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Re: Message for the 900 class

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 1:19 pm
by keko
My goal every race is to have a good time and try not to get hurt. I wish the same thing for my fellow racers. I know what its like trying to get out of the way. Some of my best crashes have come from trying to get out of the way. The last thing I want to do is rush a slower rider into getting out of the way and crashing. If theres room move over and hold your line, if not ride your ride till there is. I totally understand getting caught up in the heat of the movement and also have been guilty of it on occassion. But at the end of the day it is just a trophy and I would rather go home without one then end up in the ER or send someone else there.

Re: Message for the 900 class

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 1:56 pm
by quik406
I don't see why this is such a problem, almost all of the races have been split, and if you are in the correct class it shouldn't be that many people to pass.
I have yelled at people for being in the way, but when the race is over who cares... If you aren't passionate about racing why do it?

If you are so worried about lappers move up a class and get lapped! :D

Re: Message for the 900 class

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 5:25 pm
by shredder
I can't figure it out yet but I am certain that this whole mess is Joe's fault...I just KNOW it! :lol:

Re: Message for the 900 class

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 6:15 pm
by shredder
OOOOOOOOHH BOOOOOY... Here we go again! I remember when I brought this up a couple of years ago. The thread was long and a lot of unnecessary name calling happened. The thread eventually caught the eye of a congressmen and it was deliberated on for several months to no real resolution. A lot of dudes talked to me at several races and here is the bottom line.
1. If the guy wanting to pass is truly faster he will get by.
2. When we come up on a slower rider just revving your engine doesn't mean anything. The guy in front need not move over until some sort of vocal sound is produced by the guy in the back.(whoop, HEY!, seven hundred class!, HOOOO!, etc,)
3 I too have crashed to let guys by way back when I was 900's, this is also not necessary, it's from overreacting. When you hear a yell out just take your left hand and point to where you want them to go and they go right by. If as they go by you see it's Joe Leaderhouse just put him in the bushes as we all Seniors do.

If by some rare instance they are clearly battling you and keeping you from passing then you probably need to yell louder and yell out your class. I kept yelling out at this dude at Thurman cause I thought he was an 800 and he turned out to be #1063. No wonder he wouldn't let me by! (that or he is on the Slomojo payroll) If after a lot of yelling out what I do.....pass em's a real rush! (get it? rush?)

Its just a part of racing. Wait till we run with the fast guys. You give em a crack cause ya can't hold em back!

Re: Message for the 900 class

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 11:22 pm
by quik406
1. If the guy wanting to pass is truly faster he will get by.
2. When we come up on a slower rider just revving your engine doesn't mean anything. The guy in front need not move over until some sort of vocal sound is produced by the guy in the back.(whoop, HEY!, seven hundred class!, HOOOO!, etc,)
3 I too have crashed to let guys by way back when I was 900's, this is also not necessary, it's from overreacting. When you hear a yell out just take your left hand and point to where you want them to go and they go right by. If as they go by you see it's Joe Leaderhouse just put him in the bushes as we all Seniors do.
Spot on good Sir.

Re: Message for the 900 class

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 11:28 pm
by Jason g
Racing is a personal experience for each and everyone of us. Sportsman ship is the utter most importance, I for one can't stand aggression and or putting my safety at unnecessary risk. Unless its someone in your own class then yes yelling pretending to be lapper, throwing rocks, or tying streamers to your bike to distract em. Is acceptable behavior. Just play it cool.

Re: Message for the 900 class

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 9:41 am
by usedktm
be very careful 700 clubbers! The original 700 gods are watching you..... (Fender Bender,Tree Climber, Fire Piper, Usedktm), and a host of other founding fathers of the 700 club. The punisment could be severe for disorderly conduct with the ranks of the club..........say like for example you may get your super secret decoder ring taken away. :D :P

One of these days I shall a feeble, arthritis stricken senior class member, with reading glasses, less hair, on high blood pressure meds......... and yes I am a "lurker". :wink:

Re: Message for the 900 class

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 5:45 pm
by WireFryer
usedktm wrote:be very careful 700 clubbers! The original 700 gods are watching you..... (Fender Bender,Tree Climber, Fire Piper, Usedktm), and a host of other founding fathers of the 700 club.
Rest assured.... if you got a 700 Club number on your plates you don't want' to be 'under the microscope' of the above group... (waking up with a severed horse head between your legs to get your undivided attention is not that big a deal when dealing with the Old School :shock: ).

This passing/allowing 'faster riders of other classes by' debate pops up early and late in the Season for whatever reason.

Early... we ALL got cabin fever and We are ALL rookies to a certain point, and it's actually kinda' fun how goofy We are, lots of give-n-take, lotsa' decent chat back and forth, by Spring everything settles out nicely 8) .

Late...we got 'Points Battles in Every Class' and rookies trying the woods thing out are in the unintentional position of being in the F'n way!

Amazing what a potential 2 digit number at the end of the Season does to a person :roll: . (not innocent on this one...)

I'm gonna' quote PaulD at this time and state 'this was NEVER a problem before Split Races came along'... and He's right, because Splits tend to spoil everybody from AAPro on down.

When we run full-house shows, everybody knows their place and understands.... in a feral way, RFQ.

But splits bring vital new blood into our Series and Sport... essential to it's survival in this 'Modern Age" of smallish properties and skittish Mothers.

The Sum of it all...., is that passing someone slower/ not in your Class with no loss of time or injury to anyone involved, is a Learned Skill....

Getting passed by someone faster/ not in your Class with no loss of time or injury to anyone involved.... is an Artform learned quickly when young, but remembered grudgingly on the way back down.

We got 3 shows left... got some great Points battles going on... new blood coming in... old blood trying to figure out what the hell they're gonna' do next Season....

3 completely different Terrain Venues....

Standard Issue FMHSC End-of-Season!

