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Re: Big Springs race report

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 5:25 pm
by shredder
I knew that the dust was going to be a factor if I got too far behind so a focused hard push at the start was essential. I did ok at the start blast and just grabbed throttle and committed to getting thru the first turn. Did ok I got 5th or so into the woods - everything ok.

I was heading up a freight train of my own and had trouble getting around a 600 rider, tried to be patient but you know how that goes... I make an easy pass and grab a handful only to wash out into a tree and get pinned under my bike and somehow my boot is stuck onto some bike plastic or something. First guy stops and says "you ok?" I dont answer because I'm still trying to move something besides my little pinky finger. I felt a "pop" as me and my bike hit the tree so I yell out "MY leg, my leg!" I think 1057 or 1027 stops on a dime and almost hit the other guy and just lets his bike go out and hurt itself in the woods to help me out! What a guy! What a guy! He quickly gets my bike plastic unstuck and my boot heel out of my a$$ and I get up from laying on my side and my exposed neck off of the track. I look down and see the open boot straps and I'M GOOD! WE are still a go Houston!

I yell out thanks man! He say's "man that dude was hard to pass eh!?" I said "thanks man", you gotta go! GO, GO, GO!!! He get's on his bike and I'm not really sure what he is thinking (probably better that way) but he pulls out take one look back and launches. I work hard to move up some positions and at the end of the day I come up on him again - #1057. He looks back at me and I tried to show him some of my number plate as if to say...Hey dude I got your back now. I'm not making a move on you, after all you did scrape me up off the track and all! I laid back but didn't get to return any favors this time around...

So these are the guys we race with in the Seniors Class... YUP pretty classy. I got to meet this guy. I felt very claustrophobic (thank goodness for spell check) pinned down tight to the track and couldn't move, even hard to breath. SO anyway - Thank you good sir!

I also want to thank all the guys who helped get me a little more savvy about RV's this weekend. Your suggestions and comments were greatly :wink: appreciated. Thank you!

What a great time!

Re: Big Springs race report

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 10:15 am
by KTM_rookie
As we pulled into Big Springs and waited in line to pay for parking, we noticed someone’s dog roaming the area throwing up. We felt bad for him but admit to laughing at his expense and karma would come back to bite me in the butt :shock: …more on that later.

Lined up on the far left side, not realizing the start was a short sprint followed by a 180 degree right turn. Guess I missed that in the riders meeting, whoops. The board drops, followed by the shotgun blast, 1 kick and bike starts, away we go. Rounded the sharp right turn somehow in 2nd place, pretty stoked! Now just a straight shot to the woods and I’m liking it. Then all of a sudden the dude in front of me must have gotten a bee in his helmet or something, bike goes left, then right, then left, slows down right in front of me and I yell “NO NO NO!” and BOOM! Down I go, right handguard lands on his back tire and gets pulled in as he tries to keep going, dragging my bike into the woods! I’m tugging on my bike as the other 16 riders make their way around us, bike comes free, I remount and head into the woods, and my bars are crooked. Awesome. From 2nd to 18th, just like that.

I finally catch up to my class but it was hard to find a place to pass, and yes, it was a bit dusty in some areas. :lol: Had a nice cat and mouse battle with 740 and just got around him in time to come through in 10th place after lap 1. Lap 2 was a little better as things started to open up a bit. I moved up 3 spots and then seemed to have the place to myself, then eventually caught up to some dust so figured there was another classmate not too far ahead of me. Seemed to take forever to catch him but there he was, #76. We had a nice battle and I got around him but started feeling sick. As I went to pass the next 700-clubber, I couldn’t squeeze the bike between him and a thorny locust tree so hit the brakes, watched 76 go by, then got around the other guy later. Started lap 4 in 6th place but feeling lousy. Now I’m just hoping to maintain and be happy with 6th. Well it wasn’t to be. Had to pull over, now thinking about that poor dog as I followed his lead, if you will… Had to stop 4 times on that last lap and wow, those 9 miles seemed like 90. Miserable. Dropped to 13th place. Thanks to all that asked if I was ok out there.

Thanks to Perry and everyone else that worked to put this race on. Big Springs is cool, glad it didn't get shutdown.

And if you’ve never gotten a DVD from Jay, it’s well worth the money. He does a great job. We have a handful of his DVD’s and they’re very cool. Good to see you at the races, Jay.

Re: Big Springs race report

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 11:54 am
by WireFryer
One of these days I may remember that I'm not in my twenties anymore :roll: .

Having spent Saturday evening partying at Fall River lake and thus only getting a beer-soaked 4 hour power nap before loading up and hitting the road Sunday morning, I correctly assumed it was going to be a rough day.

Arrive at the gate with enough caffeine in my system to revitalize the National Economy, find a pit spot next to bud Wadedawg, and thank my lucky stars I made it in one piece.

During a wander of the pits, I notice Chadwick buddy Dave Stewart with his bike tore down almost to the frame, wth?.

Turns out that Dave had his truck ride to the race bail on him at the last minute, so in a fit of desperation took his CR250 apart enough to get it into the trunk of his small car just to get to the race and was reassembling it as fast as he could :shock: .

That, Folks, is dedication 8) ! After advising him to get better friends, I helped him finish up with plenty of time for a practice lap.

