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Re: The Off-Road Cup - Teams and Roll Call

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 10:04 am
by jgordo
Silva, Tony and I have decided to put a 35+ team together...thinking about C class. I think I'm the only one of us that raced last year so I know how hard the terrain will be!!

Re: The Off-Road Cup - Teams and Roll Call

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 6:00 pm
by shredder
Todd Sexton, Gibber and I are heading up a 50+ team.

On the way to the banquet I told my wife Stacey that I had committed to running this race and that I had already confirmed it to Gibber the previous day. I thought it was a grand idea! I'm suffering from cabin fever and only raced like two races in months. Riding my bike always puts me in a great mood!

Up until that moment Stacey was under the impression with all my injuries AND since I had already announced my "re-tirement", that this was a surprise to her (Everyone likes surprises...RIGHT?). Stacey reminded me that the reason I didn't get to race much last year was I kept busting myself up so much. Well after I mentioned to her in the car that I was going on the team cup race I began to notice how quiet our car was...That's when all the wheels fell off the wagon and everything completely came un-hinged and I had one hell of a cold ride to the banquet... .

I tried to explain that what I meant was that the Husky needed both front and rear tires...hence "re -tire - ment". She really wasn't buying what I was selling to say the least, you know men are from Mars and women are from Venus and all that stuff. I do admit that it took awhile but my wife came around during the banquet and it's all good now (whew).

So take this word of experience from me. Never let your wife clean up your boots, chest protector, elbow guards, helmet and astriks. They start asking questions about all the rips, tears, cracks, scratches and gouges and such. I thought the education of what creek bed rocks, locust thorns and tree bark could do after a sudden unplanned come off could do was very informative but Stacey just didn't appreciate it very much. I promised not to throw the safety gear down or toss it into the trailer anymore as it causes so much wear and tear (you guys back me up on this when you see her). I had her going at first but I'm figuring that I iced the cake too much when I said I think my helmet fell off a truck going down the highway and I had to go back and get it....I mean, you don't really think I was actually WEARING that stuff when it got all beat ya?

My helmet did get surprisingly gouged up at Carbondale in practice and I managed to finish off the visor mounts entirely, so GOOD NEWS! I got a new pretty helmet at the banquet! Yup, all shinny and new and half price to boot! :mrgreen:
See ya at the Off Road Cup!!!

Re: The Off-Road Cup - Teams and Roll Call

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:11 pm
by blister
Count me in. With Gibber's encouragement I am signing up for the 35+ ironman class. I won't be roughing it in a tent the night before, though. I got a room over in Miami, OK, about 20 miles away for Friday. I'm thinking I better get a good nights sleep!

Re: The Off-Road Cup - Teams and Roll Call

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 10:24 pm
by Btrigg88

Re: The Off-Road Cup - Teams and Roll Call

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 1:16 pm
by Gibber
Off Road Cup Web Site ... 113014.pdf
2015 Off Road Cup Press Release
Contact Email
One Lap 2014 Off Road Cup

I think I just got set up to blame for getting Blister in to this. Somehow I'm thinking that could backfire on me! :shock:

Above are links and email address to everything you need. Pre-rgistration should start on or before 2-15-15. Send proud sis an email and you should get notice when registration opens.

Should be a lot of fun especially with the size of FMHSC turnout I think we are going to have. Should be a pretty large group of us camping so everyone is welcome to hang out. Last year they had riders meeting at 7:00pm Friday and race started 8:00am Saturday. We all may want to go easy on the Fire Ball Cinnamon Whiskey Saturday night. :?

Well I thought I was going to hang up my helmet from racing this year too but I have turned my 250 in to a 300 and upgraded to a new Rekluse EXP 3.0. Should be even faster now when I finally do hit a tree! :oops: I plan on being at Miford for the first one and riding again for Team Letko. That is if Perry will have me again. :?:

See you all soon and "GO TEAM LETKO"

Oh, and "TEAM WE AIN"T DEAD YET" for the 9hr.
Shredder #1003 / Sexton #1063 / Gibber #1036

Re: The Off-Road Cup - Teams and Roll Call

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 3:00 pm
by blister
Oh yeah Gibber, I just wanted to get everybody's mind right on this deal. I figure I'll be looking for someone to blame or curse or something about 2.5 hours into this thing. Who better than you!
And, in response to Trigg's comment....that's just not fair. There is no way I can back out now.

Re: The Off-Road Cup - Teams and Roll Call

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 3:38 pm
by Gibber
Better be eatin' you're Wheaties! :lol:

Re: The Off-Road Cup - Teams and Roll Call

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 8:22 pm
by shredder

That's just what I was afraid of...


It is now a know FACT that Gibber is absolutely, positively, unequivocally, contagious.

Looks like were all getting it.

Well if the Off Road Cup isn't more fun than picking your nose then I'm gonna be lookin for the Gibber fer shure! :mrgreen:

Re: The Off-Road Cup - Teams and Roll Call

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 3:55 pm
by Gibber ... ryForm.pdf

Pre-registration is now open. Click on the link and sign your butts up. We're gonna have a b"BIG" FMHSC turn out. Maybe we can get enough there we get our own pit row!!! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Re: The Off-Road Cup - Teams and Roll Call

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 10:39 pm
by shredder
Call your buddies, put together a team and...