Beer West Race Report

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Beer West Race Report

#1 Post by Weissbeck » Wed Jun 13, 2018 10:14 am

A little rant prior to the race report

Let me share a personal story on why you should continue racing, with a little humor mix in, and will tie this whole thing together.

I suppose there are reasons not to ride.


Someone in the 1000 class said, “I practice faster than most of these guys ride.” That was about 2.5 years ago, needless to say it pissed me off. I thought the best thing I could do was get to the gym. I know, let me say it for you, “can’t tell by looking at him”. I had a Heart Attack at age 52 about 1.5 years ago, Left Anterior Descending, 100% blockage of the widow maker. Probably the only thing that saved me was I had been working out the previous year.

Don’t be so hard on yourself, as long as you make it home alive it’s a good day. We all have bad races, not happy with our performance, so what!

If you don’t come to the races I won’t be able to get to know you. Think about the friendships you make through the race community.

Now the report

Felt like it was kinda hot, would go through sections of the course and a strange feeling would come over me like this area is so humid and hot like 20 degrees hotter. Dan is so smart in limiting the race to 1.5 hours, he knows that no one will quit when they should. Just making the cut off, I still road for 2 hours.

The course was awesome, favorite was the up hills with all that sweet dirt. Liked the grass track section so I could look to see if any class members were coming. Great land owners. Great job FMHSC folks.

Need to work on my starts, Need to work on my passing. Hell just need to go faster.

Thanks Rich for the sweet racing, always fun when you’re not just riding the course by yourself.

My bike is truly NITRO POWERED, Tell next time

Troy Weissbeck 1014

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Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2018 11:47 am

Re: Beer West Race Report

#2 Post by Wind29 » Wed Jun 13, 2018 2:24 pm

Good stuff Troy! I have a friend that rides and had the exact same heart issue, similar age too. Glad you are still riding and enjoying it.

This was a fun course layout and I was glad to be in the trees/shade. It was steamy sitting on the starting line waiting to go. Funny you mentioned it because there were parts where I would get hotter and others where if felt like you caught a bit of a breeze.

Thanks to the crew for all their work and Dan for the 1.5 hour race!

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