I have held back long enough (Rant to the Senior Class)

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I have held back long enough (Rant to the Senior Class)

#1 Post by E.A. » Mon Oct 28, 2013 4:09 pm

I am going to start this off by saying...

I am one of the most laid back guys you will ever meet. I am more then willing to lend a hand/tool/food/water whatever I can at any race to help anyone. I literally am in LOVE with this sport, and can't imagine how this winter will feel without it. I am the kinda guy that can go a full 2.5 hour race, without even a word coming out of my mouth other then "good luck, ride safe" to my fellow riders at the starting line, and a "Thank you" yell, to those that let me pass.

HOWEVER, I have held back what I have to say now for 3 races.... and I can't hold it in anymore.

Had this been only a one single race issue, I wouldn't be saying this....AND I thought I was the only one having an issue with this, Till this weekend when I talked to 900's 700's, 800's and even some 200's and 300's. EVERYONE is by far frustrated with this group not letting people by. (Or likely these same few people) And wishes your position on the starting grid would change because of this.

I was EXCITED to be moved up to the 800 class this year, its been awesome going head to head with a whole new group of fresh faces. HOWEVER......the WORST thing about moving up, has been dealing with a FEW in the Senior class that are by far the MOST frustrating/inconsiderate and flat out dangerous addition to these already tough courses.

I have had the SAME issue the past 3 races in a row. YOU know who you are (both of you), and I have you ON my GOPRO in nice clear HD quality...(But I am kind enough not to call you out by #plate) Not only BLOCKING me for half a mile, but then TAKING ME OUT in a corner, when not only did I REV AT YOU countless times.... I passed you on the inside, and you turned in on me!!! Thus taking me out in the process!!! (Knowing we were bar to bar) Without even a look back. (Classy) I have a hard enough time dealing with trees, I don't need YOU helping the cause.

After getting back on my bike, and catching up to you two again. It took TWO of us 800 riders both STANDING on our rev limiters to get your attention. STILL not one of you moved. Finally one moved over, and the other basically took themselves out on a hill.....

Point being, there was plenty of times for you to let us by, but you went out of your way to block, and then of all things turned in on me. Come on!! You all are supposed to be the leaders, the "OG's" of this sport, and showing everyone how its done, and the gentlemans creed and all of that. But honestly, when we catch up to you all within the first mile of the first lap, for the love of all things, PLEASE respect us enough to give us room.

IF YOU HEAR A REVLIMITER, Take 1 second to look back!!!!
If you see a number plate that isn't your class.... LET THEM BY.

The BEST thing about moving out of the 800's and to the 600's will be not having to deal with this situation. I don't even care that I won't be competitive, I just can't deal with the lack of sportsmanship, and danger you have brought in the mix. Its fun to battle with people like Lauren #82 and Hunter #841 and Russ #842 all of us have passed each other back and forth, and NEVER taken each other out, even racing for the same class, and the same points. This race was no different, lap after lap of position changes, all of which were clean and fun.

I am hoping this "situation" changes, not only for myself, but other 800 and 900 riders.

This next race, I am DONE being nice about it and waiting. I am going to give you THREE chances to move over.... PERIOD. If by the third time I lay on the rev limiter if you still don't move.... Well we are going bar to bar, and its either you letting me by like you should, or we may or may not both get taken out in the process. But I refuse to have a repeat of this race.

There, its off my chest.... I feel better. I am sorry if I have offended some, but after talking to so many people about it this weekend, SOMEONE had to say something, I guess that will be me. AND no I am not hiding behind a keyboard, my number is in my signature, if someone wants to talk to me about it on the starting line, so be it. No hard feelings, just had to say something.

Thanks to the FMHSC staff for the awesome race! AS always,

PS: I am sorry I am grouping the entire class as a whole, BUT I know you all are friends and talk, so please talk to each other about this issue. So that your not the most frowned upon group within the series, or at least by the two classes starting behind you.

