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Big Springs Update

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 7:21 am
by Frank

Re: Big Springs Update

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:30 am
by CTL450
What? wrote:Great turn out. Read the story. ... e-tecumseh
Sweet! A very big thanks goes out to PK for going to bat for us all here. Now need to make sure this wasn't for nothing and work on getting people out to support his events at Big Springs. Great job to all!


Re: Big Springs Update

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:58 am
by verticaltwin
Yes... Bigtime thanks!!

Re: Big Springs Update

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:37 am
by verticaltwin
I would like to add that my co-worker, that lives on Stubbs Rd., is VERY upset about the whole thing (yes, the one that didn't know it was there until I told him last Labor Day). He is mad that a "bunch of foreigners" came in and "got their way"... building an "amusement park" with "racing every day and night"... and "blocking the roads by bringing in mobile homes".

So just to keep the peace I would suggest that when coming in from 45th St. use Woodring Rd. to 37th St., then west to the track entrance, or when coming in from the north take Hwy 40 to 29th St. west , then South on Woodring Rd to 37th and turn west to the track entrance. It wouldn't be more than a mile or two out of the way and the land/home owners would have less to complain about.

Re: Big Springs Update

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:41 pm
by PK
Thanks to all that supported!!!

.......the battle is not over yet.

Re: Big Springs Update

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:58 pm
by WireFryer
PK wrote: BTW plan B is to make it a trailer park.....for real.
THAT... would be some poetic justice right there :twisted: .

Re: Big Springs Update

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 7:13 am
by verticaltwin
verticaltwin wrote:I would like to add that my co-worker, that lives on Stubbs Rd., is VERY upset about the whole thing (yes, the one that didn't know it was there until I told him last Labor Day). He is mad that a "bunch of foreigners" came in and "got their way"... building an "amusement park" with "racing every day and night"... and "blocking the roads by bringing in mobile homes".

So just to keep the peace I would suggest that when coming in from 45th St. use Woodring Rd. to 37th St., then west to the track entrance, or when coming in from the north take Hwy 40 to 29th St. west , then South on Woodring Rd to 37th and turn west to the track entrance. It wouldn't be more than a mile or two out of the way and the land/home owners would have less to complain about.
My coworker said that you cannot go through the quarry ini between 45th St. and 37th on Woodring Rd... so scratch that .

Re: Big Springs Update

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:09 am
by PK
There has been a formal protest filed which will require a 3-0 vote from the Shawnee County Commissioners in favor of the Big Springs Outdoor Recreational Use Area or the Conditional Use Permit will not be allowed.

I would greatly appreciate your support at the Shawnee County Court House Monday MORNING April 30 at 9:00 am 200 SE 7th St., Topeka, Kansas 66603. A room number has not been assigned yet. They tell me there should be a sign on the entrance showing the room number.

We need show positive support and show that people who use this area are spending money in Shawnee County and that it is having a positive effect on the community.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for your support!!!!!

Perry Keegan

Re: Big Springs Update

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:26 pm
by PK

Re: Big Springs Update

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 9:37 am
by Frank
If I am correct, the court house can take some time for parking and for making entry onto the first floor. I would plan on arriving 'earlier' to make sure your on time. The parking area and closest garages fill from people needing to take care of their tags (the 30th is the last day of the month) and the jury members arriving for their civic duties. To slow things up more, as you enter the first floor, you need to empty all of your pockets and proceed through the metal detectors.

The last time I was there, I was directed to a parking garage approximately one and one half blocks away. The best way to start through the parking maze is to start from 6th and Quincy and head south approximately 1/2 block. On the west side of the street is a parking garage. If it is full, the attendants will give directions to the next parking garage.

Coming from the east on I-70, I would recommend exiting the 8th street exit and traveling forward through the intersection (north) to 6th avenue. Turn left (west) onto 6th avenue and proceed to Quincy (BP station). Turn left (south) to the first parking garage approximately ½ blocks and on the west side.

Coming from the west on I-70, I would recommend taking the 3rd street exit and traveling though the intersection (south) to 6th avenue. Turn right (west) onto 6th avenue and proceed to Quincy (BP station). Turn left (south) to the first parking garage approximately ½ blocks and on the west side.

Let me apologize now if I wrote the directions wrong, unclear, or I just plain annoyed you. Wait, if I annoyed you, I did my job. If I need to make a correction, let me know asap. I do not know if anyone really reads anything I write so if you are still reading this, why aren’t you getting ready, or at least going out riding? Am I rambling? See, now I’m off track again. I am so easily distracted…….. a oh look! A chicken!