Perry pulls the trigger for the well staffed 700 row and off we go... but we don't go far. Two leading riders tangle at the woods entrance and not 50 yards past that mess two more guys got jammed together in the saplings that are unforgiving to say the least.

I finally claw thru the carnage and settle down to a decent pace that flows well till my third lap when all of a sudden I can't mentally focus at all!

Instead of paying attention to the next turn coming up, like a meth-addled ferret my attention span has gone to minimal/nonexistent, it was almost like being a politician :shock: .

Fortunately, skipping off a few trees has a way of bringing one back to the now, and I wrote it off to the previous evenings festivities.

After the race I spoke to several riders that went thru the same thing and learned that at least 2 helmets where going to spend some time in the kitchen sink when they got home :roll: . I can't help but wonder if it's some kind of sensory overload involving the 100s of turns and the tight vegetation.

There where also several injuries to go around; #505 broke his foot during practice, one of my neighbors dislocated his shoulder and his buddy threw out his back to boot. Also heard about a guy going down hard in the wagon wheel and messing up his hand.

Great job Perry and Crew!


Re: Big Springs race report

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 8:43 pm
by quik406
Got the holeshot, came around the dirt pile and all I could see was ribbon everywhere! :shock: For the life of me, I could not find the entrance to the woods!(sorry no bees) BUT...I was out front and didn't want to lift, so by the time I see it (thanks to everybody that pointed!) I was way turned up making it in. I feel my bike get tagged, I try and ride away but I was trapped! I see my day slipping away as everyone goes on laughing as they pass.
I get back at it, hit it hard, and low and behold I catch some of the 700's. I jump into the hard line, only to find myself all alone. When I come out of the blue about 2 miles, I am feeling sad about my day (I promised my wife I would win her a trophy) when much to my surprise, I run into a bunch of 600s! :P

Who took the hard line? While slow going, that was a hell of a lot faster way around the place!

Great race, Very fast place, you know it is a fast place when the ol' 3 hundy is tapped in 5th! :shock: So stoked to bring home an anniversary present for my wife on our anniversary!

Re: Big Springs race report

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 10:10 am
by carl-connie bogle
I know I am ready this time, have rehabbed both wrist and neck, have repaired my bike from milford except for rubber tire marks on both side number plates, hope was not a problem for scoring , the only thing I was unable to fix being in my 3rd childhood may need to give in on that one, will be 70 in June, you know I am sliding into my 4th childhood. At the start line I am in the wrong row, thanks to Harvey saved me again just like in the 6hr. For all his trouble I can not remember how to start bike, dead last in first corner. Great track fit my likes. 1st lap 7th feel good about that short lived weeded it up on left turn with poles on ground in front of God and everyone else, Thanks to man with cowboy hat, (lone ranger) ha ha,kept me from getting run over, re hurt both wrist, the right the most 4th childhood said you can ride thru this, well that child is not doing the riding, hope everyone forgives me holding them up, still trying to figure out, pull over left or right for them to pass. I am told it takes time. On the positive side I now have 81 acres on the farm in place of 80!!!! Thanks for the respect, Bopo

Re: Big Springs race report

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 1:53 am
by aferb360
Hello everyone,

My names austin ferbert. Big springs was my first fmhsc race as a friend of mine raced a couple last year and loved em, i can say im hooked now to. I plan on going to warrensburg both days!

I loved the course at big springs as it offered everything, creeks rocks mud in one place lol dirt it was rolling and decent paced, and plenty of split paths to let people by or blow by others.

My new to me big bore 2 stroke decided not to start first kick so i was back of the pack start in the 400 class. By the end of lap one 3rd place! I was in second for a bit only to give it back up and the last 2 laps i developed a habit of wrecking really hard and bending my handlebars beyond belief. My bike looks like i smashed it with a truck. Lol but its fixed and ill be in warrensburg for both days

Happy trails, Austin.

Re: Big Springs race report

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 3:50 pm
by shredder
Austin - First of all welcome! Glad you had some fun too!

Second, what kind of bike did you bend your handle bars on? That has always interested me as we say "handlebars" as it implies more than one. If you buy a pair of them then you are in a real pickle figuring out how to mount em!

I have a brand new in the box Honda handle bar for an 07 Honda 250CRFX :wink:
Yours if you need it! (cost $0.00) Free shipping, free delivery, not available in all stores, void where prohibited, offer good in all states, avoid drinking in excess

Re: Big Springs race report

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 3:50 pm
by shredder
Austin - First of all welcome! Glad you had some fun too!

Second, what kind of bike did you bend your handle bars on? That has always interested me as we say "handlebars" as it implies more than one. If you buy a pair of them then you are in a real pickle figuring out how to mount em!

I have a brand new in the box Honda handle bar for an 07 Honda 250CRFX :wink:
Yours if you need it! (cost $0.00) Free shipping, free delivery, not available in all stores, void where prohibited, offer good in all states, avoid drinking in excess right before AND during races)

Re: Big Springs race report

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:59 pm
by aferb360
Dennis, i wish i rode what you rode! But im stuck on a slightly older model! 2002 husqvarna wr 360. But thanks fo rthe hospitality!
My new carmicheal bend pro tapers should be here wednesday, along withva pile of other replacement stuff including a new helmet i actually secceeded in fracturing my helmet in my bar bending crash!

Re: Big Springs race report

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:47 pm
by shredder
Hey bartender...I'll have what he's having!!! :wink: