Senior Class revision

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Re: Senior Class revision

#41 Post by shredder » Tue Nov 26, 2013 9:13 pm

All this talk about classes, numbers and tweaking ...oh my!!

I remember after a race when Wadedawg, Wirefryer, Slomojo and Tank and I were hanging out and I forgot and let my secret super crack concoction of drink that I mix in my up to hydrate myself and elevate myself to the upper layers of the atmosphere and the exact pain meds, the amounts and how often to administer them - all without thinking about who was listening. It was hilarious really. Joe hears all this and says..."So it's not necessarily the bike or talent, you just have better drugs than I do!"

It's funny when I run through the pits I hear the younger guys and gals talk about what kind of race fuel, what tire compound is best for the day, someones new pipe or new hardware but us old guys are listening in on what muscle rub is the best or the quickest way of getting the cramps to go away. But I will say this for certain... Some of us older guys can hardly get our leg over the seat and get up to the starting line, hell Joe is usually so bent before his practice lap he really needs a staff or cane. But as we older guys cross the finish line we realize we have full range of motion, hair on fire we realize we have't noticed any pain what so ever over the last 2 1/2 hours and us adrenaline junkies are still so jacked up on mountain dew we still heckle each other as we all finish.

I guess what I'm getting at is no matter what speed you riding at, no matter what age you are we are all racing for the same reasons. We all have the same common denominator, that which bonds us all. pretty cool huh?

Wow what a perfect season for track conditions too! I'm already jonesin for next year. :wink:
Dennis Tschirhart - #1000 something

If your going to scuff it, scratch it, crack it or break it, always do the best job you can!

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Re: Senior Class revision

#42 Post by TMAN » Wed Nov 27, 2013 1:07 am

Dennis, I am right there with ya, can't wait till next season. I guess it will be here before we know it. I say at this point we let Dan make an executive decision on the class line up and let's open up the numbers. Worst case we change it back up in 2015. No matter what the classes are 2014 will still be exciting and after all that's the main reason why we show up week after week! :)

"Adrenaline is like candy and I have a serious sweet tooth!"


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