Thank You!

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Thank You!

#1 Post by shredder » Mon Oct 21, 2013 8:34 pm

I ride the senior class (well I try to ride). At the Milford race my bike didn't fire up quickly enough so I tried to pull the front wheel and hammer it in the sand in front of Pam, Alisha and my wife. The roll out was good, the balance was good, throttle was good and trajectory alignment was good. Well if this much gas is good then why not add some more....Right? Anyway I spoke with Jadan after the race and he said it started as a swerve and turned ugly fast as the rear went wild and I wadded it up in front of everyone at the start. I got it up and my act together and realized my bark busters got twisted up so badly that I couldn't get my hands on the controls. Crap, I was watching all of my fellow classmates run away from me and taking any chance of participating further in my tight points race fading fast. Still in a state of shock I realize I smashed my left wrist under my body and twisted it and I had no strength in that wrist at all. I was surprised to see that it was even still connected to my arm.

Out of no where a guy appears in my face, holding my bike and checking the whole situation out and says "want me to try to get it down?". I say yeah! He was wearing a jersey but no helmet or protection at all and as the bikes are whizzing past us as he just wails on my bark buster and gives me my race back. I sincerely want to take the time to thank you properly here. I seem to be getting more than my fair share of help lately from my Forward Motion family and it means a lot. I was surprised at how quickly everything went to the crapper but even MORE surprised to see a fellow rider get on me double quick and saved my day. As a side note I came back to pull out a 3rd to make us both proud. Thanks brah! You da man! :wink:
I hope you at least see this post and get your thank you proper. Anyone who risks their own safety and throws all caution to the wind to help another guy out like that deserves more than a grunt as I pull away but I had the air knocked out and couldn't thank ya properly!
You rock! Thank you, thank you thank you!
Dennis Tschirhart - #1000 something

If your going to scuff it, scratch it, crack it or break it, always do the best job you can!

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Joined: Sat Jan 05, 2013 10:17 pm

Re: Thank You!

#2 Post by Mlacey » Fri Nov 01, 2013 6:37 pm

Your welcome! I was just glad you weren't hurt and the bike was a quick fix.

Matt Lacey

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