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Comments on KLX140L

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 7:23 pm
by czrider
Any one have one? I rode a new one at the dealer but couldn't go off road. I like it's general size and weight even with the low power. I am looking for a lighter but not too small "play" bike. I see a few for sale but not much for reviews. It kinda reminds me of my 125 Yamaha enduro we used to play "tag" with.

Re: Comments on KLX140L

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 6:31 am
by kchotrod
No exp with a 140 but we have a 2005 KLX125L we are going to be selling. This was the Suzuki Crossover bike with Kawasaki. Does not have electric start. If you are interested I can take it to Walter's Ranch.

Rod Smith

Re: Comments on KLX140L

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:00 pm
by birdsanddogs
Great bike, I have an 09' and have been chasing my Son around on it for the past 3 seasons. Always starts, little to no Maint. I really have ridden the wheels off this bike, but they are still on it.

Might be the best bike I have ever owned.

Many Enduro's on it also.

Re: Comments on KLX140L

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:49 pm
by czrider
Thanks, I thought that in some of the tight, hilly, woods enduros it would be just right for me. My 250X just wears me out getting stuck or hung up on hills with roots and rocks. Used ones that are in good shape are priced pretty high. I just can't pull the trigger on a new one yet. As always, shopping is part of the fun.