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Bolivar Race Reports

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:29 pm
by Superfast
No race reports yet, everyone must be pretty worn out!

My day started out pretty good, met up with Andy and the Thomas family before the race. Got suited up and headed out for practice, man the course was slick! The rocks were not too bad, to me the roots were worse. There were a few one line sections that bottle necked pretty good, mainly up hill sections. Made it through practice without too many issues.

Sitting on the line, board drops, had to kick the bike twice to get going, came off the line near the back of the pack, but managed to clear 4 or 5 bikes before we hit the woods. Once in the woods my goal was to ride as clean as possible and keep the bike on 2 wheels. That lasted almost the whole first lap! Came into the final creek crossing, somehow managed to get the front wheel in one rut and the rear in another and dumped the bike in the mud. Luckily there was a bunch a people there to take my picture …………. That really helped! Got back up and going, came through scoring in 4th, not too bad.

I ended up finding my own lines up most of the hills and didn’t have any problems with those sections. There was 2 roots that seemed to get me every lap, even though I knew they were coming up they would still try and take my front wheel away. Maintained 4th for the second lap, 5th on the third and ended up finishing 4th.

Bolivar beat the crap out of me last year and I didn’t get the best finish. Going into this race, my goal was to finish in atleast the top 5, which I did, so all is good!

Thanks to everyone who helped to put this race together, the course lived up to it’s reputation!