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Re: Does anyone else wear a heart rate monitor?

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 6:50 pm
by shredder
That was a good article, thanks.

I've had a conversation about this before with someone...a trail rider. The unskilled rider GENERALLY....AS A RULE, lets say all things equal, wears themselves out riding too slow. I'll follow a little pee wee and just wear myself out!

It's hard to keep this short on a thread but I'm saying that If we all rode at say Walter's rach and went as slow as the slowest rider and hit every root and rock and never even pulled the front tire up once we too probably couldn't finish the race either due to exhaustion. I feel riding faster is actually easier, of course to ride fast means riding often and gaining the proper skills which, in turn builds up the cardio at the same time so which came first... the chicken or the egg?

I'm getting a monitor. I like measured results.

Re: Does anyone else wear a heart rate monitor?

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:08 pm
by Doughunz56
I used mine at Carbondale last year here are my stats
41 years old, 185lbs
500 class
When I get rates close to 190 I get nauseous. And the strap was a little uncomfortable.

Duration 2:21
Max rate 178
Average 159
Calories 2400

Re: Does anyone else wear a heart rate monitor?

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 4:47 pm
by Halfdigitshort
I used my Polar FT4 last year during training and for a few enduros in the Black Jack series! Most averaged 3.5-4hrs of ride time, getting well into the upper 4000 calorie and low 5000's, it required eating right and throughout the rides. Each ride I could get 10bpm higher than I did during any cardio training I was doing! Amazing what stats you can pick up from riding/training with a quality HRM!
42, 195lbs last year when I did all this..

Re: Does anyone else wear a heart rate monitor?

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 9:45 pm
by 2WheelsTony
Before I re-re-re-retired from the motorized 2-wheelers, I did a little experiment in the woods behind my house: 2 hours on KTM 200 & 2 hours on GT Zaskar. The data was remarkably similar. Max & Min HR were further apart on the KaTooM, but the avg HR was within a beat or two. Data is cool.

And no...I don't really know what made me cruise through here this evening, but here I ;)