Beer Ranch Reports - We Did It!!!

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Beer Ranch Reports - We Did It!!!

#1 Post by shredder » Mon Jul 20, 2015 8:59 pm

Well it was worth the wait after all. The parking was just fine and the track was great too. Well marked and even though I considered it "backwards" it flowed nicely. Yes, Yes, I know there was those few greasy spots and the slick off camber that kept us on our toes but for the most part it tacked up great for the first race.

We brought Landon, our 3 year old Grandson with us which didn't speed anything up at all. We blew a trailer tire and still had 18 miles to go so I limped it down the road and got to the race later than I liked. I got back from sign-in and realized I had literally 5 minutes to get dressed out, fuel my bike and get to the line. When I got there every one was gone except the little guys so I took a big breath and made it some "PAYBACK TIME".

I rode pretty hard and didn't stop for that messy bottleneck on lap one at the hill climb. I went right 15 feet and ripped up the hill on a cow trailish deal and slipped right in at the top. I missed that short cut lefty at the creek 4 times but the last lap I got it right. I didn't realize I had found any classmates till the last lap I saw someone just hit the afterburners and tore out like his hair was on fire and his a$$ was catching. I found more than I knew I had and chased him down and it was #1044. I think we pushed each other to ride over our heads. He hit that three base wrong which gave me my chance and it stuck. I found out Jason got taken off his bike by that confarded tree branch- thing. Pulling out a 4th place was a surprise given the company of guys I race with. Man I wish I coulda put my bike up next to Bob Angel and see how we woulda went to war on each other.

My last lap was my fastest lap and I'm giving credit to Jason Schupp #1044 for pulling me thru 3/4 a lap, on a hot day because without that spark of lightning and a position to fight for I'm not really sure if I had any more fortitude left in me. I was so tired that I didn't want to go home and get my spare tire and go back to the race and mount it up so I just loaded up the trailer on the right side, aired up the one good tire up to 70 psi on the left and drove home.

By the way...Would that guy who saw me do that front wheel slide/cross up/ endo thing where my bike landed upside down (still running - ouchy) with the handle bars square and frame square to the track, please tell me what the hell happened? I got up and went to search for my bike out of the bushes and trees and this dude stops and says "are YOU ok?" I said "yeah, I'm Fine" to which he replies "That was the one of the weirdest things I've seen." Turns out my left wrist and thumb got porked by some type of thorns - almost like a snake bite. Arm and hand so swollen up today they look like a brat left on the grill too long - x-rays say no breaks. Anyway nice guy - please post or pm me on what the hell THAT was all about. I really don't even remember anything going second I'm running hard on the edge and the next second I'm in the bushes and in the corner of my eye I see the bike doing this endo - half twisty flippy thing and I was afraid it was coming after me....AGAIN!
Dennis Tschirhart - #1000 something

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Re: Beer Ranch Reports - We Did It!!!

#2 Post by Justin Mc » Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:54 am

Sounds like you got a locust thorn Dennis. Those things will mess you up.

My race went great for my first one this year. Got the hole shot then got hung up briefly on that off camber and killed it. Managed to get started and off still in first. Had a seamless first lap till I rebounded out of a V gully and the bike went down the trail but I went off to the right! No damage or issues. Then not far down the trail from there was a log across the main trail and you went to the right of it and there was a shallow but sharp V gully again. I had eased through it on practice and thought I should just preload and jump it during the race. Tried that and once my teeth quit chattering and I straightened my helmet out where i could see again I decided I'd go back to easing through it. Teeth are still sore.

Came through lap 1 in first with 1060 right behind me. Got hung up on the off camber again and high sided and fell down the hill. Of course my KTM seat came with me and not the bike. 1060 came up on the high side of me and got hung up on my bike. He managed to use it as a berm to get extricated from the situation and got going. He even apologized! Not necessry! Part of racing, if I hadn't screwed up to begin with you wouldn't have had the issue!