PSS: Sorry for the 600 rider that was lapping me in the last leg of the final lap of the race, I could have sworn I saw #850 number plate, but when I looked again it was #650. I was a little delayed letting you by man.... (Holy crap you were flying, I haven't been lapped by a 600 in forever)
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Re: I have held back long enough (Rant to the Senior Class)

#2 Post by shredder » Mon Oct 28, 2013 6:40 pm

Hi Erik!
Hey I'm a senior and I am only speaking for myself. I think you could really help yourself by calling out, whoop, yell, 800 rider" or ho or something instead of just reving it up. That way everyone is speaking the same language. I won't look back and try to get a front plate number as my neck just doesn't turn that far back and most of the time by the time I figure out who's number it is I'm heading at a tree. I feel bad for your frustration and it doesn't need to be that way. We all know it just sucks to finally get some distance from a classmate only to have to bleed it off waiting for someone that is hanging you up.

Generally speaking most guys will move over and sometimes point you in the right direction to pass, IF you yell out. 'll even move over for a class mate (ask around) if they overtake me quickly and shout out but I don't pull over and clean my goggles or do an oil painting. Revving you engine just tells me someones back there but not there intentions. If Joe or I slide out in a corner or something we rev each other to show we made it back but if ol SloMoJo pulled over every time I revved he would burn a lot less gas!

If you want to get around a different class guy or gal, yell out "800 rider!" I'm thinking they will let you buy. There will always be someone in front of you you want to pass so even if we move the seniors then there will be a whole new line up you need to contend with and they aren't as passive or patient as we older guys are.

There will always be a few jerky boys in all crowds but for the most part our Forward Motion buddies are kind and considerate individuals just like you.

I also want to thank you for bringing it out in the open. :wink:

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Re: I have held back long enough (Rant to the Senior Class)

#3 Post by E.A. » Mon Oct 28, 2013 7:48 pm

I feel what your saying 100%

But a simple "rev" is much different then laying on the revlimiter and me yelling...(which I was and my video clearly shows)

When we run single race formats I have to say "most" of the super fast guys only use the revlimiter. And I know to move over. If they have to take the time to yell, I figure I have already made them mad.

All I know is that when I was a 900 it was easier to pass 800s. And now it's easier to pass 700s then it is to pass 1000's. Simply because they are more considerate then what myself and others have been dealing with.

However I have gotten some good PMs on here and I appreciate all that I have gotten, sincerely. It means a lot no matter what the context was.

In the end I think my voice as well as others has been heard. Of course it's racing, lets remember that pulling over for that little moment isn't going to strip you of a position over the course of 2 hours, no matter how close your battle is in the first lap.

Lets all be ready to rock and roll, and make sure we don't hold up any racers this weekend. It's a single race format.....and with trail rider in a 3 way tie...AA guys doing their thing....it's gonna get interesting.

Rock n roll,
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Re: I have held back long enough (Rant to the Senior Class)

#4 Post by keko » Mon Oct 28, 2013 8:34 pm

I agree with the hoot or the hollar. I've been listening to loud engines all my life and I think I've become tone def to a certain degree, plus my motor is pretty loud, so it makes it hard to hear your motor over mine. At other tracks I might give a glance back every once and a while but at Eldorado that was a recipe for disaster! I look at passing like this. I don't care if your the number 1 plate (I wish) or 999 I am going to set you up for the pass in a way that I know I can get around you regardless if you move over or not. If you move over thanks for being a good sport, but if you decide not to or don't see or hear me coming at least I know I got you and your not going to wad me up. I learned this by riding the streets. The minute you think someone sees you is the minute they pull out in front of you so you better be ready for it!
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Re: I have held back long enough (Rant to the Senior Class)

#5 Post by shredder » Mon Oct 28, 2013 8:47 pm

Let's all perk up and work together as Carbondale unfolds and let the faster racer by. Man the trail riders class is a 3 way, the 700's is not a done deal as it's needs a little more icing, the 600's, 500's and 400's book isn't closed yet either and the senior battle aint over by a long shot! Shoot I might even wear my hearing aids under my helmet so the noise doesn't get drowned out. (seriously)

Man if your running up on me just SAY SOMETHING and the first chance I get, Ill usually point. The whole secret is you really don't want someone behind you that don"t want to be there. It causes friction and you can't hold them off all day anyway. Let's go tear it up this weekend and be considerate of all the guys getting it done!
Whoop! :wink:
Dennis Tschirhart - #1000 something

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Re: I have held back long enough (Rant to the Senior Class)

#6 Post by jstr244 » Mon Oct 28, 2013 9:28 pm

Having swept a few races behind Lauren, I can say that I have realized that passing other racers can be difficult when the riders speed percentile and class are relatively close. That being said, it doesn't have to be as difficult as Eric describes.

