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Warrensburg June 10th. Be there

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:12 am
by Iamdanjohnson
Well interest seems to be lacking right now so I thought I would offer up a topic. Weather looks good for this one with no rain in the forecast and decent temps on race day. It is a split event so it will be all about who is fastest and not who is best at lapping or being lapped. My hope is dust will be a non issue but it will be set up with dust in mind.

If I can locate an EMT for Saturday afternoon, I may allow open riding/practice for $10 per rider from 3 to 8 or something like that. Still working on that one.

Lots of things come up in the summer but dont let any of those obstacles get in the way of you riding this one.

I need some Sunday workers but will put that in a new post.


Re: Warrensburg June 10th. Be there

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 12:31 pm
by Iamdanjohnson
Still not certain but we very well may race on the east side of the road. It has been 6 years since those stars aligned so dont miss this one. It is like being on a completely different property!!

Re: Warrensburg June 10th. Be there

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 4:56 pm
by WireFryer
Iamdanjohnson wrote:Still not certain but we very well may race on the east side of the road. It has been 6 years since those stars aligned so dont miss this one. It is like being on a completely different property!!
THE, long lost East side?

Sweet! That end is a blast (though you felt like you changed Zip Codes at least 3 times per lap :wink: ).

And it ain't been molested for six years, so it'll be alot like going on a date with Shredder..., lotsa' trimming to be done :mrgreen: .



Re: Warrensburg June 10th. Be there

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:35 pm
by smith696
i vote for a single race!! Supposed to be like 93 sunday!! Noon would be way better than starting at 2!! Just my 2cents!! I live in wbg so either way ill be there just looking out for others!! Braaap

Re: Warrensburg June 10th. Be there

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:35 pm
by shredder
Sounds cool Dan but everyone knows that the east side is a myth. (Why do they taught us so?)
I'm fixing that front flat tire from lap two (last race) and putting on a new rear brake lever right now. The perch flips and turns and rotates so bad that sometimes I go to use it and my boot slides RIGHT OFF! Saving the money at first sounded like a good idea but when I need the rear brake, I NEED THE REAR BRAKE!

I got to ride that Husky 310 at the last race and I gotta have one...Hmmmmmm My wife's birthday is June 12th so I figure I now know what to get her! Boy won't she be surprised this year! (I got her a fishing boat once one year about 15 years ago, She just started speaking to me 6 months ago! hee hee hee)

You bet I won't miss this one! :wink:

The Keystone light beer truck won't make this race either after they pulled out from the last race on Saturday night with no beer sales at all. I even told them we might need TWO trucks and a clean tranny funnel and clear vinyl tubing. Seems Tim didn't show up till Sunday morning last race and Keystone doesn't trust me any more...

I'm hoping that Joe got his upper end re-done, if ya do then look for us Joe! We got a seat for ya!

I heard Barry Harris might be coming out for this one too!

Re: Warrensburg June 10th. Be there

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:00 pm
by Superfast
East side? I have heard the stories but figured it was all a bunch fairy tales. So if the East side does exist, does that mean the Easter Bunny is real too?

Looking forward to the weekend, plan on pulling in Saturday and doing some camping. Dennis if you get there before me save me a spot!

I heard rumors that a couple of the Seniors were changing classes and moving to the 700's ............. Any truth to that?

Re: Warrensburg June 10th. Be there

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:22 pm
by AStevens
No myth. MORE series ran it last year. If I remember correctly Rod tested a part of the parking area for a solid bottom with his RV. His tests were inconclusive, but he did test positive for tractorpullyodumbazoutadis.

Re: Warrensburg June 10th. Be there

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 6:27 am
by kchotrod
Ah yes the famous M.O.R.E. Warrensburg East race of 2011. Remember it well. My family refers to that not has the East side but the Darkside. Spent many hours in the mud up to the axles in the RV there. We all watched as Dave finally got me out Sunday night after showing off the John Deere wheel standing capabilities. Joe also seized his bike over there after shearing off his radiator hose during the race. Anyone that raced that will remember that the rainfall caused this to not actually be an East race but an East-West race when much of the course had to be rerouted. This was interesting as the racers had to push their bikes not once but twice across the gravel road that some said was reminiscent of some old town GP races. It looked more like a heart attack waiting to happen to me especially for the plus 50 guys. They didn’t complain too much however due mostly to a serious lack of air. Anyway the forecast shows no rain so should be a much better experience this year. See everyone there.

Re: Warrensburg June 10th. Be there

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:16 am
by DD-
MORE was a very short east side...and road crossings idea was a last minute effort to have the race, not a real east side race. There was about 6 miles that was not used because of the rain....that race should have never happened.

Re: Warrensburg June 10th. Be there

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:53 pm
by AStevens never forget the crazy crap that happens at those kinds of races.