Got back up, put the seat on and took off with 1060 in my sights, used the short section Shredder mentioned at the creek to make up some ground then used the hard line of the down hill to get back around him. Had a very smooth race after that point. Other than constantly wondering if the seat was going to fly off when jumping off ledges. First race in 2 years as well that I didn't lose the back brake at some point. Amazing how much more fun it is when you know the brake will work. Now I just need to get a back tire with some knobs on it LOL.

Pulled in pits after lap 4 to top off with gas. No way was I going to chance running out of gas this year! Still eats at me to have led Adrian 2 every lap last year only to run out of gas on the last lap, well I thought I did, only to realize I wasn't on reserve......idiot :? Got back out after topping off and getting a bottle of water down my back from my daughter and managed to hold on to first.

What a great day. Too bad we had to fight all of the weather delays and wind up with such a low turnout. I was surprised at how well it flowed this direction, I thought it was perfect last year but this may be one of those places that just works both directions. Amazing how much cooler it is on the bike than standing around in the pits too!

Looking forward to Chanute in September.
Justin McFarland
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Re: Beer Ranch Reports - We Did It!!!

#3 Post by orangecrush » Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:48 pm

I was happy for how the race went. Sitting in the pits before race line up. Bob Angle gives me a word of caution about some rock ledges on the trail. Since I didn't take a practice lap and never race here before. I said thanks for the info. Didn't get a good start fourth or fifth into first corner. Track reminded me of home on the family farm. Then all of a sudden the rocky ledges apeared, bikes all over the place. Picked a line, went for it made it no problem. On wow I am in first now cool. Oh crap push it. Well pushed too hard got hung up on a tree. Guys behind me pined me up against my bike. Couldn't throw my leg over the seat. THANKS to who ever you are.

Pretty much held onto 3rd place finish every lap. Sorry Shedder you would have to pass me in order to catch Bob. Since I have all this long hair, I have been wearing a thin cap over my hair. Well the caps seam was cutting into my forehead so bad I had to make three different stops just so I could focus on the race.
No, I have no plans for cutting my hair.
No flat tires this time. Walters Ranch got me last time.
Oh well That's racing.
Looking forward to Iowa race see everyone there.
Eric Schneider
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Re: Beer Ranch Reports - We Did It!!!

#4 Post by danceswithtrees » Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:40 pm

Great race......could it get any hotter OR more humid though! I'm not for sure if I enjoyed the race or my sauna day at the spa more. :)

I learned that when Dan uses the words "fast and flowing" or "some people actually like to ride the for the two hours they paid for" that this is code for extra rock ledges, off camber trail, no actual straight sections without 20 small trees to weave through, and oh yes......several ponds scattered throughout to encourage a little swim if you were so inspired. I can't wait for him to describe a really technical course, because that should be code for a flat field with a few round bales and cow patties for obstacles. Now please don't misunderstand this, I truly loved the course, and really, really enjoyed the challenges. I'm just noting the way Dan chose to describe them!

I should also note that Shredder always has some excuse for failing to line up at the same races as I do. The closest I ever came to actually racing Shredder over the last 3 years has been to take a practice lap with him at Carbondale last year. If my memory serves me right, a UFO momentarily took control of him causing him to change riding positions with his motorcycle (yes, that means his motorcycle was riding him, not him riding it). Luckily I was directly behind him, causing the aliens to release their grip. We still have our beloved Shredder, even if he did break half the bones that he hadn't broken already in his life.

Back to this race though. Justin, you really had a great day, and certainly let me know that you had every intention of holding that first place position. Hats off to you! Eric, it was a pleasure meeting you and I thank you for staying far enough behind me to keep my blood pressure in check. As for your reply to Shredder that he would have had to pass you to get to me, I encourage you to go ahead and let that happen in the future. Just follow along and watch the show, you might just get some extra plastics for your bike or you might observe a riding technique or two that you would never want to duplicate but will never forget either!! Shredder I truly look forward to the day we get a good clean race in. No mechanical issues, no broken body parts, and hopefully a little cooler weather.

I can't wait.

Bob Angell
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Re: Beer Ranch Reports - We Did It!!!

#5 Post by shredder » Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:09 pm

I like the way you roll Bob!
Dennis Tschirhart - #1000 something

If your going to scuff it, scratch it, crack it or break it, always do the best job you can!

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