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Shattered my Collar bone practicing.....on the 17th.

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:09 pm
by E.A.
Was trying out the new CR250 for this next season.
Didn't see a stump hidden in the brush, and thats all she wrote. Turned my collar bone into 6 pieces....

So my Christmas present to myself was.....
11 screws, and a nice bar plate later.....

Hope to get feeling back in my shoulder here pretty soon, its pretty buggered right now. So that I can be ready for spring.

Anyone else have any tips to recovery tricks? I figured I can't be the only one on this message board that has broken theirs. (I broke my right collar bone back in the day, but only one crack, so this is all new to me)


Re: Shattered my Collar bone practicing.....on the 17th.

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 11:21 am
by nicknasty
I feel your pain man. I dont normally post much on here but had to on this one. I have been battleing my own broken colar bone for 10 months now and still have to wait another four weeks to see if its FINALLY healed. Mine was basicly a compound break since it came through the skin and was also in a few peices on the inside. They plated it on march 7th last year with the hopes of being good to go in four to six weeks... 10 months 2 more breaks a serious bone infection and 3 surgeries later I have finally learned you can not rush a broken bone . I had never broke anything before and asumed like previous(muscle) injuries a high pain tolerance and strong will to heal would get me back riding . I was wrong. With that plate in there you will feel great in four weeks or so, I was back ironworking the next week. But take my advice give it time. I dont know how old you are but I had to realize I wasnt a teenager any more and pushin the limits was not going to work for me on this one.
To fill in the gaps and wrap this up, due to the compound break I got the bone infection which lead to slow healing then the bicycle threw me off to break it and twist my new titanium plate so that earned me a Second sugery where they found the bone infection and put 2 plates in this time. I sat on iv antibiotics for six weeks and was told at that point tge plates had to come back out for the infection to be completly gone. it did heal where I could ride this fall with the plates in. I rode hard and crashed a few times with no problems then in November they took the plates out on a friday and sunday I was putting windshield wipers on and heard and felt a huge pop and yes I broke it again at one of the screw holes. Now here I am almost eleven months later still at square one. I did get a nice little necklace made out of my plates out of the deal from my niece for Christmas though.
So a side from my story , my advice is to be patient and smart about your injury. I had a few things working against me with my break and I hope yours heals up without a problem. If yiu can deal with the plate I would leave it in until next winter because you will need healing time just as you do now because of the screw holes. All it took for mine to break after the plates were removed was my own shoulder muscle.
Heal well and heal fast brother , I wish my experience on nobody and hope everything goes good for you. And if I haven't said it yet patience and healing time is the key ;-)...

Re: Shattered my Collar bone practicing.....on the 17th.

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 2:47 pm
by E.A.
Here are my before and after images....



I really really really appreciate the advice.
When I broke my right collar bone, it was a clean simple crack.... just one. It took maybe 4 weeks and I was back 100% ready to rock and roll.

However, as you stated two things make this different.

1) I am now 32 years old...
2) I broke it into 6 separate pieces. (if you look close you can see them, but one piece is hiding pretty good)

Doctor said the chances of me getting this metal out was pretty slim to never. However, its pretty amazing what a big "bump" I now have under my skin out on that end where that group of 4 screws is....

Again, I thank you for taking the time to write that all out.
I really feel bad for what you have gone though, but appreciate that you can forewarn others like me.


Re: Shattered my Collar bone practicing.....on the 17th.

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 2:00 pm
by WireFryer
I feel your pain!

Broke my left one into 4 pieces at the Fall Milford race in '06 at the ripe age of 40.

I elected to not go with any surgery and was healed up and cleared to go back to work in 6 weeks.

I now have a dandy coral formation that pretends to be a collar bone and several twitchy nerves to boot.

Heal up!


Re: Shattered my Collar bone practicing.....on the 17th.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 12:33 pm
by E.A.
Well, Big Springs was my first race back after the injury....

Felt great, guess the Dr. did a good job.

Was well worth the wait, to make sure it was 110% perfect!

Re: Shattered my Collar bone practicing.....on the 17th.

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 9:14 am
by Tank
Glad your healed up and racing. Hope to see you at Drexel. :D

Re: Shattered my Collar bone practicing.....on the 17th.

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 6:25 pm
by sprint4t
Another collarbone story 6 weeks ago at the first hillbilly race went out for practice and did not make it 1/4 across field and someone hit back tire about 40 mph and landed on right shoulder and completely tore collar bone off shoulder. I have done a lot of crazy things to myself over the last 53 years but this one tops them all. It has been the most painful thing 2 weeks of no sleeping. Now my right arm is over 1 in longer than left as the collar bone holds arm up. There is no repair for the AC joint. they are talking about wiring the bone down so it will quit moving. I go back Jan. 13th. to see what's next. I wish it would have just broke then they could fix it. So got rid of any temptation to ride again sold bike and most stuff it is tuff leaving something you enjoy so much. Well hope everyone heals up.
Mike Trent

Re: Shattered my Collar bone practicing.....on the 17th.

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 2:03 am
by wadedawg
That's bad news Mike! I sure hope and pray all works out for you. I wish you the best.

Re: Shattered my Collar bone practicing.....on the 17th.

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 4:14 pm
by sprint4t
I had my surgery last Tues. Jan 21st. they cut 1 in of the collar bone off and tied collar bone to shoulder. Start therapy Thur. It has been along 16 weeks waiting to have it repaired. But it's done now and time to get better. I will miss the 2014 season so good luck to everyone and ride safe. Because It's no fun being hurt.

Re: Shattered my Collar bone practicing.....on the 17th.

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 12:48 pm
by E.A.
sprint4t wrote:I had my surgery last Tues. Jan 21st. they cut 1 in of the collar bone off and tied collar bone to shoulder. Start therapy Thur. It has been along 16 weeks waiting to have it repaired. But it's done now and time to get better. I will miss the 2014 season so good luck to everyone and ride safe. Because It's no fun being hurt.
OMG! I can't even imagine..... It was only about 5 days for me without sleep, and thats only because I can't take pain meds due to allergies. So honestly with meds I bet I would have been snoozing like a baby.

Again, I can't imagine that long of a recovery. I am sorry to hear of your injury, just know I am hoping you get back to feeling 110%. Sounds like some of your day to day things might be effected, not just riding anymore. MAN, thats crazy.

Get better! Be safe, keep us updated.