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Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:01 am
by PK
Just thought I would mention it….cause that’s the kinds of guy I try to be……..My wife found a pretty cool pocket knife by the North end bleacher area. It appears to of had a little green tire slim on the blade.

Please contact me and describe in detail OR it is going into my plethora of other collected and acquired sharp instruments.

Let me know…….

913-two two 0-08four2


Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:01 pm
by shredder
It's mine PK! Perry I remember it perfectly, yes I was standing over by the whats ya call it and some shouted at me and I turned around while holding the knife in my hand and dropped it! It has green stuff on a blade and some other stuff kinda like..well you know cause you can see it... and oh yeah it's got something else- a mark on the right side opposite the left side..the port side as I recall and the blades pivot in and out...the blades are a silvery color....the handle is easily recognizable cause it looks so much like a handle too! I got it from Aunt Merelda for my birthday last year and I would hate to loose it for ever - you know with it being a Christmas present and all!

Seriously thanks for finding and returning my lost I pod from Big Springs that laid out on the track for like almost two months! AND it still works too! How you thought to charge it up, find out that it was "Dennis's I Pod", went to the scoring sheets and found out that only 2 Dennis's raced that day, found out it was not the other guy, got my number, and saw the re ska bands I had loaded beyond me..You da man! :wink:


Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:47 am
by PK
Your welcome Shredder!

Pocket knife returned to happy owner!