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Re: Things I forgot

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 7:01 am
by shredder
I'm not going there.

Re: Things I forgot

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 1:19 pm
by El Dog
I don't think that this is part of the current riders 'job description' to police the speed percentiles and place riders in respective/appropriate classes. I think that if someone with Dan's experience and oversight thinks that there are riders that belong in another class, that is where the suggestion/prodding should come from. That reduces the friction between riders, in my humble 63.3% spd avg opinion.... :D
Ride on...

Re: Things I forgot

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 1:48 pm
by Btrigg88
El Dog wrote:I don't think that this is part of the current riders 'job description' to police the speed percentiles and place riders in respective/appropriate classes. I think that if someone with Dan's experience and oversight thinks that there are riders that belong in another class, that is where the suggestion/prodding should come from. That reduces the friction between riders, in my humble 63.3% spd avg opinion.... :D
Ride on...
Well said

Re: Things I forgot

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 5:54 pm
by shredder
El Dog wrote:I don't think that this is part of the current riders 'job description' to police the speed percentiles and place riders in respective/appropriate classes. I think that if someone with Dan's experience and oversight thinks that there are riders that belong in another class, that is where the suggestion/prodding should come from. That reduces the friction between riders, in my humble 63.3% spd avg opinion.... :D
Ride on...

Thank you El Dog, well put.

I just saw your number 1055...we must hook up... :wink:

Re: Things I forgot

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 7:17 pm
by dive
Pumpkinpatch wrote:I'm going to chime in here and say the facts as they are known to 99% of the racers out there. I think this thread has a tone that isn't intended.

If you get caught from behind; they are there because you screwed up or they are there because they are faster than you, for whatever god given reason, today, they are faster than you. If they persist and are still behind you after you have "recoved" from your mistake; they are faster than you. I don't see this as a difficult concept. Dan repeats it week after week after week. Trust me men; I am getting caught by teenagers that a year ago were in the junior class. It is what it is. Race, have fun, enjoy life. Don't complicate it.

If they are faster than you, you certainly have two options. Allow the pass to happen with class (my preference) or be @ss and widen out yourself.
You will find, eventually; that the latter is not a wise thing to do and actually impairs your race speed. You'll focus on your counter tactics instead of your own race and start dropping spots in clumps.

So, we all have choices in life. Make them with your heart and mind and not with the nuggets between your legs.
This is well put also....

Re: Things I forgot

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:44 pm
by quik406
Always a fun topic...Last year Dan asked people to check themselves, to see if they needed to move up, and it never crossed my mind I would need to move. Then Dan called out a few riders by name, to move up, and did not include me. This whole time it was never even in my mind I was to fast, nor Dans I guess. But guess what? Somebody in my class did, and they promptly brought it to Dans attention, that I had indeed broken out by 10.

My point is this: self policing is tuff. I really believed I was in the correct class. Dan never told me to move just suggested it. I moved because by the rules, I was over 10.

To me self policing doesn't seem to work. A set rule that is strictly enforced does. BTW 10 points is plenty gracious.

Which leads me to my second point. Looking back, after riding a 1/2 season in the correct class: Before I was always pissed about slow guys being in the way. Now, guess what? Only people I am closely matched with are in front of me and I race them with respect. No yelling or cussing, just racing. Not to say on a non split race you may encounter a lapper, but hell, those guys are easy to pass.

Simple fix: Enforce rules and people are forced to the Correct class Then slower riders blocking you becomes a moot point.
Speed is speed!

Re: Things I forgot

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 8:12 am
by Iamdanjohnson
My original comment was only saying the 1000 class rode good. The police yourself means exactly that, yourself. I will handle the rule keeping and keep track of accumulated points etc. Police yourself means to look at yourself and see if you chose the correct class. It does not mean I need someone to do my job for me. Early in the year many people find out what class they belong in or dont belong in and they move as needed. It is not a rule thing as much as just a self imposed adjustment.

It is always funny how the lack of inflection can change a sentence that is typed. Emphasize the quoted word when you read these...

"I" didn't say you were stupid.
I "didn't" say you were stupid.
I didn't "say" you were stupid.
I didn't say "you" were stupid.
I didn't say you "were" stupid.
I didn't say you were "stupid".

Re: Things I forgot

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 8:50 pm
by Gibber

That was a really cool reply. Love the quote thing.

However, speed is not speed. Please allow me to demonstrate:

Last lap, 1st place, neck and neck with 15 year old Hunter Colbert! We are close to the same speed. He is thinking Pin it to win it!!!!... I am thinking Mortgage, Insurance and I have to work tomorrow! IT IS DIFFERENT!

I'm sorry Dan, I am in your corner and really dont want to be involved with this but that's my thoughts. I may be a retard. If so please let me know and I will shut up!

Thanks for letting me do whatever I am doing here!!!

Re: Things I forgot

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 9:22 pm
by quik406
I am thinkingMortgage, Insurance and I have to work tomorrow! IT IS DIFFERENT!
I agree 100%...I think of safety way more often these days. Especially in bad conditions. I always say I love riding Walters ranch, just not racing it. I am just not comfortable at anything more than conservative. I just don't like close calls.

BUT Speed is speed... I may not be as fast as I was, or could be, but I still have a speed % that classifies me...I do like racing guys that feel the same way about life and limb (think most Cvet guys) but that is not always possible. Racers are different people with different ideas. B