Epic Turn at Melvern! post em here!

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Epic Turn at Melvern! post em here!

#1 Post by shredder » Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:52 pm

Wow! What an epic race, on a great day at the best melvern yet. Yes the dust raised hell with my eyes as due to fogging up I had to drop the goggles and just run my glasses. Tom and JP didn't disappoint and backed up everything they've been putting out, FO SHO!!!

The track had had different sections added in and I really am not totally sure where (except that one place where Todd and I tried to run Dan down after a wrong turn at the little barn and yellow taped off area.) The track was stitched together for a slower track and more turns making it much safer - especially in the dusty conditions.

I got a bad start so I muscled my way aggressively all the way to the woods for a 6th into the woods. I did appreciate the "love nudges" from behind from Todd - they kept me alert and very much awake - I'm guessing Todd might be one of the guys "I muscled aggressively" with in my run to the woods. Well I do want to say something to all the dudes I may have shared paint with today..."Bring it to Carbondale!"...of course!

Glad to be back. Did everyone see that the 1000's row had a meet and greet session before the sign dropped? Stacey was snapping shots and most of us are all off our bike BS'in with each other when we realized we all had a job to do - way too cool!!!!! Stacey has many shots of all the dudes lingering around going bike to bike - heck even Ed was down there! That was cool!

I am sure I did a personal best today. I only slid out twice and pushed it HARD all day. I finally caught up with JP in the MX section late in the day and when I went to pull up more energy to put him away ...well...I got nothing left. Ran 6th to 5th and held 5th most of the day and caught up to 1099 just as we went into that tough, tight single track section right before scoring - every friggin year I get burned right there, well not this year Charlie Brown! Right at the dog leg when 1099 committed to the hard right hander I saw a perfect solution and trimmed off the corner, hit the limb with my face, smashed in my glasses into my face, the pine branch rips me back off the seat so I whiskey throttle the front wheel up accidentally - just enough to clear that log which slams my front wheel back down and brings me to a stop. In my panic I squeezed the clutch lever in to hold on for all I was worth while staring straight up at the sky and BOOM! all stoped, engine running , in first gear, upright on the track centered perfectly and in front of 1099. SWEET!

I go 30 more feet to the finish trying to figure out what just happened. 1099 pulls up and instead of just sucker punching me off my bike he congrats with a fist punch. He goes HOLY COW MAN, WHAT A PASS! From now on this is what I will call "the panic pass"...It's the equivalent to a 4th and goal hail mary pass in football with 2 seconds left on the clock...either way, you got nothing to lose- right? - Anyway pulled out a fourth which considering the company I hang with, well there is no shame in that at all. Great race dudes! :wink:

I'm sure my payback check is in the mail Mr. 1099. I know it stings to be robbed right at the line my good sir. Your only recourse is to burn me at Carbondale!
Dennis Tschirhart - #1000 something

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Re: Epic Turn at Melvern! post em here!

#2 Post by Gibber » Sun Sep 28, 2014 8:38 pm

Well, I'm just glad all the Vet 40's have a good sense of humor 'cause my race today was kind of a joke. I think I owe JP an apology. I was not trying to block you when you went for the pass on the 1st lap I was just holding my line. I figured you were going to get me and the best thing I could do was just stay put. Sorry about that. :oops:

I really loved the course and have been looking forward to it all week. However, my rear shock has been leaking oil and I have put off getting it rebuilt. Big #$*@ing mistake! My rear suspension was like one of those bouncy balls we rode on when were kids. Damn near put me over the handlebars in the whoops on the back side of the course twice. :(

The enduro section had me super tense. Maybe because of the rear shock. I don't like to jump anyway then add in the bounce in my tail section and I must have had a death grip on the bars. Probably explains the arm pump. :?

Despite getting third in the hole shot I lost spots on every lap to end in a twelfth place finish. EEE GADS! Then put Todd and Shredder on rails to clean my clock and now I have a battle to keep 4th. Come'on Carbondale. :mrgreen:

Really was an awesome course. I have never raced it but I think Shredder is right about the lay out. Doesn't seem as fast as I was expecting which is fine by me. I just wish I hadn't put off fixing my rear shock. :roll:

No more crying the blues. Still a good day. Nothing broke, me or the bike. Awesome weather, great dirt and at least I wasn't last. I'm still hanging by a thread in fourth and Carbondale has been a good course for me. So I will see you guys in a month so we can wrap this season up! 8)

P.S. Everybody who passed me was cool. From the few 600's that lapped me to the 900's that caught and passed me and of course all those Vet 40's that got around me. All clean passes. Thanks guys. :D

Thanks to Letko, Olathe Ford, Supreme Corp, Kranz of KC, Adrian Steel, Knapheide and Foust Fleet.

Go Team Letko!
Steve "Gibber" Gibbs
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Re: Epic Turn at Melvern! post em here!

