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Big Springs in trouble?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 1:32 pm
by verticaltwin
I have a coworker that lives near the Big Springs riding area. He brought some papers to work concerning the local residents trying to shut it down to riding?

Anyone else heard of this? Is there anything we can do?

I'd hate to lose a riding area!


Re: Big Springs in trouble?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 2:18 pm
by PK
There is something you can do. It nice to send letters to other states about other riding areas….but this is in your own back yard!

Send a letter of recommendation to Barry Beagle the Shawnee County Planning Director at: and copy me on it

….and/or more importantly show up at the meeting Monday April 9 at 6:00 pm at the Shawnee County Annex, 1515 NW Saline Street, 1st floor conference room, Topeka, Kansas.

There are a couple of neighbors in the area that are spreading false rumors about re-zoning, exsesive traffic on the roads, racing every night of the weekend, etc.

If you don’t support your local riding facilities you won’t be riding locally and for you people in the industry: NO TRAILS = NO SALES!

Let me know if you would like a copy of the proposal or other info.
Thank you for your support!
Perry Keegan

Re: Big Springs in trouble?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 2:59 pm
by CTL450
I will post this on FB and try to get it up on the Mo State MX site also. Getting a little tired of this issue...


Re: Big Springs in trouble?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 3:06 pm
by verticaltwin
Thanks!! Will do!

Re: Big Springs in trouble?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 3:20 pm
by CTL450
Email sent to Mr. Beagle:

Mr. Beagle,

I would like to send this message to you in support of the Big Springs off road recreation area. I cannot stress to you enough how important it is for area’s like this to remain available to me and my family (and scores of others just like us). This facility allows us to enjoy the outdoor recreation that we love (off road riding) as a family and do it close to home (and in our own state). With fuel prices on the rise, it is even more important for our local areas to remain accessible, so that kids and families have some place to go that they can afford. This area is managed well, works with the local community and attracts incremental business to the local restaurants, convenience stores and fuel stations that they would otherwise not get. Not to mention, that numerous local motorcycle/ATV/UTV businesses employee dozens of folks who count on recreation areas like this to sell units that help feed their families. As you can see, this is more than just a place for people to go play in the dirt. It means much more than this to a lot of people… Please join us in this effort to support this facility and those that work hard to make it a reality for others.

Thank you in advance for your understanding and your support of this issue.


Chuck Lenhart and the Lenhart family

Re: Big Springs in trouble?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 4:58 pm
by Pumpkinpatch
off went mine........

Mr. Beagle,
I write to you today to express my support for the continued lawful operation of the Big Springs off road recreation area. I am a father of two great kids who utilize the location for recreation. Our time spent together at facilities such as this is invaluable to me, especially in times like ours where a parent and child’s shared time is so rare and cherished.

I cannot stress how important it is for legal recreation areas like Big Springs off road recreation area to remain available to those like me and my family. This well run facility allows us to enjoy recreation in a safe and responsible manner. This area is expertly managed, works with the local community and attracts business to the local areas of Shawnee County, a fact not lost on those charged with serving our public.

This location means far more to many Kansas residents than I can express as one taxpaying Kansan and I hope that you will continue to support lawful operations that make positive contributions to society such as the Big Springs off road recreation area.

Thank you support.
Mark W. Shafer, PE

Re: Big Springs in trouble?

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 7:55 am
by verticaltwin
Sent mine too:

Mr. Beagle,

This message is concerning the rezoning of Big Springs Outdoor Recreation Use Area. Local riders need a place to safely ride in a rural area such as Big Springs. Losing this area would take something very important away from the riding community, old and young alike. Just as golfers need golf courses, bicycle riders needs riding trails, and bowlers need bowling alleys… Recreational motorcycle riders need a place to safely enjoy responsible recreation with their families and friends.

I have a coworker that lives approximately 2000 ft. away from the Big Springs riding area on S.E. Stubbs Rd. and he was completely unaware that the riding area even existed. In light of this, it does not appear that there is a “noise”, “traffic”, or “dust” issue.

Please consider keeping the area available to local riders and taxpaying citizens!

Thank you,
Kyle Boyd, 43 y/o local recreational rider (on behalf of 6 neighbors/friends)

Re: Big Springs in trouble?

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:12 am
by Harvey Mushman
Last week a group of about ten, from the county commision toured the BS riding area. I attended as well in an attempt to show support for the riding area. There was also some people that live in the area that are against it that were in attendence also. The vibe I got is, if you value Big Springs as a riding area, either recreationaly, or to compete at organized events, it's very important that the dirt biking community show up to the upcoming meeting and show our support for the riding area.

Terry Fleming