Milford race reports

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Milford race reports

#1 Post by Speedysdad » Mon Mar 24, 2014 12:10 pm

Wow, for a cold day it sure was nice.

Too bad Jim Brawner missed the race his boys raced hard all day. Alec broke his subframe off and it was being held together by his exhaust pipe. That will give him something to do.

Well to the B race. Collin decided he could not let the field get a head start again if he was going to run with the front of the class. We picked up a 2012 350 xcf on Sat. looking for any advantage. Collin put 2 hours on it Sat evening, decided it was pretty racey, and decided to race it Sun. morning. Start was about 7th. Not bad after watching some of those big classes funnel down into the first turn. The 350. of course was gone and later said he had some great racing with the 356. Sorry to see the 350 on the sideline early, lCollin said he raced at a brisk pace with the 301 half the race and hadn't seen anyone. He thought he was the leader. When he realized there was someone in front of him he buckled down and charged the last three laps. Passed the 356 who raced him hard for over half a lap. Great racing in that class. No matter how fast Collin races that 311 just keeps stalking after him. Lots off fast kids in there Jason, better not wait for them. They are all setting there sites for you. Also keep an eye out for that 14 yr. old 388 that is toooo fast.
Jim Wright

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Re: Milford race reports

#2 Post by WireFryer » Mon Mar 24, 2014 8:35 pm

Not my normal Race report... just gonna' do it Jeff Cooper style and keep it simple.

OnTheRocks is the last thing you want in your truck cab, when it's under 65 degrees F and the clock just ticked over to 6am.

A good friend loaning you his race bike so you can give an honest opinion on it's off-road abilities and to help you out in the points, since both of yours are toast at the moment...., is not always a good thing :| .

It felt really funky driving up to Milford on race day morning from home, not from School creek campground A..., first time since '06'.

Tim and Mark at the gate did not inspire hope, they made me want to build em' a fire to warm them up! (the dogs where fine, running about looking for McDs handouts, shameless :roll: .)

Great crowd for the morning show, primary concern was getting out of the wind off the lake.

Of note is the fact that all the classes that lined up in the kitty-litter bowl starting area, 1st and 2nd race, where very well populated! (look at the results, seems we are a going concern at the moment!)

Shredder ran the board for both races, and he got a twitcher in the 600 Class! (happy for him, and somewhat jealous to boot.)

Since it's cold as a witches mammary gland, very few of us back-half folks run a practice loop till the fast mover show is over.

The Fast-Half show was Kick-Ass! Dog-fights up and down the ladders!

During my practice lap, I make the decision to run the loaner bike one race lap to get on the books, and park it before it kills me.

I've raced early model YZ490's... this thing scared me way f'n more.

Having to control a silly amount of power in all it's aspects during a race is one thing..., NOT being ABLE to control a silly amount of power in all it's aspects during a race, is a whole 'nother stripe O' cat.

Last time I checked... us Vet40 guys where supposed to line up behind the 800s? Dan?????

Since I didn't have a dog in the fight, I button-lit at the drop of the board and looked about at my Grand Class Compadres' kicking away. interesting... the Deere has one useful application.

Motored along behind the pack, not wanting to mess with anybody's race, we hit the putty-tat :roll: 2 root uphill at mile 2, dry as a bone....

And it looked like a Sell-A-Thon of one of the Major dealerships!

You could hear them piling in, thumproar... thumpziing!

Had this kid on an 80 next to me that did a pretty good job of thinking thru it.

Mrs. Stretz got VERY lucky when 30' of plastic ribbon out on the peninsula choke point, wrapped around her back wheel, with all intentions of coating her hot back brake rotor/caliper with melted plastic, and rendering them toast, but the wind was in Her favor , and a lil' branch grabbed it and held it firm. gp.....

Heard somebody broke their leg/ankle in the second show.

If you give Dan the time.... He will make it interesting, loved the OldSchool stuff!

Ted...., keep us up to speed.

I do like my new class, other than the Major break-out :shock: ...

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Re: Milford race reports

#3 Post by shredder » Mon Mar 24, 2014 8:41 pm

I worked the race and got to get ya all started. Man i get off on that so much...dropping the board and watching the bikes come to life and feel the roar as they tear by - wow - way cool. I tipped it to 15 seconds to quickly and someone starts her up! Dan whispers ...move very very slowly as these guys are cocked, locked and ready to rock. (something like that, maybe "not so fast you idot! Your gonna get us killed - ?)

Back at scoring I had a front row seat as Alec's sub-frame goes fubar. He looks it over - got some advice - hmmm - still goes! Whamo - off and up the hill he goes! What a trooper! Man THAT was messed up!!! (still very, very funny!)

I enjoyed watching Tucker, Macon and Zack rip it up but even better was #4 and #5! They just battled it out all day. I didn't realize because of the new numbers it was Jadan and Zack. Jadan kept on the after burners but Nick got him in the end. (Did I really say that?)