I have seen times when a higher class rider attempts to let another racer of different class slide by, only to have the second racer bobble and not get back on it quick enough to make the pass. Passing other riders is as much about the place in which the pass is made as it is the announcement that you intend to pass. Yelling is always the preferred method over bike revving, and a wide place on the track is much better than a tight or technical section. Make sure you are able to actually pass the other racer in the upcoming section before yelling at them to simply move.

As frustrating as the situation is that Eric has described, it happens every weekend. I feel his frustration, and can understand where he is coming from. I agree with others in saying that I don't feel that any FM racer does it intentionally. However, Eric has brought up an issue that hasn't been discussed for a while on this message board which can be unilaterally applied to any class, not just the 1000s, so don't take it personally!

Ride on, and keep it fun!
Jeremy Stretz #244
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Re: I have held back long enough (Rant to the Senior Class)

#7 Post by swedishfishmx » Mon Oct 28, 2013 9:35 pm

jstr244 wrote:Having swept a few races behind Lauren, I can say that I have realized that passing other racers can be difficult when the riders speed percentile and class are relatively close. That being said, it doesn't have to be as difficult as Eric describes.

I have seen times when a higher class rider attempts to let another racer of different class slide by, only to have the second racer bobble and not get back on it quick enough to make the pass. Passing other riders is as much about the place in which the pass is made as it is the announcement that you intend to pass. Yelling is always the preferred method over bike revving, and a wide place on the track is much better than a tight or technical section. Make sure you are able to actually pass the other racer in the upcoming section before yelling at them to simply move.

As frustrating as the situation is that Eric has described, it happens every weekend. I feel his frustration, and can understand where he is coming from. I agree with others in saying that I don't feel that any FM racer does it intentionally. However, Eric has brought up an issue that hasn't been discussed for a while on this message board which can be unilaterally applied to any class, not just the 1000s, so don't take it personally!

Ride on, and keep it fun!
Brad Stretz | 243
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Re: I have held back long enough (Rant to the Senior Class)

#8 Post by ktmracer66 » Mon Oct 28, 2013 10:24 pm

This topic had a lot to do with my decision to move up to C. I didn't want to start a big fuss so I just moved up!

Heard some very good advise on here once - if you don't like having to make passes, move up and get passed!!
Travis Slover
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Re: I have held back long enough (Rant to the Senior Class)

#9 Post by ike jones » Tue Oct 29, 2013 9:11 am

This next race, I am DONE being nice about it and waiting.
3 best ways to pass a geriatric-

1. Kick their walker out from under them.

2. Push their "Help I've Fallen!" button.

3. Put a Denny's sign out on the trail.

"No more mister nice guy, no more mister clea,ea,ea,ean"- forget the rev limiter, they don't wear their hearing aids while they ride. :wink: :mrgreen:

tip to the old and slow guys (like me)-
you need to stop and smell the flowers every now and then, let the whippersnappers by.
Last edited by ike jones on Tue Oct 29, 2013 9:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: I have held back long enough (Rant to the Senior Class)

#10 Post by KTM SLIM KARL » Tue Oct 29, 2013 9:29 am

I am going to try to make it this week end just to get some seat time before the Arena cross starts My bike is 350 sxf with a 365 big bore kit and I geared it for Arena cross it is going to beat me to death. I will be in the 700 class.
#750 Karl Hersh when you come up on me just yell LOOK OUT KARL and I will get out of the way!! P.S I have the only bike that has cookies on it.
Lets have some fun Shredder you just mite catch me on the 2nd lap I can block for you. :mrgreen:
People I am just joking about that!!
And by all means do not poke the bear!!He gets very mad
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