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Re: Thurman Race Reports

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 8:28 pm
by f-five
First off I BIG THANKS to the sweep riders that were actually sweeping and not chasing buddies, the EMTs and several folks (Rob Sakmar, Stone Sakmar, Bobby Mullett and James Wright) of the FMHSC family. They all assisted and played a part in helping Jace (424) deal with his injury after taking a nasty spill that left him with a broken humerus (upper arm). Jace is doing well and will have surgery Thursday to get things on the mend.

I actually enjoyed the practice lap and welcomed the dust free course, a little slime and mudd made for a nice change. Plus the wet conditions during practice made for a great learning experience for our new FMHSC youngster Hunter Dooley(1142). Hunter is cutting his teeth on the race track and has had very little time riding offroad. He survived the bottle necks and actually did very well even though it might have taken an hour to run the practice lap.

Made it back from practice to grab a drink give Hunter a pep talk. The pep talk wasn't working, he had enough on the practice lap and was certain that he did NOT like Thurman, IA. The whole gang pitched in and talked him into running 1 lap, that was our goal. We roll up to the starting line, last to show up. Hunter looks white as a ghost and doesn't move during the other class starts. Finally time to get the show on the road for the little guys, the board drops, the bike fires up, runs about 20 yards and dies. Fouled plug on a KTM 105XC with a large tank, that means seat and tank must come off. :( We scramble and get the bike going but the class is long gone. The good thing there is we had clear trail for several miles and man was the trail in primo condition. Clean riding lap 1, I pulled over to see if he was done or going out for some more and away he went. WooHoo, we were off and running and the course was just getting better. Another clean lap and had time for a 3rd, that lap was just as fun as the others with a few little mishaps that caused a few get offs but nothing major. I’m glad Hunter agreed to 1 lap that turned into 3, good job Hunter.
shredder wrote:I try to lift the bike up and get it about 2" up and realize I've weakend my body more than I first thought. Some guy stops without a vest on. Not sure who it was or even if he was real but together we get the bike up. He held it so I could run around up hill and get on and I lit er up, pinned it and slammed second gear and got it going up and back on track. :
Lap 3 is where I met number Shredder (1002), didn’t really meet him but notice this Thumper upside down in in a ravine. Didn’t look very good and I knew it was going to be a bear to get out of. Hunter was on a role so I let him go and hopped off to assist. Got the bike up right and he was off and running in no to time. Good thing that thumper was fuel injected!! A trip like that with a carb and it would have been a long afternoon.

Time to try to recover for the second race, after spending more than 2 hours out on the trail already I knew I would be feeling it. I committed to the B class at the end of last year and figured I would be ready. I had a few issues that have delayed my return and its clear I have a lot of work to do but plan on sticking it out and learning as I go.

Like mentioned in every post prior, the course was fun and a nice change. The dirt and conditions turned out to be some of the best I can recall. Thanks to everyone involved in putting this on and I hope to see it on the schedule next season.

Re: Thurman Race Reports

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 9:11 pm
by shredder
slomojo wrote:Very interesting Dennis I was wondering where you went.Maybe Randy got it all on tape. :D
You thinkin Randy recorded your "Thurman in the woods" oil and crayon masterpiece or a shot of me trying to cut down a ten inch tree with my helmet? Doc says I will have regain full use of my hands, arms and neck but he says I only had 1/2 use of my brain to start with! :roll:

Re: Thurman Race Reports

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 9:23 pm
by quik406
What a cool place to ride... Worth the drive for sure!
Got off the start ok, but downhill from then on. Crashed twice. Thats two more times then I have all season.
One word to describe Iowa....GRIP! My 3 hundy was scary fast! 4th and 5th gear surprise wheelies! LOVED IT!!

Re: Thurman Race Reports

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 9:27 pm
by shredder
"Lap 3 is where I met number Shredder (1002), didn’t really meet him but notice this Thumper upside down in in a ravine. Didn’t look very good and I knew it was going to be a bear to get out of. Hunter was on a role so I let him go and hopped off to assist. Got the bike up right and he was off and running in no to time. Good thing that thumper was fuel injected!! A trip like that with a carb and it would have been a long afternoon."

Many, many thanks my man! You saved my day at the best track of the year. I got to enjoy battles all day because I got help from a guy who obviously has a very full plate to start with. I realized very quickly that I was not going to get her back up on the wheels until the spring of 2014. I was just hoping to get it turned around to stop all the gas from leaking out, but just as I was going to throw in the towel I look up and with out saying a word you got your bike up against a tree, goggles off, ran down the hill and poof! you pick my bike up like a frigging crane. I was so out of wind my words (thank you) came out as a whisper.
What a guy! (I mean who stops to help out an ol crusty dude when your boy is out on a track like that?) See the kinda folks we have to ride with? I mean gosh we keep the morality bar level kinda high!!! :wink:

Re: Thurman Race Reports

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 2:00 pm
by wadedawg
What a track! What a race! There were 4 seniors within a minute or so at the end of each lap! I went down on lap 5 and 2 riders go by... What are the odds that they both are in my class? Yep.... Dennis and Todd! I tried to pass Joe for 5th and ended up 8th. This also gets my vote for the best track so far this season. Great job to those who spotted, swept, and set up the race. Huge Hooorah to the land owner for letting us enjoy his property. Please add this to next years calendar.

Re: Thurman Race Reports

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 2:23 pm
by Speedysdad
Rain from my driveway to the Thurman exit, I expected a mud race. Turn onto the gravel road and the sign says, "enter at your own risk." wth! Good thing I didn't bring the RV! The dust is rolling as we are driving down the road and I was extremely disappointed about that. We pull up to the gate and the drive looked perfect. The conditions were fantastic.