Ol Bob Angel made it back to the track. He is sporting new hardware. New plate and screws. Not on his bike but in his ankle. I was hoping it was going to hold up but I suggested he just take it easy and go out and have some fun. Well he sure did! He was looking great and pulled out a fourth! Aint to shabby my man!

Poor ol WireFryer. After one lap he looked like he had just hand mixed an entire yard of concrete with a hoe (gardening tool you fool!). As He came thru scoring he got off his loaner green machine 450, laid it over on it's side, and hooked a chain to the skid plate hooked the other end of the chain around his waist and proceeded to crawl to the pits. That combination was a good deal faster and much easier than trying to ride the damn thing for sure!

It was cool watching ol PK rip it up too once I figured out who the new dude was in the new threads (he looks better wearing a beat up ol hat and a shotgun hanging from his wrist).

Dan struggled with the computer screen that went down. Kept trying and working on it. As he began slamming his head on the scoring trailer Tim stepped in and got er going (thanks Tim...I was afraid Dan was gonna tip the trailer over!)

After a long day (two races is a lot of work) I headed up to the head just as the trophy ceremony was winding down as potty breaks are few and far between, walked by my Jeep and saw the flat tire. Crap. I looked down and saw the new screw sticking out all polished on the end. Before I could even react some dude is standing there with an air tank. "Figured you could use some air" he grunts as he slams the tank down. We got enough air so it at least was up graded to "low" Well thank you my guardian angel - I got to a station, topped it off and made it home safe and sound.

Milford was way too much fun - cant even list half of it here...I woulda made it shorter...I just didn't have the time! :wink:
Dennis Tschirhart - #1000 something

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Re: Milford race reports

#4 Post by slomojo » Tue Mar 25, 2014 8:27 am

I feel better and much more informed now that I've read The Shredder Report. :D
Joe Lederhouse
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Re: Milford race reports

#5 Post by TEAMBRAWNER » Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:04 am

Race started out kinda cold, figured i should wear a jacket. At the end of the second lap i was regretting that! Got 4th in the hole shot, a few miles in my brother Nick missed a corner and went off the course, so i got around him. Chased down Pleasa and took a different line at the end of the lap and got around him! Started to reel Macon in, got on his tail then crashed on the big down hill, which led to Tucker passing me. Got up pushed hard and caught back up to Macon, yet crashing again. Ended up finishing 3rd overall behind Macon! Decent day overall, fun course just need to keep it on two wheels more often :) ! Looking forward to Walter Ranch. Thanks to all my sponsors: Letko, Fly Racing, and Mom&Dad. :D
~Zack Brawner, 121

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Re: Milford race reports

#6 Post by Speedysdad » Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:56 am

slomojo wrote:I feel better and much more informed now that I've read The Shredder Report. :D
Missed you Joe.
Jim Wright

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Re: Milford race reports

#7 Post by JayShafe8 » Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:09 am

The cold morning turned into a beautiful day. Snow on the ground during the practice lap turned into dust in the air for the second race. Overall it was a fun Milford with lots of action. There was flowing trails and tough sections that made the course fast yet challenging. I was riding the 250xc on Saturday until I heard a dreaded "pop" and the engine died. My dad and I tore down what we could to find out what was wrong, but couldnt find a culprit. The engine would fire but something still didn't sound right. (Dad found out it was a reed last night) So I took the 350xcw for a spin on Sunday.

Started off mid pack and ran the first lap with the group. By the second lap I started taking the sneaky faster lines to make some quick passes as I tried to keep 347 in sight. He just kept pulling away from me! I got around 388 and ran 5 STRAIGHT LAPS with him right on my tail. Our lap times were identical the entire race. It was very tough to run mistake free and keep him behind me. He showed his wheel a couple of time and I did what I could to stay in front. In the end we finished 4 and 5 as I came in before him. Heck of a race. We sadly couldnt close the gap on the top 3. 301 and 347 kept out of our sight. Anyway it was a fun race and I am pleased with the competition and results. Thanks to Letko Cycles and Pumpkin Patch Racing for the machines. And thanks to James Mellinger and McKenzi Petty for taking awesome photos, they are posted on Facebook so go check them out! Excited to see everyone at Walter's!
Jared Shafer
A Class | 8
KTM '17 300xc

Thanks to: Letko Cycles, Moose Racing, Bullet Proof Designs, Motorcare, Decalworks, HeavyD, Mika Metals, EVS, TiLube and Pumpkin Patch Racing.

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Re: Milford race reports

#8 Post by Laurentheracer » Tue Mar 25, 2014 1:52 pm

What a day! It all started with getting up way too early to pack into a truck with Inthedirttv, the super fast #244, and the moto dude from Chicago (MCC) and drive 3 hours to Milford Lake without slipping off the road due to the ice. When we got there, I saw #311 looking desperately for his warm coffee at the gate.

