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Re: Warning 700 class

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 3:34 pm
by Gibber
Dont sweat it Joe. I talked to Ryan and he is all good. Anyone who knows you knows you are a stand up guy and just having fun. Every now and then we all throw a little misguided smack. :lol: Truth is I think Ryan likes seeing his name show up on the message board from time to time. And who wouldn't appreciate having the "Big Kahuna" (Dan Johnson) come to your defense? 8)

You know, it takes years of practice to post and smack talk like the infamous Shredder. A guy cant learn it over night. Orange Crush has taken a crash course but still may need just a little bit of polish. As for me, I have been a salesman all of my life so "High Quality BS" just comes naturally for me. It's a gift! :D

Long and the short of it is us old competitive guys have it figured out. Yeah, we're gonna race to win, and we may talk a little smack along the way (which is why the fans love us soooo much), but we all realize we are racing our friends, it is a "PLASTIC" trophy and we all have to go to work the next day. You burn that in to the brains of those fast kids up front and you will see them slow down too! :mrgreen: All in due time.

So Shredder, if you see an opportunity to throw us some wisdom please do. I'm sure I'm not the only one that misses your long, detailed and mostly funny posts. Hell, sometimes I need help sleeping! :shock: :lol:

See you all at Milford!

Re: Warning 700 class

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 5:28 pm
joking wrote:Sorry about all the jabs. i was just teasing Ryan. I had a great time last year, and I plan on racing some more this year, depends on my knees.Tom i hope to be at racing at your age. I am sure he is cherry picking races so he can be competitive out there, I have no problem with that. Guys like that inspirer me. ( Bring it on GRANDPA TOM). HAHA :mrgreen: Where's OLD KARL, aka slim Fuji,you better not drop your bike in the race and expect some young whipper snapper to pick it up for you.OHH and bring your AARP card, I heard dan was handing out handicap placards and blinking yellow lights for the over the hill gang. :lol:
Mr. slow Joe my knees are in great shape it will dusty at Milford so when I am in front of you I can drag my feet so you cant see! :mrgreen: you kids crack me up! I will be racing well into my 60s

Re: Warning 700 class

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 5:47 pm
by joking
I was waiting for the Slim Fuji express to come on line. Dirty ol man pulled that trick on me at warrensberg. Those were the days. Are you sure you can run these speeds on your 350 with training wheels? :P last time we raced in the 700's Berry had to drag you off the course at westmorland. You almost broke yourself in half grandpa karl. :P Wait Wait I'm starting to remember something, it coming to me, I think I passed you at Carbondale and it was my 2nd race back and I came from the vet class, It sounded like BRAAAAP do you remember?HAHAHA I can not wait till milford, Karl we go way back old buddy ,I hope you can show me how to race MX like you did at the Merwin GP :roll: We Need to get together like the old days and have a Cook Out the night before the race.

Re: Warning 700 class

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 6:22 pm
by FlyinRyan
Well now... Long time reader and first time to comment, really enjoy your show. Wow, I got hit by a bus and when I was getting up to get the number off the back the damn thing backed up and ran over me again. Thank you for getting me fired up on my 46th Birthday. Not sure what to say and would never think I should have to say anything.
Joe, Gibby, Eric, Tom, J.P., Gordo, Big E, Cookie Man Karl, Rob A., Travis S., Nick S., Mike W. (700 riders that I know) and all of the other 700 riders I don't know yet, looking forward to a good year. The countdown to March 13th begins. Always good to go into a season a little fired up. Can't wait to start BANGING bars.

Re: Warning 700 class

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 8:38 pm
by shredder
Oh yessssssss, yesssss, yesss. I'm still inhaling so I get get it all out in one post. I'm working night and day, heck I haven't had a day off in 43 days.

I'll get a minute or two ...or ten and smack it down.

Stay tuned boys and girls.

Re: Warning 700 class

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:14 am
by jgordo
Just so everyone knows, I talked to Tom in length at the Banquet...I am giving him a hard time and will continue to raz him and most of the other guys that line up with us. Two years ago I finished the year at 79.8% and just knew within the first few races of '15 I was going to be moved to the 500's and was frankly pretty intimidated...thankfully I ruptured every connecting tendon and ligament in my knee and I get to stay in the 700's for awhile longer!!! I have never finished better than 4th in a race in the 700's but I can guarantee almost every one of them was a blast!! Struggling to keep Silva in sight, trading places with Tony in almost every race (until he hit turbo last year and was just GONE), following Ryan on a 5th gear straight right into a hidden gully, fighting to keep Keith behind me only to have him pull over and offer assistance when I went over the's a great family!!! I'm just hoping Gibbs doesn't sand bag to much at the beginning of the year bc he is afraid of a fast get high speeds you bounce more so the eventual impact is softened by the shedding of speed and energy as you bounce!!!

Re: Warning 700 class

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 7:00 pm
by Ride Orange 214
I ran into Flyn Ryan last week at lunch. That guy was eating nails and drinking two stroke oil. He didnt say much.. Hard to chew those nails I guess. After I left I saw him jogging home and he lives at least 10 miles from the Lunch stop. This dude is fired up.

Im sticking around to watch the second race. Lets go Flyn Ryan. I hope you collect some KTM cash next weekend.

Re: Warning 700 class

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 10:13 pm
by orangecrush
I am so scared.NOT!!
See you all at second race unless I change my mind.

Re: Warning 700 class

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 8:48 am
by FlyinRyan
Anyone know where I can get a jersey with a big target on the back? And I mean a big target, something easy for Eric to focus on when he is chasing me.

Re: Warning 700 class

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:28 am
by orangecrush
Does anyone have an objections about me running a playboy centerfold picture on my back chest guard? I might make these old guys think about something other than racing. I think it will work.
Just for you Ryan, I'll have a beer strapped to my rear fender. COME AND GET IT!!