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Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:25 am
:D Did not make this one looks like missed some good fun :(


Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:16 pm
by shredder
The banquet was well set up and the layout was very similar to last years with a few extra passing lanes. Nice flow with very little elevation changes. Conversation was awesome and spirits were exceptionally high. I'm guessin because Wirefryer wasn't there I did see more folks cutting lines - more than usual.

First lap - I hit the deviled eggs, geen beans with the crunchy stuff on top, 2 deliciouly tasty unknowns (which is another reason why I love it when we all bring our favorite dishes) and a piece of chicken. I didn't get the hole shot but I did hold my own. Had to keep pace with my wife Stacey but we held off Steve Houton and Joe Leader House. Joe is a pain in the ass if he gets in front of you...we all know that...just ask Devon.

Second lap - Fuel tank was over filled and expanded slightly, I saw Scott Georgen going for a second lap so I made my move and slid into that hard right hander and made it to the apple pie first! I was able to take the hard line and get back to the table without any obstacles slowing me down.

Third lap...Went to go for a third lap but I popped the clutch and must have busted my belt cause I wasn't going ANYWHERE! Just sat back and watched all the cash and prizes FLY! We almost had a major bottleneck when we got to the neon green back packs but Perry, with his ninja quick thinking found another one so all the kids were happy. I was able to squeeze out the last ACERBIS wall banner and got my bid in - just in time.

Fourth lap - tried to make a move on the rear 18" tire but ran out of money. Devon - who I might mention did and outstanding job as auctioneer kinda got robbed (sorta like when OL Slow MoJo cut em off at the hay bales - boy I'm glad that's in the past and all forgotten....DOOOH!) cause although He rocks as auctioneer he didn't get to bid on anything! I told you guys he is a step up kinda guy so there you go!

The trophy's kick butt and I may hold Randy's long enough to get at least a 10 second head start at Collins this year! It was awesome to yak it up with everyone and even TClimber sat down and we literally chewed the fat fer a while!

Oh and PS DAN! I do NOT write long posts...

DOOOOH! :wink:


Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:08 pm
by shredder
Donnell's Had the Husky's set up again. I know Bad Brad's just did the paperwork on his new 2013, 310. Way to go bro!

Bart thanks for putting me on the 310 in the first place! :wink:
Anyone that hasn't seen the Husky's really owe it to yourselves to visit Donnell's on 40 HWY in Independence just east of 291. Kenny, Tony or Bart will answer any and all of your questions (about bikes that is, questions about women...not so much). You can check out the parts, service dept and the bikes without getting swarmed upon like the vultures do in the desert!


Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:14 pm
by bshack
I was going to make my rounds this coming weekend to see what Letko and Donnell's had to offer me for this year, and Bart made me a deal that I could not refuse! Go team Dirtbag!


Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:00 am
by tclimber
I didn't know team dirtbag still existed it was good to see everyone hope to make a few races this year we will see


Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 6:09 pm
by shredder
Yes sir! I'm getting "TEAM DIRTBAG" decals printed up again for 2013. And yes of course Mr. Fenton you one of a few still left from the ol vintage Team Dirtbag racers still out there! We got cha some stickers too! :wink:


Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:55 pm
by tclimber
Awesome I still have a helmet with tornado on it :lol: