Things I forgot

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Re: Things I forgot

#21 Post by shredder » Sun Mar 30, 2014 5:00 pm

To Chad,
Oh my gosh Chad your one of us! I was there when you came into scoring to try to make it right and yes I think Dan Johnson was there when you tried to report to. You did worries.

I am not a doctor but cramps come on because of a rapid loose of fluids. Try hydrating yourself well 2 days before a race. Orange juice and banana's are a great way to add potassium and magnesium to lessen the cramping or keep them at bay. When we race in rocky areas we can sometimes tend to over work ourselves by holding on too tightly, lessen your death grip a bit and grab the bike more with your legs - it adds stability and give better control. Elbows up as they always say helps too. (By the way I'm probably the last person here that should be giving racing tips...ask anyone!)
Dennis Tschirhart - #1000 something

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Re: Things I forgot

#22 Post by blister » Sun Mar 30, 2014 5:41 pm

Sounds good. Thanks for the words of wisdom, encouragement and advice. I'll try to better hydrate days in advance and not overwork the forearms but until I'm no longer just holding on for dear life I'll probably have to deal with the issues. I sure can't give any riding advice, but I am an Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Physical Therapist. Hopefully you guys won't ever need my skills, but if so, let me know. I'd be glad to help.
Chad Joyce. #1040
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Re: Things I forgot

#23 Post by shredder » Sun Mar 30, 2014 8:30 pm

Well Chad what gave you away was your term "bilateral leg cramps". I figured you knew more than a little about the body! Look me up at the race, my wife Stacey (white Honda ATV) and I usually camp out Saturday night and always have a table set up for chilling out and BS'in. We drive an old Tioga RV and a double axle white trailer with way too many stickers on the back. I'm #1022 and run your class. You could even come by after the race too.

Oh by the way the first of the year is the rocky tough stuff because of the spring rains it helps to do Collins, Milford Lake and Walter's Ranch during this time. You picked a real rocky, bouncy way to get into this sport. The races get much smoother (and better as far as I'm concerned) as it's gets warmer. The folks involved in the Forward Motion Series are mostly a warm, considerate, helpful family ready to lend a hand if you just ask. I've had parts zip tied back on, flats fixed, heck I even got a (used - of course) rear TIRE for crying out loud from a Devon Turley friend and ol Bill Thomas mounted it up before I could even get him a Coke! Now THAT'S racin my friend!

By the way I was one of the 2 guys with a clipboard when you came through scoring to fix your delima. (which also tells us you wear a white hat, one of the good guys) I couldn't help you too much as our job is to keep writing down the bikes as they come thru in case Dan needs to go to the sheets if the computer craps out.

All I'm saying always go to the trailer and someone will get you an answer or they will get you someone else that can get you an answer. I have forgotten to leave my helmet with the bike more than once, trouble is I'm not a rookie and I should know better! Oh and by the way don't think your the only sore guy from last race, we are all at least a little sore but I'm probably the loudest complainer!
Dennis Tschirhart - #1000 something

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Re: Things I forgot

#24 Post by blister » Sun Mar 30, 2014 8:56 pm

Less rocky and smoother...that sounds real nice. Dennis, I'll look you up in a couple of weeks at Walter's Ranch.
J. Chad Joyce...#1040
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Re: Things I forgot

#25 Post by Btrigg88 » Mon Mar 31, 2014 10:55 am

blister wrote:Less rocky and smoother...that sounds real nice. Dennis, I'll look you up in a couple of weeks at Walter's Ranch.
Hang in there Chad. Your first two lap times were very respectable. Try and make it to the Thurman Iowa race if you can. It's 100% rock free. The real challenge comes when the temps heat up. Enjoy your new expensive hobby. Looks like you can give these old guys a fight (I can say that because I'm over 40).
Brian Trigg
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Re: Things I forgot

#26 Post by Tank » Wed Apr 02, 2014 3:14 pm

Hang in there Chad. I also ride in the vet 40 class this year. I rode in the 900 class last year and I don't have very much experience in the woods. My bike looks like a great big John Deere tractor going through the woods and handles like one also. :mrgreen: Actually I kinda suck, but it is fun and the people are really great. I get passed a lot and have tried to get out of the way of the faster people as soon as I can possibly do it. Unfortunatly when I do find a place that is maybe large enough for me to pull over and let the faster rider go by, I end up crashing. I do believe that I have more footage of the ground than I do of the trails on my GoPro!!! :shock: I know that the other guys are trying to fight for a position and everything, but just know I am and most other riders are trying to get out of the way. It is hard to be patient when in the heat of a battle, but cut us a little slack. When I hear someone behind me with the woowoo. I will show them that I do know they are back there and when possible let them by. If I don't get out of the way fast enough for you then I am sorry to hold you up, but we are trying. :)
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Re: Things I forgot

#27 Post by Harvey Mushman » Sun Apr 06, 2014 2:32 pm

Tank, did you just buy an '06 300XCW at CZ this weekend? If so it was my old bike and I have the MSO for it if you want it.

'06 #917/703, '07 #77, '08 #75, '09 #1017, '10 #713, '11 #1017, '12 #1017, '13 #1017, '14 #1017, '15 #1017, '16 #1017 and so on...

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Re: Things I forgot

#28 Post by Tank » Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:04 pm

Pm sent
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Re: Things I forgot

#29 Post by Grand master » Thu Apr 10, 2014 10:01 pm

It's all about speed? Unfortunatley you are incorrect. Speed is a measurement because one cannot measure will, pain and desire to be the best you can be. It is all about age and by the way all you guys that are whinning about turning fiftey I will still be around to watch you turn my current age. In about 10 years you will be waking up the morning not knowing what the hell has happened to you and you will have to have your wife help you get dressed for work. Ya, it is an age thing and you guys are about to find out the reality of it. The hearing part and loss of sight is a small part of the aging process. The real problems you will be facing is reaction time and coordination. They will start to leave you at about 55. I am turning 60 this summer and you want me to jump out of the vet 40 class? Get real and remember I graduated from the Brad Lackey and Jim Pomeroy school of racing.
Tom Brunholtz #1035 riding, an 8 year old bike with no button start

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Re: Things I forgot

#30 Post by quik406 » Tue Apr 15, 2014 11:14 pm

^^^ Nobody?


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