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#1 Post by shredder » Tue May 05, 2015 7:02 pm

Hi folks I'm new here and I didn't make it to Carbondale so I was wondering what happened there?

I mean gosh Jadan Johnson over Tucker Smith with only 8 seconds - wow! Gotta be a story there

or, or, or, or,

David Mead 1084 over Steve Houghton 1065 by just a few seconds??? There's just GOTTA be a story there????????????


Golly Gee Willikers - Did ANyBODY even try on of Karl's FAMOUS cookies???????

CMON! Throw the dog a bone here!!!

Wirefryer - didn't you run backup sheets?

Oh for crying out loud!!!!!!!!!!!! :wink:
Dennis Tschirhart - #1000 something

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Re: Carbondale

#2 Post by Weissbeck » Wed May 06, 2015 10:55 am

Every time I go to the races I’m reminded of that MasterCard commercial priceless. 100 dollars in gas, 40 dollars in ice, water, Gatorade, snacks, 60 dollars entry fee, 20 dollars gate fee, spending the day with the wife and kid “priceless”

This is the second year with FMHSC, Randy Wade, who I used to work with, talked me into going. After the first race at Big Springs I spent the next 30 min in the fetal position, I think the temperature that day was 100 degrees. As I lie on the ground, not sure of my surroundings Jimmy Brawner come over and congratulated me on finishing the race. He said “your hooked”.

I don’t remember the 1000 guys being this fast last year. I went from bottom mid pack to last. I plan on getting a new jersey that says (The line forms here). My excuse is I cracked a bone and tore my ACL, had surgery last Thanksgiving. Yes flipped the bike in the back yard.

Fourth in the hole shot, strange start. Someone crashed in the class ahead of us, so the course was altered with maybe 10 seconds before the board drop. Out of the corner of my eye noticed that some poor soul didn’t see the altered course and went flying by the new turn.

The guys in front of me disappeared; I pulled over and let the rest of the class by. Then the 800’s then the 900’s. My boy hollered at me as he passed, always nice to hear.

Course was great, Weather was great, People were great. I had so much fun.

Really noticed the sweep riders, thanks for always checking on me.

If you left after the first race, you really missed some entertainment. My new favorite rider is that kid on the TAGGED 525

Troy Weissbeck (1014)

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Re: Carbondale

#3 Post by shredder » Wed May 06, 2015 7:15 pm

WHEW!!! Tanks Troy for wetting my beak a little. It's ok that the ol Wade Dog got ya into this because we won't hold that against ya! Ol Randy said he might be able to make his way to a couple of races this year - maybe - and I hope he does. Had a lot of fun running with the Wadedog.......yup.....yes sir.....

OK, we still only have about 150 hits on this thread so let's see if we can bounce up the ratings a little and keep the interest up by getting the posts up to and possibly over 2 and try to provoke a response from someone else....Hmmmmmm it's gotta be a good yarn....not tooooo long though.....hhhhhhhmmmmmm.....ok....this outta get us to at least 4hunny by sunday evening......Allllrighty then!

The percentiles always run about 3 or maybe even four points higher than normal at Carbondale. Dan and I have tried to figure this phenomenon out before and simply put, due to the topography and or track layout and or zig zags it's really only possible to go "moderately fast" in certain sections - even the fast guys. So us slower - more human older guys get higher percentile because our speed is closer to the top speed or fastest speed of the day thus resulting in higher percentiles.

Let's see, who is a good example?....hmmm......let me find someone who ran Carbondale both last year and this year...... I can't use myself because the residual radiation emitting from the crashed UFO years ago - still emitting radio waves into my carbon fiber helmet and visor made me crash my bike in practice last year while Bob Angell and I went on a practice run before the race, yup, broke my wrist and left foot........

OK here we go!....Take Steve Gibbs for instance, last year his average percentile was 70.8% He ran last years Carbondale at 75.5 percent - his highest percentile of the 2014 year.
Steve this year - Carbondale is his highest percentile of the year so far and he ran a 78.5. I know that Steve is not a sandbagger - he always goes all out every time we race - the epitome of an honorable and respectable racer (don't tell him I said that of course) - but at Carbondale the percentiles always just run faster. Just a weird deal.


Tim Haney or Wirefryer has information about that spacecraft that crashed out there, rumor has it that most of the spacecraft burned up on re-entry and thus all the loose carbon piles out there. Wirefryer was the only one alive and able to walk out after the incident. Apparently he had a stack of beer cans piled up so high that when he passed out in his lawn chair only minutes before the crash, the beer cans shed him from the momentary heat blast and radiation emitting from the smoldering craft. I know he still has nightmares about and please, please, NEVER ask him about either. He will probably just act like he has no idea what your talking about anyway to help cover it up. One time he tried to post some stuff on here and a five black suburban motorcade shows up and took him away for a few months. He really aint been right ever since. He tries not to ride there, I mean hells bells sometimes he won't even bring his bike - so as not to trigger the events he has experienced out there......I'm thinking he didn't ride this year too. Yes, that's right he just worked the clipboard at scoring. When he turned in his clipboard at the trailer all he had written on it was crude UFO crash sketches. Dan just takes the clipboard like nothing unusual at all and mailed them off to some unknown government agency based in the middle of the desert.

