Big Springs Race Reports

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Re: Big Springs Race Reports

#11 Post by jstr244 » Wed Apr 29, 2015 12:12 pm

Job well done all around on this one! Perry prepped that place to perfection, and mother nature played right along. 8)

At the start of the race I got a little squeezed off coming into the first corner and had to let off, putting myself in last place of the front row guys in the process. I didn't help myself shortly after that by making a few early mistakes and completely losing touch with the class. I've got to say, the speed at the beginning of the race is something I'm having a difficult time catching up with! After I lost touch, I tried to focus on railing every corner and pushing hard to get back in the group. No matter how hard I was charging, I couldn't catch back up. I did get a LOT of practice passing, albeit passing riders from other classes. Nice job to everyone that let us guys go by, the trail width helped out a lot in passing situations. I had a great time running full tilt through that track, though. Eventually got caught by Brennen who was haulin' the mail with Jared in toe as a crossed the checkers. Nice ride guys!

I'd echo what Jared and Ryan said about considering this place a split race in the future. I seem to recall this being brought up last year because the dusty conditions made it somewhat more dangerous; However this year was totally different and it still seemed dangerous at times to pass groups of riders while everyone was trying to race. I hate telling other racers to 'press pause' on your race and let me bye, but without the yelling and engine revving to notify someone of intent to pass, no one moves over. And when a rider isn't moving out of the way, you get forced to make a pass, sometimes not in the best position. It just seems like the more fair thing to do would be to let everyone have their own race by splitting classes up. I understand that isn't always the easiest thing to do though, considering it requires doubling the efforts of everyone involved (2x start, 2x scoring headaches, 2x awards (resulting in smaller turnouts to each of the awards)). Definitely not a decision to be made lightly, and it'd be good to hear what others think on this as well. If the riders being put a lap down don't seem to mind, then I'd be fine working around everyone again next year.
Jeremy Stretz #244
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Re: Big Springs Race Reports

#12 Post by PK » Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:59 pm

dvl104 wrote:Hero dirt all day. That was alot of fun. Don't get out much to play but glad I did Sunday. A couple of the small rocky creek sections were challenging and the enduro cross rock garden was good when it was a little wet. Red Bull arches looked great, nice touch. No issues with the single race format. That course had plenty of places for riders to move over. I feel that that is part of race. Some racers are better at the passing than others. Thanks Perry and Lea for having us out Sunday good times.
Thanks Dave. You get it. We can remember when a lot of these kids were lappers too.....
Perry Keegan

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Re: Big Springs Race Reports

#13 Post by hart92 » Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:05 pm

Great race conditions! Thanks to Perry and his crew, Red Bull and Bel Ray for putting in a big effort to make this race atmosphere seem really professional. As far as my race, I pulled the Holeshot and rode a wide bike keeping Shafer and Ladd behind me for 2 laps. We caught lap traffic at the start of lap #2 and knew I was going to have to pass the other riders quickly in order to keep first. Well I made a couple bad line choices passing the other riders, and Shafer and Ladd made the pass on me. I figured as long as I kept them in sight I would still have a great finish. Well that didn't happen because of a flat rear tire into lap #4, I barely made it back to the pits as the tire was spinning on the wheel. Anyways had a great time, and also prefer single race formats over split races anytime. Thanks to Letko for the great support.

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Re: Big Springs Race Reports

#14 Post by blister » Thu Apr 30, 2015 7:25 am

I got out on the 1000’s line, right in the middle, and looked around to see a great turnout of riders in all classes. Great fun to see all of you lined up row after row in front of me. 1044, Jason Schupp, pulled in and lined up on my right…quick high five. And then 1019, Kip Niswanger pulled up on my left. Looks like the Manhattan boys were going to own the middle today, eh Kip. I had my best start so far. 3rd into the woods. The 450 lit right up and I was gone. Thought I was headed into the woods in second but a bullet train, #1025, thought otherwise. My first thought was ole Bill Thomas, 1010, might have hired this guy to sweep me out like I did to him at Milford. Well, he missed Mr. Bill!

Going pretty smooth and then we hit that log jam at the little creek. 1, 2, 3…1025, 1054, and myself pulled up to the rear. Looks like we considered being patient and wait our turn and then we see Schupp pull up on the left. Thought he might get by on a better line. Wait till you see the video, it’s classic, you can see all three of us look over at Schupp and then immediately freak out and twist the throttle. Look out 800’s and my apologies if that was too aggressive in there. 1025 and 1054 wisely jumped out of the mess onto the ridge of the creek to the right and I found myself stuck in the middle. I was too far in and couldn’t do the same and follow. I went into super freak-out mode. My sister saw my video and scolded me. “Jeez Chad, you big jerk…why don’t you just start throwing some elbows next time in there. Maybe you should just reach over and push that guy over while your at it!” All joking aside, I’m still not sure and still considering if I maintained proper etiquette in there. Feel free to critique.

I ended up coming out that jam still in third place among the 1000’s. Soon noticed Schupp right on my tail. That was the most fun of the whole race. He really pushed me. We went, I would guess, 4-5 miles with him challenging me at every other wide spot or corner. He finally went by along with one other 1000. First lap finished in 5th. Jason, it was good to meet you today and I really enjoyed chatting with you before and after the race.

