for me. I was very happy that my day was done at this point. I really don't remember much of the next 1.5 hours as I tried to rehydrate myself. Funny thing is that I had a great time and even with all the bad things going on, I had fun. Would I do this again, Heck yea I would, but this time without the sauna vest on! :oops:
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Re: Merwin Race Reports

#7 Post by Speedysdad » Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:51 pm

Jared, man it was fun watching you running down Collin. Every time he came in he asked where you were, so he knew you were coming for him. Great race!

Scott, I missed the first race but when I saw the times on your race I knew you had a good battle. 23 seconds between the top three! Great race.!!

Eric, don't feel bad it was hot just sitting in the shade watching. I may be interested in the S12.

So Collin hates the heat and dust, but he needed to stay in shape so there we were. So glad he bought a GoPro, now I get to see the whole race. He does love to line that big 390 up at the MX gate. Although he was a half a bike length slow off the gate, by half way up the track he was pulling ahead with the front lofted. Then only to be passed by the 352, who is he and where did he come from? Isn't he a C rider? Came into scoring in 4th and set a good cruising pace. However, some where around the fourth lap, another rider 388 makes a pass and is gone. Who is that? Where did he come from? It was another one of those pesky C riders that thinks they are fast enough to run in B. So Collin finishes 3rd and we have new blood in the B class and very fast. Great to see the kids moving up.

Did anyone else notice the A class finish? 44 seconds between 3rd-7th. That is some great racing for two hours boys, thanks for the entertainment.

Can't wait to see everyone in IA this weekend.
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Re: Merwin Race Reports

#8 Post by quik406 » Mon Sep 09, 2013 11:42 pm

First race with the fast half (Thanks to whoever told Dan I was too fast for Cvet) :roll:

Start was crazy, fun!!(500's play for keeps!) ...until someone got turned up and forced me to pull wide right only to go off course. Had to turn around and hope to catch up to the pack. Not want I wanted to do in the dust. I have never raced in dust like that. I swear at times I could not see my own front fender! :shock:
Somewhere around lap two... I thought to myself, I am not really racing, more trying to survive the dust... About lap three, not sure what happened, but I bonked. I was all but done. Heat never really bothered me before. Might have been the night before enjoying the Royals game. (No need to live clean, now that I am not in the points run!)

Cool place to race... Would love to race it wet!

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Re: Merwin Race Reports

#9 Post by El Dog » Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:50 am

Love the Merwin!
Thanks to RJ, Dan and all for the great setup.Great day with friends and family. Started racing 3 years ago, Merwin was the first race. Crashed on first lap and was done. 2nd year crashed and dislocated by clavicle from my sternum. This year had good start and just up around the bend to the right, a rider cut over in front of me, he donkey-kicked and when his back wheel landed he went tumbling; unfortunately, I was so close behind him my only hope was to use his bike as the first jump; didn't happen...I went over the bars. I got up checked on him, moved his bike off the path as I knew the 900's would be coming up the hill soon. He told me to go on (don't know his number). Hopped back on the bike and headed in: RIDE SMOOTH I kept sayin. Caught up to some riders about 1/2 in and came thru scoring 8th. Was pretty happy with that. Pressed on, and got into a good flow. Lauren was off the side of the trail (not sure what happened, she didn't appear to be hurt. Hollered at a sweep for her. Came thru scoring 4th after the 3rd lap. Surprised to find Lauren still there on my third lap...felt bad for her on her birthday...Stayed smooth ; got on the tail of 969 and piggy backed him at a good pace for the next 2 laps; decided that I would pass him on the final lap. Should have done it earlier rather than not pushing. I was very happy to come in at 3rd for the best finish ever....first trophy...yeah, I know its plastic, but it felt good. I know that I would have finished at least at 5th if Laurens bike would have held true and Mrs. Lerette would have felt well enough to race. Anyway, Ill take it...
The pits looked like a M.A.S.H. unit...
See everyone in Iowa...
Last edited by El Dog on Tue Sep 10, 2013 1:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Merwin Race Reports

#10 Post by Rebound » Tue Sep 10, 2013 11:52 am

I must say the heat is always a differentiator. I always enjoy racing at Merwin and this course was no let down. I came around the first lap in 5th in the 300’s and the pack had not thinned out much.
Made a mistake and over the bar I went after a long straight, bruised thigh and shoulder is killing me. Was having a difficult time lifting my arm and needed to suck it up, couldn’t let those young kids see weakness. I lost my mojo and just rode the best I could. This morning the shoulder popped back into place when I was putting a shirt on “miracle happened ! I can now lift my arm without peeing my pants….. good times

Darren #338

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