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Re: old man class

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 7:00 pm
by shredder
It's not surprising really that any thread that has anything to do with the Gentleman's class (G class) or any hinting of it in a thread causes a lot of hits but man this thread really took off! WOW! Man even when the old guys start blasting off old crusty remarks at one another it seems to make front page news.

I might get a recording going on at our starts next year and make a compilation of all the chit chat, smack talk, russin fussin, and head games that are played at the starting line each time we line up. There is a lot of side liner folks who wonder what is going on sometimes when half of our row is still walking up and down the row even as the row if front of us is taking off bs-ing, trash talking and mental farting's going on. It would also be cool to add in many of the conversations that occur at the finish line just off to the side, especially on very hot days or wet muddy races.

Of course if I did THAT it would break the number 1 rule of the G-Class (NEVER - EVER- EVER - talk about G Class), I would loose my all of my G-Class privileges, and probably have to remove all my earned G-Class merits we wear on the back of our helmets. The bright orange merits displayed on the back of our helmets is invisible to most unless you have the Blue Umber Lower Light Sheen Higher Intensifier Tint - (ie; B.U.L.L.S.H.I.T)

Now that I think about it.........never mind............ :wink:

Re: old man class

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 8:54 pm
by joking
Just wanted to say ,I had a great time this year racing with you guys. Looks like I am moving up next year, I guess I will have to break out the treadmill do some push ups and go across the street and get some words of wisdom and MX quotes from Dan Johnson. Let's see slower is faster, or was it smoother is faster ,ahh hell, I better take my ginkgo Biloba and bring my note book.
Gibber and Sexton see you guys in the 700's. Have a Great race at Carbondale, Bill ( here's a hint. Look for the blue ribbon) on your practice lap, and Steve stop following, make the pass. Wire fire I am going to miss you at the start, walking around counting the riders and flashing hand signal. Wait did you just flip me off! Haha. Be safe guys see you at the banquet.

Re: old man class

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 12:15 pm
by todco
I'm not understanding why some people seems to think I will be going to the 700 class. My % is 73.3 Vet 40 cut off is 74.0 and I am getting older and sorer quicker than getting faster. I understand that moving up most likely would make me faster and that all sounds great. But I don't enjoy hitting a tree at the speed I'm going now. If I break out next spring I will move at that time. At this point I'm looking forward to seeing more of Andrew and my Grandchildren racing, so my participation will be limited and most likely will not be in the points race anyway.

Todd Sexton

Re: old man class

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 8:42 pm
by shredder
Everyone figures if it is said or written enough times that you will just go away or move up.
Just wishful thinking for some I guess.
You just stay put. I'm hoping to Ill get to line up with you next year.... now that's wishful thinking on part I guess.....