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Milford 2012. Oh, it's on!!

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:28 am
by Iamdanjohnson

For any new riders wanting to know, Milford is likely the easiest course in the series or pretty close to it. Difficulty is about a 5 out of 10 for the most part. Just about anywhere something could be sort of hard, there is an easier way around it.

Corp requires money to be collected at the gate. I will have someone at the gate no later than 8 AM to try and keep the line down. I will have a couple of people out there. They will collect all fees at that time so have your money ready. Come right on up to sign up when you get in and we will start sign up no later than 8:30. You will still have to wait until peewees finish at 9:30 to get out on the track. You will have until about 10:45 to practice. I will do a rider’s meeting right about 10:40 to 10:45. I am trying to squeeze that down to allow more practice time. There is a second practice and that doesn’t start until 1:00 so if you afternoon guys want to roll in later, that would likely help keep congestion down. Sign up will be going all through the second race and does not end until 1:00.

I had asked the Corp for permission to shut down the entire place so we could use both sides. This is how we used to do it before 2002. I have actually asked this many times before and have always been told no. I understand that people expect a place to ride when they show up and we already have half of the place. They said no again so we will be on the same side as usual. This is simply because the usual side can be run rain or shine. The other side is far too muddy if it rains. Speaking of rain, there is some in the forecast just about every day from now until race day. I hope the forecast changes and the rain stays away for all days but really on race day. The parking is very good and the track can be run in the rain so it is very unlikely I will postpone this due to rain. Just pack a rain coat and plan to get wet if it rains. I hope this doesn’t kill the turnout. If I were to postpone it would be online or on my message by 6AM or very close to that.

I will set the course up with rain in mind and we should be fine. I don’t know which direction I will run this time. The majority of the times it seems to wind up counter clockwise. I think last fall was clockwise. I hope to use the bowls as long as they are not too muddy. I warn you I plan to weave this one a bit more which hurts the flow a bit but increases the mileage. I won't make it a corkscrew that makes you motion sick. We all know what that is like and I don’t think that is what anyone wants. I am not sure this place lends itself well to the GREEN passing lanes but if I can get them in I will.

TWO RACE FORMAT with 6 to 11 going first. The schedule is on the front page but here it is again…
Race Information: Two race format!!! A second practice is available if you dont want to come early.
1st race = Rows 6 to 11 and starts at 11:00.
2nd race = Rows 1 to 5 and starts at 2:00.
8:30 Peewee Practice
9:00 Peewee races.
9:00 Sign up begins. 1st and 2nd race can sign up
9:30 Practice begins. 1st and 2nd race can practice
10:40 Rider’s meeting for both races
11:00 1st Race-rows 6 to 11
11:00 2nd Race still open for sign up
1:00 1st race ends
1:00 2nd race sign up ends
1:10 2nd race practice begins
1:55 2nd Race-brief rider’s meeting on the line
2:00 2nd Race-rows 1 to 5
2:15 1st Race results posted
2:30 1st Race trophies available for 15 minutes only
4:00 2nd Race ends
4:30 Results posted
4:45 Trophy presentation for both races.
I will try to keep us right on time so watch your clocks and don’t miss your practice or start.

NO CONCESSION at this event. There will be Peewees at this one. Be warned their large award plaques will look suspiciously like the 2011 ones from last year and will say 2011 on them. They were too cool to throw away. If your racer got one of those last year, let me know and I MAY be able to come up with a different one.


Something new at scoring for this year. There is a desktop reader that reads your transponder and pulls your entry up onto the screen and all the scoring queens have to do is verify all data is correct and hit enter. The fact that it pulls up the correct rider also means it must be working. Pretty slick huh? Yes I did say Queens? If you dont treat them that way your day will simply not be as good!

All riders need to have a helmet number on the right side chin of their helmet. We need this for back up sheets. These are free so just ask for one at sign up if you dont have one yet.

Having your helmet also helps to make sure the people getting new transponders are getting them on right.

Even though you really dont need to any more, you can check your transponder by walking through after you sign up.

Still wont hurt to come through on practice and check it while on your bike just in case.

If you see someone headed to sign up without their helmet, let them know about this new procedure. I think MO and Hillbilly guys already know this drill.

Get those season numbers on your bike as soon as you can and in the meantime, make sure all old number are covered over. It is BEST to put the temp numbers on AFTER practice. Dont forget, temp numbers cost $5 now. They are now new technology, waterproof, and will last several races if you just want to keep running them.

The craziness at Collins will all be behind us once everyone who attended Collins checks their transponders just to be sure all is well.

Re: Milford 2012. Oh, it's on!!

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:43 am
by ike jones
Is FM still swapping the old baton transponders or will we need to pay for the new transponders at the gate? Hope to be there with some Cornhusker MXer's in tow. Just trying to figure exact $$$ for at the gate.

Re: Milford 2012. Oh, it's on!!

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:47 pm
by tclimber
wow Ike Jones is coming :D is this really 2012 now all we need is fender bender and the whole crowd would be there I was thinking of skipping this one but may have to come now

Re: Milford 2012. Oh, it's on!!

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:37 pm
by ike jones
Hi Jeff! If the starz align I will be there.

Re: Milford 2012. Oh, it's on!!

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:20 pm
by swedishfishmx
Good luck this weekend guys/gals.

Re: Milford 2012. Oh, it's on!!

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 9:43 am
by ike jones
Stars are aligned! We'll be in the Yucca Hills MX rig, stop by and say hi!

oh..............and let it rain! Woohoo!

Re: Milford 2012. Oh, it's on!!

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 5:22 pm
by tclimber
They didnt line up for me this time Ike hope we will see you again this year good luck Ike