#3 Post by blister » Sun Sep 28, 2014 10:07 pm

I'm glad to see you vet40 guys so faithfully giving your race reports, especially since I couldn't be there. I missed Merwin due to my son's football game and Melvern because I was dual sporting in CO. I've missed the fun of racing with you guys. I plan to be in the mix at Carbondale.

Additionally, thanks for being so welcoming and helpful. This was my first year of racing and you guys really did add a great deal to the overall experience. I hope to attend more races next season.
J. Chad Joyce...#1040
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Re: Epic Turn at Melvern! post em here!

#4 Post by bugler » Sun Sep 28, 2014 10:57 pm

Well, I started out practice with the jumps section by the starting line, then I stopped the engine to talk to someone. Unfortunately the engine wouldn't re-start. Feeling dejected, I pushed it back to the pits and as I went by the Stretz's tent, they offered to help me check it out with only 30 minutes before the start. I was so happy to have the help as I forgot to bring my tools. We replaced the sparkplug and cleaned the carb float bowl and jets, and got it running again!

On the start line, it didn't start and a friendly observer offered to give me a push, which did work. I got off and going in last (17th) place with my work cut out for me! I made sure to not fall down or kill the engine because it might not start again. Ended up with 8th, a very good day as it ended up, thanks to all my wonderful race family!

I also got to see my old 2006 KTM 300EXC, which I traded in '09. The new owner was parked next to me, and I made a new friend.
Jay S. 2013 KTM 300 XC
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Re: Epic Turn at Melvern! post em here!

#5 Post by luke_liechti » Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:43 am

I had a nice start to the race with finally getting the bike started as the 700s were about to go then got a flat third lap in out of 5. I love 100% goggles but there not bug proof
4th lap had a bug crawl into my eye so that took a minute to dig out but overall it was decent race
Luke Liechti
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Re: Epic Turn at Melvern! post em here!

#6 Post by jimpres » Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:23 pm

Another great race at Melvern. I had a great start and ended up in second after the first corner and right on the tail of 1051 just hoping he’d make a mistake and I could get by to my surprise I did and felt what is was like to be in first however short lived it was as 1035 blew past me on one of the fast sections. Shortly after that going into the tight tree section 1051 found a short line and jumped into second and both were gone.

The 2nd and 3rd lap I was able to maintain 3rd but 1050 was pushing me every bit of the way. After pushing myself pretty hard to get away and not getting anywhere I figured I would ride to my ability and he would have just have to find his own way around me.

On lap 4 I got behind a 900 rider and was searching for a way around him when I found it I realized I missed the short line and 1050 took this opportunity to fly right by.

Final lap I was in 4th and knew Shredder was right behind me I picked up the speed a bit and was able to put a little distance between us. Going around a tight 180 turn I clipped a tree and dropped my bike. I was able to get it up and started without getting passed by Shredder but he did catch me. Going into the last long straight I knew if I could just hold him off there was no way he could pass me in the trees before the finish line. I made it and was feeling pretty go about myself thinking I did it. All of a sudden I hear the roar of the Husky and holy crap he passed me. I would have been mad but man that was a great pass. Thanks for the lesson Shredder.

Still my best finish ever. Thanks to Ed for the pics and video can’t wait to get you in the mix at Carbondale.
Jim Presley
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Re: Epic Turn at Melvern! post em here!

#7 Post by MadManMoto » Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:24 pm

who was the poor chap in the 500 class that did a header over the big tire right after the start? That was gnarly! Hope he is ok...
Rich Dawson
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Re: Epic Turn at Melvern! post em here!

#8 Post by Tank » Mon Sep 29, 2014 3:37 pm

The starting line was awesome with meeting all the Vet 40 guys and shaking hands with them. Met the former owner of my 2006 KTM 300. He was actually pitted next to me. It was sure great meeting you and hope to race with you some more in the near future. Wirefyre was pitted on the other side of me. He looked good and fast today. Shredder was back and looking really focused. Wadedog was also in the pits near me and I really wish he wasn't moving soon! Great guys all of them!!!

Before the start of the race I put my Camelbak in the back of my truck to keep it cool and closed the door just as I was stating that I broke my mouth piece by slaming it in the door a few races ago. Well when I tried to close the door I heard a thud and said I hope that wasn't the mouth piece again. Guess what? The mouth piece is broken again and water was leaking out. Lost most of my water before the start of the race!!! :evil: I actually got a decent start and was in the mix going into the woods. Not sure where I was in the pack, but it was sure fun trying to fend off the rest of you guys. A tree somewhere in the woods really took the wind out of my sails after the barn. Quickly went to the back of the the pack and that is where I stayed. No big crashes this time, which means that I am maybe getting used to the bike and not trying to ride over my head. Came across the timing in 16th place.