Anyway I shouldn't let this out but the point is there is a small tear in the space time continuum there at Carbondale and time doesn't run normally. I have, myself raced a space creature that rides some little tiny two wheeled thing that kinda looks like a dirtbike and the alien wears a little green helmet - looks just like Kazoo! That is, if you are old enough to even know who Kazoo is. Kazoo is REAL!

There! If this didn't clear it all up for you and your now just as confused as ever - then great! You and I are at least on the same page!

Look, there is an idiot in every group of people at any gathering, so if your looking around and you don't see the idiot....well then my friend look around some more, because if you don't see the just might be you!:wink:

Last edited by shredder on Fri May 08, 2015 12:01 am, edited 5 times in total.
Dennis Tschirhart - #1000 something

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Re: Carbondale

#4 Post by toothmaker » Wed May 06, 2015 8:33 pm

Shredder you are way to funny, I just got back into racing after a long break. Karl Hersh aka (slim fuji,ktm karl,kooke, ) coaxed me out of retirement. I try to get 1 race in a year. I did the big springs race and I found out just how out of shape I am. My body ached for a week, then Carbondale was here my buddy karl was going to be here and a good friend Terry Sanford was going to come out of retirement and show us a thing or two. Well Karl showed up but no Terry.
So my start at Carbondale was horrible, and that quick turn just put me around 7th or 8th. I kept that position and watched people make mistakes and I capitalized on them,then there was a train wreck in the woods, I was just far enough back to pick a high line around everyone,which moved me up pretty fast. My goal was not to Fall down, try not to get tired and keep my pace, I caught 1019 on the first lap, I had know idea what place I was in until we came through scoreing, I saw he was first and I was in 2nd, He got on the gas, He was really faster then me , but he blew a corner and thats where I slid by. I stayed in first but I new he was 1 corner away from me. On my 3rd lap I asked Dan as I went by is it over, Please let it be over, I was dead tired no water, my knees were killing me, and I could not feel my hands. Tim Haney yelled at me, Pull it together man, or maybe that was my subconscious talking to me, It was all a blurr, somehow I was able to latch on to the back of a 800 rider and follow him to the end.
All I can say is I had a GREAT TIME! I got to see old friends and talk about the good old days.

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Re: Carbondale

#5 Post by shredder » Wed May 06, 2015 11:48 pm

now THAT"S what I'm talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the post. Now I truly understand T-Climber and ol Slomojo when they read my race reports and say "I felt like I was there dude!"
Dennis Tschirhart - #1000 something

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Re: Carbondale

#6 Post by WireFryer » Thu May 07, 2015 4:14 pm

They don't send the "Burban" squad anymore, Dennis.... drones are cheaper :mrgreen: .

Since my freshly rebuilt 250 XC-f engine decided it would be Great Fun to not start but Also lock up about 7pm Saturday nite, I quickly arranged with Dan to drive a clipboard all day long backing up the computers.

That poor guy that went down before the Grand class start, stayed down for quite awhile but was up and moving before the 1st race was over, most likely with a bitch of a headache.

Remember one thing when hitting Scoring boys and girls, slow down and get read.... both by the computer AND whoever is doing backup. The first lap of the first race I had a mix of the first 3 classes come blitzing thru, over 30 riders in 60 seconds and I flatass missed 3 of you because of the congestion.

We got it sorted out before the second lap, but putting a 10 foot gap between yourself and the nut in front of you helps everybody... you can catch em' at the exit no problem :wink: .

Watching the AA dogfight was worth showing up for... Jadan and Tucker where on eachother like NewlyWeds, and never backed down.

And Joe... I wasn't encouraging you at all, I was loudly accusing you of being a sandbagger! :roll: .


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Re: Carbondale

#7 Post by shredder » Fri May 08, 2015 10:07 pm

Well cool! Looks like we broke 4hunny on thread hits and it's only Friday. Looks like we kicked up enough dust during all this rain to muster up at least a little entertainment to break up the first week of no racing anyway. I'm going to get my bike fixed up to racing condition and see ya at Beer Ranch.

Everyone have a great Mother's Day weekend. :wink:
Dennis Tschirhart - #1000 something

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Re: Carbondale

#8 Post by jgordo » Sat May 09, 2015 7:52 am

I had to sit on the sidelines on Sunday and watch all the races...helped out my old buddy Matt Williams in the second race. He went down really hard at the start and got pretty beat up. He is a tough old bird and even with a clearly messed up collarbone wasn't about to leave until his two boys were done racing! I had surgery on my knee 5/8...was hoping my ACL was the one thing intact, well hell no!! Doctor said it was frayed like the end of a rope. In other words instead of trying to get back by Drexal I will be hanging out in scoring until 2016! My wife has been pretty understanding, she did ask me to consider moving to the 1000 class and have fun instead of keep being super competitive and getting hurt. At least I'll have some company in scoring for awhile and someone that might move with me!!
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Re: Carbondale

#9 Post by yellow jacket » Sun May 17, 2015 6:37 pm

If you want to know how Carbondale whet, ask Gibber. He summed it up for a lot of us.
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Re: Carbondale

#10 Post by shredder » Sun May 17, 2015 6:47 pm

Dennis Tschirhart - #1000 something

If your going to scuff it, scratch it, crack it or break it, always do the best job you can!

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