Merwin Race Report 2014

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Merwin Race Report 2014

#1 Post by Gibber » Mon Sep 15, 2014 10:54 am

"HOT DOG!" What a day. I haven't raced Merwin since 2012 and I remember now why I liked it so much. This is one of my favorite places to race even though I am not a Motocross guy.

Had an OK start although not as good as I have been having. I lost the advantage of my bike starting so fast on the live engine start. I should have gone in to the woods 6th but Todd # 1063 decided that was his spot. So I settled in at 7th on his tail pipe and hoped he made a mistake.

Sure enough about 1/2 way thru the first lap it happened. On a tricky drop off into a creek then a hard off camber left thru the trees he lost his line and got tangled up in a tree. That was my chance. I had to put as much woods between us because I knew if he was on my tail when we hit the motocross section he would pass me. Todd can be a little braver than me when he is determined!

I hit the motocross section well in front of Todd in 6th then tried to flip my bike over backwards on the big table top. Decided I should be rolling the jumps like the old man I am instead of trying to act like a Kid. I did the rest of the race and I didn't get bit and my speeds were still decent.

The next lap started pretty smooth and uneventful then there was Todd again. Darn It! Now we're racing again and he has really turned it up. By the end of our 3rd lap our times were matched. He tried to pass me a couple of times at the end of the motocross section as we went in to the woods for our 4th lap but on the last turn back in to the woods, Todd on the outside I see his fender on my left, click it up a gear, grab a handful of throttle and just hope my tires hold. They did and Todd let up. Then comes 959.

I have to give credit to Chris # 959. I had no idea who he was but I knew Todd was right behind him. I wanted to let him go but I couldn't slow down. I gave him a couple of opportunities to pass which he took but then the course got the better of him and I passed him back. At this point I had to run my own race and Chris was going to have to stay where he was or figure out a way to pass me on his own but I couldn't let up and risk getting passed by Todd.

Chris was cool about the whole deal. Every now and then I would loose him but sure enough he would be right back on my tail before I knew it. He pushed me to go faster but didn't try to run me over. I feel like I ran as smooth and clean a race as I have all year and it is only the second time I have exceeded our class speed average. Woo Hoo!

Well, Come to find out, somewhere along the line I passed 1099 to move up in to 5th and on the last lap Todd ran low on fuel and had to switch to reserve which cost him quite a bit of time. So 5th place it is and for now I'm back in 3rd. I'm sure that will change as soon as Shredder is back out there hauling the mail on his Husky! BTW. What is up with Joray???? 4 laps on a flat tire and still gets 2nd. EEE GADS! Good job John. And the same to Tom #1035 for 1st place on his "Suzuki / KTM" Hybrid! LOL. What a sense of humor.

P.S. On another note, I understand there were a couple of incidents where JR's were passed by faster riders and knocked off the trail. I think this is pretty crappy. Most of the JR's are pretty dog gone fast but there a few beginners that just aren't sure how it all works. I know if you get behind one of these it can be pretty frustrating but there is no justification for running them off the trail. As a better faster rider it should be your responsibility to figure out how to get around them without ruining their day. Beside, wouldn't you feel pretty cruddy if you ended up injuring a 12 year old kid just starting out in the sport all for a plastic trophy???!!!

IF you are that competitive and it is so important to win please feel free to move up to the AA class where Macon, Jaden and the rest of the AA crew can run "your" tail over. BTW, one of these culprits finished 9th in his class. Really! Come'on guys.

Well, that's enough. Sorry for the rant. Kudos to Dan and the property owner for an awesome race.
Too bad about the controversy over the AA class but good job for Jaden taking the high road.

Thanks to Letko, Olathe Ford, Commercial van interiors, Adrian Steel, Kranz of KC, Foust Fleet Services and Supreme Corp.

Go Team Letko!
Steve "Gibber" Gibbs
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Re: Merwin Race Report 2014

#2 Post by jimpres » Mon Sep 15, 2014 2:38 pm

I got a decent jump off the line about mid pack but was able to take a tight line around the first left hand turn and get 3rd heading into the woods. I was able to get a bit of a lead on the 4th place rider and things were going great until about half way through the first lap when I came in too hot on a sharp left hander so I hit the brakes a bam right into a tree. Picked up the bike and 3 riders passed me luckily the my bike was still running and I was able to get going quickly and by the end of the first lap I was able to catch up to the pack again and was in 5th.

Lap 2, I was right behind #1031 and tried to get past him on the MX track before heading into the woods but no luck. I kept right on his tail trying to get him every chance I could. I tried to go inside on a corner he’d block me I tried to go out side he’d block me. On the straight wide open stuff he would pelt me with roost(man did that hurt). Finally we came to an area with 2 lines not sure if he was tired of me tailing him or just took the wrong line but I saw a chance and pinned it and was able to come out in front. Then I was gone (or at least I thought I lost him).

Lap 3 was uneventful just riding by myself most of the time and then as I came through scoring I saw #1031 right behind me coming on fast. I have never finished better then 8th in my class and wasn’t going to be denied 4th place so I picked up my pace and put a little distance (very little) between me an him.

Lap 4 was more of the same riding alone then seeing #1031 catching up and picking up the speed a bit.

Lap 5, I was getting excited I knew if I kept it on 2 wheels this was going to be my race to finally get a top 5 finish. All was going well but I never could get too much of a lead on 5th place. Then about ¾ of the way through the final lap I was feeling great and all of a sudden I hear silence my bike died. I was out of gas. As I rolled to a stop it came to me hit the reserve so I did and started kicking my bike and I couldn’t get it going again so I could only watch as #1031 got by me. I started kicking like crazy hoping to get one more shot but instead I just got tired. Then #1036 passed. Finally the bike started and I was off again and finished in 6th.

Lesson learned just because you have never finished 5 laps before and haven’t run out of gas you still need to top off your tank after the practice lap. Big Dummy!

Great race I had a blast.
Jim Presley
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Re: Merwin Race Report 2014

#3 Post by JoRay » Mon Sep 15, 2014 6:32 pm

Good race report Gibber1036. I know I can't believe I held it together for four laps on that flat but you did tell me to put a heavier tube in and I am pretty sure that helped stiffen it up just enough. I can't believe the tire didn't try to dismount itself.

Myself I like the live engine start with a nice long run to the woods. Got to love the 450 for that one. Well the gate drops and didn't quite get the good start I was hoping for and of course there was Tom 1035 right there in front of me. We took the long sweeping right and cut the next corner to the left tight and up the hill to the first jump and there is no one in front of me. I pushed really hard and was pulling away and not to far in was a hard right that I am guessing someone over ran and Tom and me had to make a quick turn around and get back on track. They had it fixed the next time I came around.

First lap ended and Tom was not all that far behind me and he never really was pushing me but I think about half way through my second lap the bike just wasn't handling like I wanted. I didn't even was to slow down and take a look so I just kept pushing. I got to the timing gate and stopped and asked a guy if I had a flat and he gave me the bad news and Tom was right there. BUMMER. Before we got to the pond I waved him by and was thinking of quitting. I dug down and thought I would keep going until the tire came off the rim. It never did. HELL YEAH

Ok so I'm not running the pace I want and was expecting to get passed by more of my class. I even stopped for a 30 second chat with my wife down in the woods. Wasn't much longer and here comes JP1050 Toms ride to the race and his buddy. I didn't put up much of a fight and let him by. Then I got to thinking I can't let Tom have any more points on me. JP and me swapped places a few times and on the last lap I got around him and he pushed me hard but I persevered. I came in 3 seconds in front of him for 2nd place. Good racing JP it was fun and made the race more interesting for me.

Got back to the pits and David Martley's bike is half taken apart and he point to a stand and says park it here I'm racing your bike in my race. lol We put his tire on my bike and it was off again. Between practice laps and two races that was 100 plus miles on my bike for the day. Probly should clean the air filter.

Thanks to Lauren and Jeremy Stretz for the use of the very nice 300 KTM they let me ride to sweep the second race. Very cool

Thanks to RJ for a the best track of the year for me. It flowed nice. I am glad he took out that southern part of the track that can get pretty tight and rough on the rocks. I used to not like the woods riding there but the course has really worked itself in.

I have gone on long enough so JORAY1027 out.
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Re: Merwin Race Report 2014

#4 Post by J.P. » Mon Sep 15, 2014 8:45 pm

Talk about awsome weather for racing!!! This race ended up being one of the better races of the year. It had almost as many roots and rocks as Thurman making it a little more technical than I though it would, I think I still have arm pump.
Starting the race, I got second to last on the hole shot :oops: the old "e" button didn't give me any advantage this time. Some how by the end of the 1st lap I was in 3rd place. During my practice lap I thought I'd be loosing time in the open area's being I only have a 250 F, but race mode must have kicked in and I was able to capitalize on a few riders mistakes. I didn't see too many riders on lap 3, passed a few 800 and 700 riders but almost half way through lap 4 I started seeing dust and eventually caught up to John (1027), I followed him for about a mile and then he pulled over letting me by. Once I passed him I think he realized it was me and got back on it and passed me within the next mile. I kept up with him until we made it out on the Motocross portion of the course and rev'd my 250 as much as I could to try and clear the step up onto the table top. John didn't get on it as much and came up a little short so we drag raced down the hill to the first corner. I took the inside line and took the lead and managed to stay in front of him to the finish line. John stayed on my butt for the entire 5th lap not giving me any room for error. I decided to take an easier line about half way through the lap and John jumped on the chance and passed me. I returned the favor and kept on his butt the rest of that lap, passing some of the 800 class and 900 class riders in short order so not to let him pull ahead. I though I could pass him on the motocross track again but John was on a mission and showed me the difference between a 450 and a 250 on the straightaways. I managed to keep within 3 second of him through the finish line and was pleased with the out come, after all he earned that 2nd place win!
That was some good racing! I was waiting for him to make one mistake to get 2nd place back but John was on a mission and pulled it out, come to find out with a flat tire to boot. Good racing John, kudo's for sticking it out with that flat and holding me off.
J.P. Fay
2011 KTM 350 XC-F

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Re: Merwin Race Report 2014

#5 Post by shredder » Mon Sep 15, 2014 8:59 pm

I just got back in the states Sunday afternoon. Even though I was in Cancun on the beach enjoying the crashing waves of the ocean under my thatch hut 50 feet from the outside bar listening to the music with a drink in my hand, I was actually thinking about all my comrade's and sizing it all up.

Just like when I'm out there on the track, don't think for a millisecond that I'll miss a single letter of your post's or race reports. Just like I know JP drops his shoulder just before he gasses it to go inside for a pass, when Joray doesn't let off on a hard straight one more moment to get you as we drop in the woods, when Todd breaks at the first turn after the start and those red bull eyes staring at the track ignoring everyone else, or when Tom raps it hard one second before you do and stands his bike up as he is passing you right at the apex of a turn (by the way I am going to learn how to do that Tom, even now I know when your going to do it but I still don't have a defense for that....YET). Nope I'm paying attention. Tom has the #1 spot locked in for sure. I think only a miracle can help help me now with Joray but we ride for the battles and I'm sure with Gibbber, Stickney and Todd getting hotter as the season progresses I'm positive that all hell is going to be breaking loose.

I want to say John Joray you are a danm fool for pushing a bad situation like a flat tire like you did. Your bike is on the verge of being out of control at any given moment.....wait a second....well I guess we ride like that anyway...and... I guess I respect that! After all that's how I beat ol slomojo last lap at the last race at Carbondale last year but holding off JP while running a flat is like trying to get off a 3 day sun baked bug kill off the windshield. The harder you work to scrape it off, the bigger it gets and the better it holds on!!!

I'm still not ready to order any new numbers just yet so don't expect me to flinch if you polish a boot buckle or two with with your front wheel, I'm a fighter when it's tighter and I'm grinning when I'm winning!

You guys are tough. You guys are awesome.

Dennis :wink:

Are the post's getting better or am I just so race starved that they read better?
Dennis Tschirhart - #1000 something

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Re: Merwin Race Report 2014

#6 Post by yellow jacket » Mon Sep 15, 2014 9:02 pm

FAKE SHREEDER REPORT: With the Shredder off in La La Land, I thought that I should entertain the troops. The Merwin race was just wonderful. The weather was great, the track was tough but fair, the owner was fantastic and as always the competition was tops. My practice lap went perfect and I felt very good about the days activities. How things change at race speed. The track was just eating me up, missing corners, trees appearing out of nowhere and I managed to hit every rock out there. Lets go back to the start and get to the best part. I knew my Yoshimura KTM would easily pull everyone else with a gate start. No button starts to worry about, just dump the clutch and let everyone see what an 8 year old 2 stroke can do with the stock piston and rings. I was not disappointed, that bike loves to get on the pipe and breathe. Unfortunately, I missed the first corner and Big John blew by me and lit it up. I caught him when we both chose to blow a corner and had to back track. After that John just disappeared, there was nothing I could do but settle in and do my thing. Lap #2 gave me some clean track and I started laying down some good time. When I came around to scoring there was this guy in the scoring lane, guess who, Big John. Something was up but I could not figure it out, a few corners later he just pulled over and waved me by. This had my brain going crazy. Was it a bike problem or was he just playing with me. I knew this was his home track and I surmised he was just going to ride my tail until I t-boned a tree. I looked back after 5 minutes and he was not there, it finally dawned on me that it was a bike problem. Smacked my head on a tree on lap three and for 15 minutes, I thought that 1051 was right behind me. I will have to inspect that helmet this week. By lap 4, I was making mistakes again. My energy was drained and I was looking for the checkered flag, but, it did not come and I had to do lap #5. I was toast and the mistakes kept on coming, at one point I was holding up all the guys I had passed in lap #4. As I entered the finish line I did not have the energy to stop and congratulate the rest of the guys. I must admit the mx track had me salivating. I have been doing mx since 1971 and to get out there and play was more than I could stand. I just lit it up when I got out there. I even toyed with some A rider who was practicing as I came around on lap #5. I did not back down from him and it caught him off guard. Well, that's my story and I am sticking to it.