Collin's race went well. He had some of the best racing of the year battling with the 304. He was satisfied with a 3rd.

So 414 comes in during the race and tells Sonja that Jace was down with a broken arm. I thought he said about a mile back, so I volunteer to get the bike out. 2 1/2 miles later, I climb on the bike which starts very easily. I put on the gear strung around and headed out. Yes the trail was awesome and i was having fun after I finally fiqured out tbere was a rekluse in the bike. Then comes Macon, crap I am in front of the leaders. I found my way off the course and made it back to scoring. Yes I think I want to ride again.

Anyone who has been around this series, knows what great people the Fosters are. Not only with helping in scoring, but introducing many new riders to the sport. There is always a crowd around the Foster trucks. Not only will Ted escort your kid, but he will stop to fix your bike on the trail to race you. Besides what you see at the race site on Sunday, Ted and the boys work on their bikes and anyone else that needs help. I can't tell you how much advise Ted has given me over the years. These people and many like them is why we love racing this series.

Good luck Jace to a speedy recovery.

Re: Thurman Race Reports

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 3:38 pm
by jerad741
jerad and roger Thurman promoters just want to say thanks for all the positive feedback we have gotten on the race sunday. me my kids jay sornson and darin sornson,,and Gretchen sornson roger and his boy greg rice and a hand full of good friends have been working on the track since the weather broke in spring .didn't make my kids very happy having to miss races this year to go over their and work but with all the positive we have heard back made it all worth it. this was our first race all of us have ever done ,probly would have never done it ,but you know what you would do for your kids ,they can talk you in to anything. and most of all the supports we get from our wifes to help us and let us do all this crazy crap ,instead of staying home and doing things around the house (how borring) . thanks again and yes it will be on again next year and a big thanks to the smith family for letting us use their place to do it all they are truly some of the nicest people you will ever talk to . thanks again

Re: Thurman Race Reports

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 7:55 pm
by shredder
OK. OK. OK! I will never forget this so here goes! Scott and I are checking the place out on saturday and not sure what to think at first. It's just different that's all. We are impressed with all the continuous off camber and constant elevation changes that rivals (dare I say this?) Chadwick. We come up on the high steep hill with an "A" and "B" line. It looks ominous. It's like looking fate right in the eyes. The tall dark hill says to me..."I dare you!". I am well seasoned and I know that most hills look worse and worse the more you look at them, but Scot and I keep looking and discussing anyway. Finally I say "Scott, we talk any more and I aint doing it!" So I light it up, circle around and hit it. Made it to the slight right hander and loam fill area not quite halfway up. I do like at all Missouri rocky areas and add throttle liberally, mix in some handlebar controll and a pinch of determination and let the rear tire eat. Well the rear gets sick and just pukes up dirt...I go down and slide down the hill...The hill laughs at me...I broke my pride, shattered my ego and shook my confidence... I come back down and see a nice young man watching and he gives us his opinion and shows us a better line (not so deep with loos soil.) He is, oh, about 12 or 13ish but very pleasant and down to earth and I'm digging this dude already...(get it? digging this dude? HA) I agree and see his wisdom so this time I hit it HARD and commit to the hill climb. The hill yawns at me closes it's eyes just as I hit the point of no return and shoot up thehill with the same results as the first time only I couldn't have been more embarrased if I was riding in the nude....I throw in the towel and Scott gives it a go....HMMMMM same thing.........the hill scoffs at us.....Scott comes around again and really gives it a shot but...well...let's just say....not today.
The young man then kicks his bike, does a small turn around, nails it HARD and doesn't let up and riffles right up it just as he explained to us and the hill starts smiling again as if to say AAHHHHHHHH. I found out later that the young boys put in some of the cool track sections and no one knew this section better than he. So, well there ya go! Make sure your watching the kids, you might just learn something.

One last thing I will dare to say. I hope I'm not out of line here. Please I do not want to offend (Hee Hee Hee). Since this place is just south of the Canadian border and my RV gets about 2 miles to the gallon. (Oh gosh the build up is killing me...) And this track, the one that demands restraint, discipline and patience is so friggin cool.....(Oh man it's still not too late to turn back....don't be foolish Dennis....Be careful here...) Can you even (now stop and think before you say anything, no just think about this now...ok?) Can you even think what this place would be like BACKWARDS? Oh. MY. Gosh!!! Remember the race that kicked our butts last year at the double header?(Camp Galilee)...Ya see where I'm going with this? (Ok. Please, the folks in the front please sit down so the folks in the back can see...ok...thank you.) What would life be like with this garden of Eden opened up with a double header weekend and ran BOTH WAYS!!!????
Oh gosh....sorry...I'll go wash my mouth out with soap now.....sorry mom..... :wink:

OH and Randy nice post. Can you tell me why every time we see Joe in front of you something bad happens? I'm thinking we need to start carrying chains or whips or something...ya know? What would be a great SloMoJo deterrent? Sometime you can just throw out snickers bars and he will follow the trail anywhere (Hee Hee Hee) :mrgreen:

Jerad and Roger, thank you for making us FMHSC guys and gals feel like it was our home.

Re: Thurman Race Reports

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 9:00 pm
by Iowa
Sadly, I had to miss this race, but I'm not surprised at all the positive comments. That area is always fun.

Anyone who enjoyed this course should take the extra hour+ drive north to Logan, Iowa next year. Same kind of dirt, steeper hills. Just sayin'.....

Re: Thurman Race Reports

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 12:03 pm
by keko
20130918_112059 by, on Flickr

Whew! That was close!