2nd lap, I had several other classmates pass me, including Gibber and Shredder. I knew Gibbs was back there. I was having some fun keeping him at bay….yeah right, I know you were just playing with me dude. I made a bonehead move taking a right at the fork in the road. It proved to be a much slower path. Little did I know Shredder was right behind you. I watched, as if in slow motion, the both of you just cruise right on by as my path came back to intersect the one you two were on. Dang’it! Think I remember Sexton going by a little later. And then my friend and former Manhattanite, Mike Dillingham #915, goes screaming by literally screaming “Hey Chad”…scared the crap out of me. Good race man, you were flying there. I’ve decided you 1000 guys are fast. My new strategy:
1) Repeat of Big Spring…get out in front off the start
2) Doubtful, but assuming I completed item 1, if I again see Schupp, Gibber, Shredder, Niswanger, Sexton or any 1000 rider on my tail, which is bound to immediately happen
3) Freak Out
4) Make my butt as big as possible
5) Find every mud hole and throw as much of that stuff in your face as possible.
Good, right? Seriously though, after you guys went by me, I appreciated how fast you are. I enjoyed the chase and trying to keep up.

I finished the day in 10th. I kept it on two wheels the whole race, which is unusual and really quite amazing for me. Until my skills improve, this is about as fast as I can go. This was a super fun course for me. The enduro cross section was very cool. I like that type of stuff a lot.

Attached is my GoPro video. Man, I love this thing. If you don’t want to watch, here is the summary:
1) 1000’s meet-and-greet on the line
2) Starting gates
3) Log jam,
4) First lap highlights, including enduro-cross section
5) 2nd lap highlights of me getting passed by nearly everyone in my class...and several 900's...and several 1100's

Shredder and Gibber, you be sure to watch till the end, though. I made a special tribute to you both going by at the same dang time. Awesome, I suppose!

You guys have a good week and God Bless. See you at Carbondale.
J. Chad Joyce...#1040
05 KTM 450exc
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Re: Big Springs Race Reports

#15 Post by shredder » Thu Apr 30, 2015 6:15 pm

I was going to lay it DOWN but the Gibber actually got on the throttle an instant before I did. I hate to say it but the Gibber put more poo poo in the vroooom vroooom. I would have loved to friggin drop the hammer on ya both, then I could cross that off my bucket list.

You do such a great job in the editing room Chad! Man I really enjoy watching your footage. Thanks for posting! :wink:
I think I'll go watch it again............................... :wink:
Dennis Tschirhart - #1000 something

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Re: Big Springs Race Reports

#16 Post by orangecrush » Fri May 01, 2015 7:48 pm

Well Eric here(#1046) just wanted say I was really surprised how Big Springs course turned out. Seeing a big turn out was really exciting. I never raced here before. I looked at the course around the pitting area and told myself, it kinda of looks like Walters Ranch. I grew up riding in gnarly stuff. My boys asked me if I was going to pre ride the course. I told them, I don't do that anymore and it doesn't count.

This is my boys first year of doing peewee races. I been spending a lot of time getting them up to speed and teaching them how to trail ride when I can. I have been away from racing FM about 8yrs., raced 2002- 2007. My boys wanted to see dad race this year, so I went and got the bike out of hibernation added new parts and changed 7yr. old oil. The bike is really a hand full today. I am not as young as I once was. I was hoping my boys would take up riding so it would give dad time to ride again. Found out that my riding gear is so old, that I have to make use of duct tape just to keep things together.

1st lap- Parade lap yehaw. Bottle neck, I thought I was driving rush hour traffic and now stuck in traffic jam. No where to go, I see Ed behind me, I shutt the bike off thinking my chances of finishing this race was going to be a disaster. Someone opened up a line to the left. I followed them because I couldn,t wait any longer or see what the trouble was. I realize that line was not part of the course. The 900 class started pushing and shoving. I later went through the correct way for the rest of the race.
I went thought scoring, I was in 7th place. I feeling good. Obsticle course, I was not sure if I could make it through on two wheels, it was fun.

Lap 2- Repeat lap 1 only hunt down every rider in front of you. Make clean pass and chase the next guy. Why is it if I catch you and all of a sudden you want to drag race. Guess what? I pinn it, wait until you mess up and I will make the pass. This track was getting better and better each lap, it reminded me of Russelville, MO. Came through scoring, I was in 3rd. wow I was surprised just how everthing was working. Rear brake working and front break not fading, handle bars are still holding in the mounts and have not come loose.

Lap 3- Repeat lap 2 stay on two wheels and leave the trees alone. It was hard to stand up and ride. Someone needs to carry a 10ft pole with them when laying out the course. If a branch touches the pole, cut it off. I was constitly getting my bell wacked, forcing me to have to sit. Good thing I don't have a GO PRO it would be laying somewhere on the track. When I came though scoring the monitor said I was in 1st place. I started to have tears of joy. Then I realized I wanted to keep it. I told myself keep your pace, don't crash, hurt yourself or you might finish last. It really is embarrassing when your pass a youth rider and being extra careful not to scare them. Be polite and say thankyou. Then ounce you get by, you turn it on and blow through the next corner or tangle with a cedar tree only to find yourself being past back by that young girl that was riding slower than you. Yep I did it twice on two different riders that I passed. Pushing too hard on the last lap. I don't expect to finish ever race that way. I was trying to remember what it was like to be racing again.

I haven't finished a race in first place since my younger years racing in the trailrider class when I just got my new bike. I was learning how to ride the thing. Race was at Heartland Park Topeka, KS.

Everyone have a safe weekend at Carbondale. I don't plan on going. Staying home and working on boys bikes and getting them ready for Ballard race. It is more about them then me.
Eric Schneider
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