Tom 1035
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Re: Merwin Race Report 2014

#7 Post by Ed M » Tue Sep 16, 2014 9:04 am

I never knew that working the scoring lane could be so interesting. When the 1000 class came through the first time I noticed that rider #1035 Tom B was on a very strange looking KTM. The give away was that under his front fender was yellow, the bike seat was yellow/blue with the word SUZUKI on it. First time I've ever seen a faux KTM before, although I'm sure the Chinese are trying to figure out a way to make one, the sharpie added KTM on the front fender and radiator shrouds just made my day.

The second time the 1000 class came through Mr Joray pulls over to me, I'm expecting him to tell me there is a rider down somewhere, instead he asks me if he has a flat tire, I had to ask him to repeat the question because I'm not sure I heard his request correctly, he asks again and as I look at his rear tire I give him the bad news yep he has a flat rear tire.

Third lap through Mr Joray asks if he still has a flat tire, I say yes you still do and get a good laugh about it. BTW great ride on that rear flat.

My riding buddy Jim Presley #1099 also ran out of gas on the last lap. Normally (and I don't know why he does this) he doesn't top off after a race instead he waits until the next race does a practice lap then tops off. He forgot to top off and it bit him on that last lap. Luckily for him a sweep rider asked him if he had the bike on reserve or on.He switched it over and off he went. Cost him two positions.

After the first practice session and first race I knew of seven flat tires. One young man had a flat front and rear after his first lap.

I will say this - over 99% of riders slow down in the scoring lane. There is that 1% however who think they need to be on the gas in that lane. SLOW it down, if you can't make up time on someone in 7 miles out on the course then you won't in the 60 feet of the scoring lane. We slow you down for your safety and to ensure that computerized timing/scoring and backup timing scoring (someone writing your number down) gets it right.

One last thing, looks like the course was fast and flowing, almost half the junior class made it three laps and a couple of them ran out of gas also.
Ed M

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Re: Merwin Race Report 2014

#8 Post by Gibber » Tue Sep 16, 2014 12:08 pm

Shredder, I only have you by 1 point but you can rest assured I will be doing everything I can to keep my position. I'm tuning up my bike for Melvern, eating my vegetables and watching "On any Sunday" over and over!!!

Tom and John may run away with the Class but the real battle is going to be 1002, 1036. 1063 and 1049. Folks better bring their cameras because there are going to be some Vet 40's racing their butts off for the next two races.

Look forward to seeing you at Melvern. Can't wait to see your Melvern Race report. I figure at least 2 pagers for #1002 alone!!! LOL

See you on the 28th. Or is it 10-5? Don't worry Shredder. Just hang loose and I will call you! :lol:
Steve "Gibber" Gibbs
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Re: Merwin Race Report 2014

#9 Post by shredder » Tue Sep 16, 2014 6:08 pm

The Melvern race isn't for 11 days 17 hours 14 minutes but who's counting? I'm online and found out Rocky Mountain, Donnell's, RevZilla, BTO Sports and the Super Store are ALL out of Whoop Ass. Not a single drop in any size...ANYWHERE. (call them and ask - they will probably just hang up on ya!)

Anyway through my Fed Ex connections I found out 12 gallons was over nighted to Steve's (Gibber), 4 gallons set 3 day ground to Tom's place, 3 - single gallon cans sent to Stickney's place with a "signature required", and 10 gallons (2- five's) shipped two day air to Big John's and finally a 55 gallon drum was received at Todd 's shop. HHMMMMMMMmmmmmm.... I gotta say fella's I'm feeling a little left out here. I didn't get a memo...........Also what is the voo doo that Tom do to his ol hard thumpin fire breathin 2 smoker?
Dennis Tschirhart - #1000 something

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Re: Merwin Race Report 2014

#10 Post by shredder » Tue Sep 16, 2014 6:10 pm

From now on it's going to be

Melvern...Clash of the Titans!!!

One size fits all, not legal in all states, must be 40 years old to enter, over dose of Melvern can make you tired, not FDA approved, use caution when delivering whoop ass to others - can cause inflated ego, leg and arm cramps, hunger and possible frustration if not used as directed.
Dennis Tschirhart - #1000 something

If your going to scuff it, scratch it, crack it or break it, always do the best job you can!

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