Message for the 900 class

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Message for the 900 class

#1 Post by davidj2448 » Thu Oct 03, 2013 6:38 am

I have thought about how to post this comment since about 1:30 PM last Sunday. On the last lap during the first race I (#76) came up on a 900 (sorry I don’t remember the #) rider at the end of the pasture section before entering the gate and turning back left. I was in the lead and knew Mike was charging hard. I yelled at the 900 bike to let him know I was there. For whatever reason whether mine or his (it really does not matter) we got together and Mike shot by. I am not posting this to complain or make excuses, but to apologize to the 900 rider I got into and even more so for what I said ( which I choose not to post) I did not show much class and certainly to did not represent our series and the 700 club well at all. For this I apologize. It's hard to believe the different types of emotions one goes through during one of our events and I certainly experienced one the more negative ones. I hope the individual I banged bars with gets this message and that his perception of this sport and this series is not tarnished. I hope to see you at the next race.

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Re: Message for the 900 class

#2 Post by Tank » Thu Oct 03, 2013 8:29 am

I as a 900 rider appreciate your apology to the 900 rider that you came together with. I am also a 900 rider and have seen how heated the battles can become towards the end of the race. The guys that I come to the races with (Wirefryer, Shredder, superfast (Scott G.), Slomojoe and Brad) have trained me to start listening to bikes behind me especially at the later parts of the race when the fast guys are starting to lap us in the 900 class or for some of us that happens in the 1st or 2nd lap Lol :shock: . I know in the heat of the moment when we cant pull over fast enough for you to keep your pace it gets you really hot, especially when someone is hot on your tail. I have crashed many a time trying to find a place to get out of the way, but that is part of the racing game when your getting lapped. Hope who ever it was that you tangled with, accepts your apology and keeps racing!
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Re: Message for the 900 class

#3 Post by dive » Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:03 pm

davidj2448 wrote:I have thought about how to post this comment since about 1:30 PM last Sunday. On the last lap during the first race I (#76) came up on a 900 (sorry I don’t remember the #) rider at the end of the pasture section before entering the gate and turning back left. I was in the lead and knew Mike was charging hard. I yelled at the 900 bike to let him know I was there. For whatever reason whether mine or his (it really does not matter) we got together and Mike shot by. I am not posting this to complain or make excuses, but to apologize to the 900 rider I got into and even more so for what I said ( which I choose not to post) I did not show much class and certainly to did not represent our series and the 700 club well at all. For this I apologize. It's hard to believe the different types of emotions one goes through during one of our events and I certainly experienced one the more negative ones. I hope the individual I banged bars with gets this message and that his perception of this sport and this series is not tarnished. I hope to see you at the next race.
It was rider number 950 on a Honda he did the same thing to me...

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Re: Message for the 900 class

#4 Post by CowTown » Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:51 pm

dive wrote: It was rider number 950 on a Honda he did the same thing to me...
And what did this #950 do you Dive?

Dave above only said he got together with a 900 * # rider.

Anyways, I think you have the wrong person my friend. My son who is #950 did not have any incident during the entire race. Some rider came up to him (we still do not know who) after the race and started yelling at him because he said my son cursed at him. I can tell you this, Christopher does not swear. He is a young man trying to learn the sport of motorcycle racing and have fun. He respects other people and races them clean.

I am out there racing at the same time my Son is. Maybe it was me who did something wrong? If so, I would be glad to talk to you about it.
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Re: Message for the 900 class

#5 Post by verticaltwin » Thu Oct 03, 2013 5:05 pm

As my first time out with you guys, I appreciated the warning holler when you need by. I sure don't want to get in the way of a good battle of faster riders. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to hear someone... but it was actually pretty easy to tell when someone came up on me. I did let a couple 900 guys by me though! No big deal since I was mid-pack of 35 riders anyway...

Some of you had some crazy yells though... a couple even said thanks!
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Re: Message for the 900 class

#6 Post by Btrigg88 » Thu Oct 03, 2013 9:26 pm

You scared me for a second David. I thought you yelled at tank, till I re-read his post. I for one would not want to run into him or yell at him:)
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Re: Message for the 900 class

#7 Post by Superfast » Thu Oct 03, 2013 10:10 pm

Good post Davey! Every one of us has been in this situation before, it's part of racing. Our series has riders of all skill levels, we will always have situations like this with slower or faster riders. In the heat of the race emotions get the best of us and tempers fly. As a fellow member of the 700 club and having been in the same situation as you before, I applaud you!

To the rest of you guys, it doesn't really matter which 900 rider was involved. The rider who was involved knows who he is and with any luck he will accept the apology, learn form the experience and continue on racing. I know when I was in the 900 class, I was inexperienced and probably caused a few of the fast guys to lose a few positions from time to time. I learned from that experience and it's probably the reason I scream "thank you" very loudly when slower riders move over to let me pass.

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Re: Message for the 900 class

#8 Post by wadedawg » Fri Oct 04, 2013 1:50 am

only the AA riders have a chance of winning cash! The rest of us provide the cash to have a place to ride..... If we can't keep that in perspective then the fun and love of riding will be lost. I know of one person we have already ran away from FMHSC due to aggressive riding tactics. We are not pro supercross riders trying to win sponsors and endorsements worth millions of dollars....... To be honest... most of ride for enjoyment and exercise and don't have a farts chance in a whirlwind at winning cash!

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Re: Message for the 900 class

#9 Post by bshack » Fri Oct 04, 2013 10:41 am

I had a run in on Sunday by a 600 or 700 rider. He yelled at me and told me to get the F*** out of the way... We were in a tree section and I REALLY had no place to go... I don't take it personal though. After the race is over, most people calm down and regain human compassion. As a 900 rider that weighs over 300 Lbs, I feel that I run a pretty good pace for a fat guy. However, a higher class racer sometimes forgets that not everyone has the same skill set, and has no patience for our slow, almost out of control tendencies. I wanna get out of a fast guys way, but I don't want to wear a tree to do it! Let's just calm down and have fun, before Tank and I have to double up on the trails! :shock:
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Re: Message for the 900 class

#10 Post by wadedawg » Fri Oct 04, 2013 12:40 pm

only the AA riders have a chance of winning cash! The rest of us provide the cash to have a place to ride..... If we can't keep that in perspective then the fun and love of riding will be lost. I know of one person we have already ran away from FMHSC due to aggressive riding tactics. We are not pro supercross riders trying to win sponsors and endorsements worth millions of dollars....... To be honest... most of ride for enjoyment and exercise and don't have a farts chance in a whirlwind at winning cash!
I wanted to clarify.... one of our senior class riders was shoved off the trail and drug 20 feet before the bikes became untangled. No apologies or even a look back to see if he was ok. He will no longer participate in a FMHSC race because of that.
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