Bird Dawg down

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#71 Post by CTL450 » Mon Nov 05, 2007 10:41 pm

KTMWade wrote:they have had to hold off on the pelvis surgery due to some other issues
Spoke with Rhonda this evening and she said that they did do the surgery afterall. Went well though it took 6 hours. Tomorrow is a big step in that they are going to try and take BD off the ventilator. I will touch base with Rhonda tomorrow afternoon for an update and post as soon as I hear.


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#72 Post by birdsanddogs » Tue Nov 06, 2007 10:54 am

I just got back from Montana, Rhonda check your mail, I sent Burd Dawgs Number plate back so he can see it when he gets better. Please let me know if you need anything. My schedule is pretty flexible, and have about anything you might need for your boys, and the one on the way. Please let me know.

My families prayers are with you all.

Mike Whitaker

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#73 Post by HeavyD » Tue Nov 06, 2007 2:13 pm

For those not checking the blog spot, this is from 10:30 today:

Hi - This is Angel Perkins posting on behalf of Rhonda's mom Cindy -

Praise God that Ben was able to open his eyes and he recognized Rhonda and his sister Jodie! Rhonda will post all the details later but the most important thing is that he was able to talk and knew he had been in an accident. It sounds like the Ben we all know and love has come back to us! He still has a long recovery ahead -- more details will follow but what an answer to prayer!!!
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#74 Post by WireFryer » Tue Nov 06, 2007 9:29 pm

Excellent news!! 8)

My quiet hope is that he be able to attend the birth of his new son, that alone will worth 2 months of PT.

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#75 Post by BURD_DAWG » Tue Nov 06, 2007 10:45 pm

Hi Everyone, this is Jodie, Ben's sister with an update for Tuesday. Today was definately a good day with a step in the right direction. We walked in this morning and noticed that Ben was less sedated and trying to open his eyes. As we got closer to him you could see that he was uncomfortable with his ventilator down his throat and trying to express his pain. While his eyes were still open, you could tell he was having a hard time focusing and his stare was glazed over. The doctor took the ventilator out about 10am, and Ben immediately expressed his discomfort and confusion with moaning and facial expressions. While we were out of the room he grumbled his first word, "Rhonda" faintly to the doctors and nurses. We were let back into the room and watched in pain as Ben continued to moan and move in attempts to disconnect his lines and tubes. We watched, listened, held his hands and tried to get him to speak all day. All of the words and sentences were scratchy whispers and very hard to understand. When asked, he recognized Rhonda, me and the kids pictures and nodded yes and no to some questions. Ben is still highly medicated and not quite there, but he is making some progress. About 90% of the things he was saying today didn't make sense but were actually pretty funny.. For instance, out of the blue he said in a whisper, "The Raider Game is on tonight" and "I want to ride tomorrow, do we have plans?" Ben is not ready to hold a conversation but hopefully his brain function will get better day by day, and will be more alert and responsive. Right now we are very pleased, but are carefull not to get our expectations too high too soon. He has a very long road ahead of him and will need all the patience he can muster. He is still fairly combative trying to grab at everything and get out of bed, but at least we are one step closer to getting our Benny back.
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#76 Post by motoracr199 » Wed Nov 07, 2007 11:22 am

Very encouraging news! I cant wait for the day to see his distinctive writing again!
David Stewart
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#77 Post by CTL450 » Wed Nov 07, 2007 10:29 pm

birdsanddogs wrote:I just got back from Montana, Rhonda check your mail, I sent Burd Dawgs Number plate back so he can see it when he gets better. Please let me know if you need anything. My schedule is pretty flexible, and have about anything you might need for your boys, and the one on the way. Please let me know.

My families prayers are with you all.