Second lap was good, but getting hot. Did not hydrate myself very well before this race and my mind was starting to wander. Stopped and sucked down the rest of the water and was not riding well and making lots of mistakes. By this time, was getting lapped by the 600's, 700's, 800's, and some of the 900's and 1000's. I was spending more time letting other racers by and staying out of the trees. At the end of the second lap, decided that I didn't want to hurt myself by continuing and getting in the way of others and called it a day.

It was great fun and that is what I am here for. Met lots of great guys and had a great time. Watch out, someday I may get my mojo straight and will be right in the mix with you all! See you all at Carbondale!!!
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Re: Epic Turn at Melvern! post em here!

#9 Post by J.P. » Mon Sep 29, 2014 8:27 pm

OK guys, my hands have finally loosened up enough so I can work my key board. I gotta say there was some awesome racing going on, and not just in our class. My son took 3rd place (#878) and it was only his third race of the year. He hasn't been able to get much seat time with us old guys seeing he is in college and the Kansas Army National Guard. Also, I guess Tom got the right amount of down force calculated for his front fender to keep him on the ground. Although I swear there was a brief moment where he was floating above the ground as he blew by me, but it may have been his roost peppering me and blurring my vision.

The start of the race went pretty well, I was 4th after the hole shot as we started into the field, as it turned out Tom wasn't far behind me.
I guess I must of miss placed some of my industrial Velcro on Gibber and Jimpres's rear fender because I was stuck to each of their fenders for at least a lap. No harm no foul Gibber, you held your line I just made a rash move at the wrong time to try and get around you. That off canter corner I went down on had a nice soft landing being loose dirt and all, hence why both my wheels pushed out trying to pass you on the outside only to execute an epic pass fail. :cry:
It ultimately cost me two places which took me a few laps to make up but pushed me even harder.

Once I passed Gibber at the start of lap 2 in the first whoop section of the enduro MX section I started to focus on the next rider, 1099. As I got closer I wasn't sure if I'd seen this 1099 at any of the other races this year but I certainly made up for it during this one, I got a real good look at his rear fender staring at the end of lap 2 into lap 3. :shock:
While trying to reel him in I pushed out in a slight down hill sweeper corner on loose dirt and rocks and to my surprise ended up on my side again. I hit hard enough that I broke my Contour camera off the side helmet mount and it dangled their the next 4 or 5 miles only held on by its safety tether. A little distracting to say the least, I certainly didn't want to lose the thing. I had closed in on him just before the finish line, and while rolling through I ripped my camera off the tether and tossed it at my wife's feet (which I later found out bounced and smacked her square in the shin, oops sorry hun :oops: ) She calls it her racing injury.
I almost got caught up in the "following the leader around to the easy path" game mid way though lap 4 but caught myself at the last second and pulled it left down the hard steep drop off to make the pass around Jimpres and the 900 rider in front of him. At this point I had to dig deep and put whatever distance I could between them to firm up my position knowing shredder wasn't far behind. With all the switch backs it was mentally challenging being able to see and hear the other people in your class making it seem like they were closing in at what seemed like every corner. I can recognize that 300 Husky growl anywhere. :wink:

I managed to hold it together and keep a firm pace until finishing lap 5 in 3rd place. A lot of the riders in our class hung out at the finish line to talk and congratulate each other. We may push it to the limit during the race but that's where it stays, everyone has been a class act this year and I commend you all for it.
I'll see you all in Carbondale, enjoy your month off :twisted:

BTW, I called Hasbro Inc and apparently they no longer sell the "A game", guess everyone will need to rely on just raw talent for this next one.
J.P. Fay
2011 KTM 350 XC-F

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Atlas Brace, Acerbis, OGIO, Dragon Alliance, Dunlop Tires, Torch1 Racing, Braking and Decal Works.

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Re: Epic Turn at Melvern! post em here!

#10 Post by yellow jacket » Mon Sep 29, 2014 8:34 pm

W.A.G.W. "What a great weekend". Got to the track on Saturday and played UNO until midnight. Morning came early and spent most of the morning looking for Big John. Practice lap gave me a taste of what I would be eating the rest of the day. I had prepared the Suzuki for an ultra fast race with my 9 gallon gas tank. As it turns out the track was altered and I just loved it, although I was carrying 45 pounds of fuel on board. Those guys that set these tracks up are just the bomb. They are so creative with what they are given.

Knowing the season is coming to a close, it was fitting that the 1000 class actually was wishing everyone safe hunting before the flag dropped. We know when to turn off the testosterone and when to turn it on.

The endurocross section was a motocross section to me. I ate that stuff up, since I have been doing MX since 1971. JP and myself had been very busy in the last two weeks installing a NOS unit on old Suzuki. When that old girl got out on the long grass section, I was lucky it did not catch the grass on fire. KTM really needs to buy some of these motors and stick in their bikes. It is a shame that there are so many orange bikes out there and only one yellow one.

I want to thank all the guys for pushing me past what I thought I could do with this old frail body. There will a lot of us bumped up to another class next year and the magic will be gone. Lets go out in style at Carbondale.

Tom Brunholtz

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