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Warrensburg Race Reports

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:14 pm
by shredder
Well the "burg" lived up to my expectations. It was cool the way it was stitched together. At one point I "knew" where I was only running backwards then all the sudden something new and then another part of the track that was running "forwards". Great flow, well marked and soft laom, hard clay spots and even a soft thick dusty corner to practice sliding out on! I did several front end wash outs at that corner so I'm sure I got that down now. (ouchy) There is one thing that Dan got all wrong fer sure though... I said I wanted the water temperature at 73 degrees...NOT 37 degrees. I'll have my people get with your people on this...Hmmmm

Well in the Seniors Randy got away fro :cry: m me again. I was patient this time and waited for the perfect time to make my move and my bike decided to run yet one more front end wash out training drill on me and he was gone! Dave musta had trouble and I hope he is ok. I knew he was a little sore but he always finishes, he is a tough dude. Only one lap - hopefully a mechanical prob.

T Climber came out and took me up on my loaner bike offer. It was cool when he posted his "75" temps on the Honda. That was my old earned number. Kinda brought a tear to my eye. He even pulled out a trophy! Nice work Mr Fenton! By the way my wife Stacey got some cool creek pics of you ripping up the water. I'll make ya some copies.

Saw Ed and he pounded it out! I know he has still gotta feel that pounding if it's anything like what I got. Slomojo didn't ride but came out to check out the festivities - that was cool too.

I got to meet that fast "Frakes" guy, He was camped next to us. It's weird when someone is stopped and talking to's so different then when they are just a blurr out on the track. Nice guy.

Lastly - word on the street is that Tucker is just going to strap on an F-16 jet engine with two wheels next year with an "off" and "on" switch. That might make things interesting enough to keep his attention! I met him and his dad at Donnell's. Very great folks, laid back. Very cool.

Tim - well I'll say it...We missed you...

By the way did I mention...

Man that water was cold!!

My 2 cent$ :wink:

Re: Warrensburg Race Reports

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 5:19 am
by tclimber
Well I never would have even been there if it wasn't for Dennis loaning me his awesome Honda that is a sweet bike thanks Dennis I owe you big time. Haven't even been on a bike except a slow no gear ride around Drexel on the Fourth of July it comes back to you pretty fast just made a bunch of stupid mistakes the first lap till I got dialed in and settled down when I came through scoring I was in 15th place :roll: but every lap I would keep moving up by the 4 th lap I was up to 8th and had the best lap of the race got up to 6th and could see Devon when I came through scoring I caught him at the first creek crossing and chased him the whole last lap that was a blast. I have to say he has picked up the pace from the last time I raced him all I could do was hang with him that is until we hit the last creek crossing he went left I went right and took him I kinda felt bad but I would expect the same from him and we did have some fun it was great to see everyone again see you at the banquet

Re: Warrensburg Race Reports

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:26 am
by rsr02 first time using gopro, came out pretty good.
The video sums up my race, get stuck in the mud then chase people back down in the woods. If only I could get the radar the fast guys use so I could tell when its safe to pass with all the leaf litter covering the sneaky little rocks/down trees.

Re: Warrensburg Race Reports

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:05 pm
by shredder
Cool video, thanks for posting it! My wife loves to see what the tracks are like. Hey good recovery on the back slide at that creek crossing. My slide back wasn't so pretty. :wink:

Re: Warrensburg Race Reports

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:39 pm
by rsr02
Here is a better vid
note to future self; when uploading vids to youtube, don't let them "fix" the shaky video.
The better video is not so wavy, their "fixed" one makes me want to puke.

Re: Warrensburg Race Reports

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 4:48 pm
by WireFryer
shredder wrote:Tim - well I'll say it...We missed you...
May the bloated, inept, jobs program that IS the Kansas Unemployment Office burn in Hell for all eternity...... :evil: .

Re: Warrensburg Race Reports

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:45 am
by AStevens
rsr02 wrote:Here is a better vid
note to future self; when uploading vids to youtube, don't let them "fix" the shaky video.
The better video is not so wavy, their "fixed" one makes me want to puke.
Good video. Glad to see some footage from someone my speed.

That Keystone Cops stuff in the creek after the 4 min mark made me laugh so hard my wife had to come see what was the matter.

Re: Warrensburg Race Reports

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 1:15 pm
by kqracing7
I was really looking forward to racing at Warrensburg as the trails are always awesome; however, it didn't happen. Saturday during a practice lap, I thought I could beat my husband up a hill (so I thought....I know he can pass me at any given moment) and was doing great until I gassed it and my back tire hit a tree root. After several ahh sh*t moments and finally landing on the ground, I realized I had tweaked my neck and with that came a headache that lasted days. I thought Sunday I'll be ok, try a practice lap and just suck it up and race. Well that didn't happen either. So instead I found myself watching and helping where I could.

I realized that I was more nervous watching my husband race than I am when I am sitting on the start line waiting for the board to drop. Next time, no matter how bad I hurt, I am racing and not watching.

Thanks for the video, at least I got to ride from my computer!!!

Hope everyone has a great winter and we will see you somewhere, at some race in the spring!