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Re: Thurman, IA and points

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 3:05 pm
by Bridgebuilder
Alot of good points and ideas . I guess I did miss understand your intentions. Your last paragraph about gunning for 3rd must have been where I got confused.
Anyway the only problem I see with people changing classes mid season and transfering points to another class is they are hypothetical different people racing against even different track conditions. Could you have passed and maintained those people in real time . We will really never know because it never really happened.
I know it's legit and understand why . Just my thoughts on The subject.

Re: Thurman, IA and points

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 3:29 pm
by Gibber
Shane, I get your point and if you think of it the only 1st place I have ever in a race is now the one I share with Jim after moving down. Had I moved up there would be no conversation at all.

Truth is I never wanted to move up. I just wanted to run my 1001, have fun and try for a repeat. Unfortunately it was not my choice. Maybe I could have done better in the 700s if I hadn't changed jobs but it seems all I do these days is work. No time for my bike, practice or fitness and it finally caught up with me. It is what it is but I am pretty sure you have this one wrapped up.

Good luck at Thurman. I will be anxious to see the results.

Re: Thurman, IA and points

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 3:38 pm
by Bridgebuilder
I get it. By no means do I have it locked up todd and Jim are beating me by several points on top 5 scores that are kinda locked down last 3 are still variables. The way I have it figured.