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Re: Beer Ranch West Race Report

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 2:05 pm
by Gibber
Well, okay. Here is mine.

Long and the short of it is "I JUST SUCKED"! :shock:

Wasn't feeling particulary great all morning but had fun greeting the VET 40s. And yes Shane, these reports are expected to resemble the true accounts of our racing advantures. In fact, Dan's account of Gordo's bet on you now puts Dan at $200.00! :lol:

Got a pretty lousy start. The Rocket Ship apparently wasn't feeling any better about the day than me. Went into the woods 7th I think behind Spooner. Was able to get around Nick on one of the cruddy hill climbs then got by Gordo when he washed out his front wheel. Chased Flyin' and Chuck as long as I could but after the 1st lap I once again was already running out of steam. About 1/2 way thru the 2nd lap I was to the point I just wanted to be done.

All of that is really too bad for me because the course was right up my alley. I love the gnarly hill climbs with no opportunity to build up momentum 'cause the rocket ship just tractors up them. The amount of technical was perfect and the course was marked awesome too. I just wish I had the energy to keep up my first lap pace.

So I pulled out after 2, packed up, tucked my tail and headed home. Well anyway, we all have a couple weeks to rest up and get ready for Hank's place. Maybe by then I will be back on my game. I hope so, $30.00 for only 2 laps plus 3 hours of driving is not the best deal in the house! :lol:

See you all at Hank's place.

Re: Beer Ranch West Race Report

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 4:25 pm
by Bridgebuilder
Dan the clock deal was 100 % my fault I know to ride to checkered flag . I was just hot and wasn't thinking straight and honestly probably ready to be done . But it's all good and glad I pushed through the final lap . Finishing tired feels better than rolling out to soon . I did that at Walters and hopefully never again.

Re: Beer Ranch West Race Report

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 4:29 pm
by gcat7
another from the 1K's

If you look closely at Shane's bike, there is an extra button on his bars that says hole-shot. (he said he got it at Rocky Mountain ATV but I have yet to find it on the site, humm). As soon as I saw that, I knew John & Dan's money was safe. Sure enough, I followed him into the woods once again coughing up his dust a distant 5th or so. Was making some moves and ripping right along and got off-line for a pass. Dan was right, "don't wander too far off the track" because I went down quicker than a Vegas hooker. However, righted the ship quick and only lost a few spots until the little 3' creek drop-off. Endo City, dead last 1/2 way thu lap one. Worked my way back up to 5th at the line- lap one in the books. Ran hard lap 2, caught Schupp when he took the long road into a corner, moved to 3rd. Caught Shane and he let me by since I pushed him for a bit, nice, 2nd place, feeling good. Never did see Presley that lap but for all that hard work in lap 1 & 2 just catching up, wiped me out. Shane passed me in the grass track (laughing I think ;-) Schupp wasn't too far behind, so crossed the 4th. I caught what Gibber had I had no personal power after that. Basically cruise control from there on out wishing they made a double hump camel-bak's; it was hotter than 10,000 suns that's day. Brad passed me somewhere along the line & crossed the next two laps 5th and that's where my day ended.

Fun track, good race and appreciate everyone efforts making it happen.


Re: Beer Ranch West Race Report

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 8:15 pm
by shredder
Lots of really good reading guys , thanks for posting. I really enjoy them.

I had planned on working all the races this year but as it turns out the wife and I got guardianship of our 4 year old grandson Landon who is autistic and is a special needs little guy. Turns out that he is in to his routines. Landon goes to school on the school bus all year round - he started when he was 3 years old and the advances he has made have been awesome. He is in to bowling (with bumpers) and bowled a 117 today (best game to date), he loves pedaling his green race buggy at Great Grampa's, kick ball, swimming, and trains. We run to downtown Lee's Summit all the time to see Amtrack or the big freight trains run thru town.

So I'm thinking your starting to see that having a wee one is taking up a good deal of my time and at age 52 I'm not as fast as I was the first time around when I was 22......

Anyway I love you guys and miss my FMHSC family and reading the funny papers - or "Race Reports" as we call em is still a nice way of staying connected. It's really good to see all the good posting going on.

I've said this before and only racers really get it...."I'd rather race a competitor all day, bar to bar and neck & neck and loose by a hundredth of a second than do a personal best racing track-time and not even see a fellow class-men all day"

Keep it fun and just GAS IT! :wink:

Re: Beer Ranch West Race Report

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 9:01 pm
by Gibber
Does anyone beside me miss the infamous "SHREDDER"? :)

I think all of us would agree what you are doing is admirable and maybe even smart. Believe me, more than a few of us have talked about our age and what we are doing. :shock:

Obviously we would love to have you come out and work but if all you wanted to do was spectate I bet you wouldn't have a problem finding an available RV with AC and a cooler full of water. 8)

I sure hope to see you again soon Shredder! :D

Re: Beer Ranch West Race Report

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 2:03 pm
by shredder
.......WELL.....mumble mumble........Still have the rig and I can't seem to bear the thought of removing any stickers off the back doors as of yet.........I did sell my bike to my best friend Joe Schield (say what you will boyz - Joe and I are still friends) ........and he says he would be happy to give me a loaner on a few weekends.......mumble....mumble.......and I know I got more than a few ass whoopins left in me yet........mumble keep looking over your shoulder cause it could very well be me on your six someday....mumble....mumble......I wasn't a talented racer as I had to work hard just to be average....... but man you did not want me on your six o'clock in triple digit heat. So I can say for sure.... th....mumble, mumble, mumb.....doo....wha.........fer..........Wyer Fryer's.............
:shock: :wink:

Re: Beer Ranch West Race Report

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 8:52 pm
by FlyinRyan
I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce everyone to the new members of the Cycle Zone Race Team and list how they finished at Beer Ranch West. It would be nice to hear how these guys thought that their race went.

AA Remy Martinovich 3rd
A Daron Hightower 5th
B Destiny Slawson 10th
C Adv Danielle Slawson 9th
C Vet Adv Doug Hunziker 1st
C Vet Adv Silva Beach 3rd
C Sierra Hightower 8th
C Vet Ryan Salmans 4th
Vet 40 Shane Weimer 3rd
Junior Ty Hunziker 1st
Junior Tyler Salmans 2nd
Junior Kaelin Criqui 5th
Junior Jake Weimer 8th

Re: Beer Ranch West Race Report

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 9:32 am
by motoracr199
Loved the setup. On the practice lap I wasn't so sure about how flowy it would be.

Lined up for the start almost all the way to the inside, and had none other than the holeshot king himself with the green 4 followed by 16 Jason Chandler. Sure enough he had a complete bike length on me before I even started moving :shock: (Guess what Ill be practicing)

Took the unadvised inside line after the second tree to move into 3rd. Followed the freight train for a while and a little after, I got waved by. 2nd place. Immediately after lap 1, the leader pulls off to the side as well for some reason. And into the lead I go. I had a good flow going, as the track was marked very well and the course was forming up nicely. Near the end of lap 2 I hear someone coming up quick. I up the pace as we head back towards scoring. On the last corner before scoring I slip in the slick spot and go down. This lead to the ribbon being torn down as Darrion went by me again. Sorry.

Started lap 3 feeling good, brushing off the mistake and focused on putting in some good laps. Caught the 426 later on and he waved me by :? Must have had an issue. Ended up staying smooth and consistent and put my best laps on the last 2. Finished in first and felt good at the end.

This was one awesome course and thanks to everyone who was involved. Cutting new trail is extremely hard work and your efforts are greatly appreciated!

Until next time,