Mike Whitaker
Guys (Mike),

Jeremy and I visited Ben today. He is in really rough shape but making great improvements. He can barely speak and is clearly in a lot of pain. He is constantly trying to get out of bed and fight with the restraints. When Jeremy and I walked in, he knew who we were and got a smile on his face. He asked if we were going riding today and if we would help him load up his bike. He kept saying that he had to get ready for Carbondale and he needed to ride. Never seen anyone as addicted to riding as Ben...
He went in and out of conversation a few times and never really got a grasp of where he was. He is still heavily sedated and this is to be expected. In an effort to try and settle him down I told him that Mike Whitaker mailed him his Bird Dawg number plate back. He got a huge smile on his face and said "Birdsanddogs, I love that guy. Sweet, I'll put it on my bike and race with it tomorrow". This was the coolest thing I have heard in a long time... He totally understood and remembered the situation. This is huge for him considering the extent of his brain injuries, etc. Ben's sister Jodie, wife Rhonda and his mom Jane are amazing pillars of strength. They haven't left his side and are continues words of encouragement and comfort for Ben. He is a lucky man to have such women in his life.
I'm not so sure our visit was good for Ben, though I would like to think a fresh face was nice. However, he was clearly worked up and i'm not sure seeing him while in ICU is a good idea. This isn't my call of coarse, so I would highly recommend you call Rhonda or Jodie before popping in.

The man is one strong dude and is toughing it out, no doubt. Before you hit the pillow tonight, be thankful you are doing so in one piece, I know I will.

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#78 Post by BURD_DAWG » Thu Nov 08, 2007 12:29 am

Hi Everyone,
First off we posted an update on the webpage, we had an emotional day and are very tired.. But we can't rest without thanking Jeremy, Chuck and Janet for the support today... We are so blessed to know you. Chuck went way out of his way to pick Ben's mom up at the airport so she didn't have to take a taxi and Rhonda and I could stay by Ben's side. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Janet brought over the huge 'Get Well' card yesterday that everyone signed at the race and it is now hanging across the room where Ben will see it when he comes to. I read him all the signatures, and there was a lot... Very Cool. It brightens up the room. You are all amazing people.
God Bless and keep prayen...
Jodie (BD's Sister)
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#79 Post by OnTheRocks » Thu Nov 08, 2007 6:19 pm

This is WONDERFUL news. The fact that racing is so clear and important in his mind is just incredible!!!! Also that he remembers that Carbondale was coming up and he is still in the "got to get ready" frame of mind is really pretty funny (in a good way). It is really great to see him making improvements. Hang in there Ben and keep fighting, your in 10th right now but those riders in front of you arent all that fast!!!! Loren
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#80 Post by CTL450 » Fri Nov 09, 2007 5:02 pm

Here is a post from the Burdick Blog site.

Hello to All,

We write to you today, November 9, 2007, midway through the afternoon to update everyone on the days events and what is in store for Ben. He is about to have his first CT scan since Sunday and X-rays taken of his pelvis. His pelvis had a plate and screws put in earlier this week and that will stay in forever. Basically it is fixed and his ribs and clavical will take a lot longer. The ICU team will put him in the Geri Chair again today to get his circulation going and make sure he doesn't get sick. It will be something we don't want to see so Mom, Rhonda and I (Jodie) will go have a bite to eat. We are starting to discuss long term rehabilitation and different facilities that will be best for Ben as well as Rhonda and the kids. As everyone knows Rhonda is due on December 23rd and she can't be traveling too far. The whole thing is very overwhelming and honestly too much. The family has a lot to decide, but it is hard to make the right decision when you don't even know what type of prognosis we are looking at. Please keep praying for Ben he is sleeping soundly right now but gave the nurses a run for their money this morning, he cleared his throat this morning and mustered up enough energy to spit it out.. His ribs probably still hurt because it only landed on himself.. God Bless Ben for being Ben.. We will post more tonight. Thank you all for the continued support. The upcoming rehabilitation for his brain and bones is not going to be easy spiritually, mentally and financially but God will prevail...... He has so far.

Posted by The Burdick family at 12:43 PM

Hang in there BD, we miss ya!

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