I woke myself back up and warmed up in the trailer at sign-up, trying not to mess anything up and get everyone's $$$. I was really impressed by the number of people who came out of the race as both spectators and racers. Thank you to everyone who raced the morning and stayed to watch at least some of the second race! We like having spectators just as much as you fast guys (and girls) do!

After watching my KTM-riding husband dominate off the start (holeshot) and finish 2nd, it was time to gear up and ride with #624 James Mellinger, from Chicago, on a practice lap. We came in a little late after being stopped on one of the hills by another rider. I showed up to the TWO 800s rows and my stomach sank! Luckily, my friend Carley had a spot next to her and she moved over for me. Here is where my luck runs dry... my bike didn't fire so I watched the whole 800s class ride off before I could chase them.

I caught a few riders in the first few turns and we finally came to the nasty, rutted, sharp left turn hill that caught the entire 800s, 900s, and 1100s class (as mentioned in a previous report) back up with each other. The guy who came in behind me had on the same gear and we chatted until the other bikes started moving. I was REALLY impressed that NO ONE tried to cut other people off and steal spots during this time. It was hard not to try finding another way around or try to go up the hill while others were waiting but we all waited patiently. Way to go everyone!

I spent the next couple of miles trying to pass other riders and make up spots. I waited patiently behind someone (I can't remember the number) and finally revved my engine to signal a pass in the open section. Unfortunately, at the same time, the guy in front of me moved over into where I was going and I ran into him (SO SORRY!). My leg got caught between the two bikes and I was in so much pain! Luckily, adrenaline kicked in and I shot up, picked up my bike, said "I'm okay" to the guy who stopped behind us and rode off.

Thank you to ANYONE who moved over for me as I was racing my way back to the front of the class. I specifically remember at least 3 people who heard my "woohoo" or engine rev and moved over in a safe place. It really helps BOTH riders out because not only do you have that person off your butt so you can breathe, but the other rider gets to keep going at the speed they WERE going. It is SO hard to get stuck behind someone who is going slower than you when you're trying to get back to the front OR stay in the front. You lose ALL momentum and the people ahead of you just keep getting further away. Can we all just agree to help others and move over when the time calls for it?

Enough with that little rant... I caught Carley finally and yelled "Woohoo! Let's get 'em!" during an open section before a big hill. Carley is an AWESOME competitor and I'm lucky to have her as my friend! Side note, Destiny caught me before the last lap and MAN was she HAULING! Nice job on your 1st place finish girl!

Also, did anyone see a sign that said "LADIES" out there? Haha.

Finally, I came from dead last (28th) to finish 8th and earn a plaque with my brother's picture on it! Don't forget to bring your plaque to Walter's Ranch and have him sign it! :wink:

This teacher is tired... I'm out!

P.S. Thank you to McKenzi Petty for the awesome photos! Check yours out on Facebook, her page is called Kenzi Photography.
Thanks to my sponsors: Jeremy Stretz #244, Mark & Jonette Shafer #311, Motocross Ladies, Letko Cycles, 100% Goggles, Maxima Oil, EVS Sports, Fly Racing, DeCal Works, Gaerne Boots, Bell Helmets, Atlas Brace, DP Brakes, Larry Beardsley CPA, Innerzyme, and AutismMX

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Re: Milford race reports

#9 Post by ktm1991 » Tue Mar 25, 2014 4:17 pm

Milford was a blast thanks to everyone who helped put it on! Well things were different from the get go Sunday as I made the trek to the race on my own as my Dad is broken and needed the day to relax! I pull up to the gate and instantly get crap from Russ and Mark about the stupid green things on my handlebars, kind of a nice welcome back to FMHSC! Practice was cold and spent the whole lap freezing and not paying attention to the course at all. Once the board dropped I got a good start and tried to relax and settle in but that didn't last long when I saw KC behind me I knew I needed to keep him behind me but he had some lines picked out and made a move before I knew what happened! So I tried to keep him close but he made a couple more quick moves as I was struggling to get around Jay until he crashed. I had some open track to work with finally and put in a charge and caught Jeremy and put some pressure on him til I had to pit and he was long gone! Tried to catch back up but never closed the gap and rode a boring 4 laps to a 3rd place finish! Ready to get Walters underway and take another shot at KC and the newer improved pumpkin riding Jeremy!
Ryan Grun
2014- #10
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Thanks to my sponsors: Cycle Zone, Novik Gloves, Spy Optics, Answer Racing, Motorcycle Closeouts, Arnone's Lawn Care and My Mom and Dad.

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Re: Milford race reports

#10 Post by shredder » Tue Mar 25, 2014 8:31 pm

slomojo wrote:I feel better and much more informed now that I've read The Shredder Report. :D
You were missed my man.
Dennis Tschirhart - #1000 something

If your going to scuff it, scratch it, crack it or break it, always do the best job you can!

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