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Thank You to the Forward Motion Family.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:24 am
by Frank
I would like to thank Dan, Perry, and the Forward Motion Family for your support and kindness during our times of difficulty. Cameron spent many hours riding and having fun. There were times when we would tell him to stop riding one bike, and off he would go on another. Other times he could be found riding a 50cc through a muddy creek and later seeing how far he could jump on a 250. It didn’t matter if there was snow on the ground or 100* heat.

On the trails, many of you might not have realized the impact that you have had on us, especially me. When I think of all the different events I have seen or heard about, this is an incredible family to belong to. I can think of when he started riding in the junior class and I was escorting him at Warrensburg. He went face down into the creek and before I could get off my bike, one of you flew through the creek, ran back down, grabbed his bike and got it up the other side. After he made it up the creek bank, the rider was gone, flat gone! At Merwin in 2011, when he hit his foot on a downed tree, Wirefryer not only extended his hand to help, but then proceeded to write about the event. “My second lap I stopped to check on #850, young kid, splattered all over the trail. Seems his foot and a tree had it out and the tree won. Being his first experience with broken bones, he wasn't real happy about the situation so I chose to keep him company till' the Calvary arrived to quad him out of there. After that, knowing I had to be dead last, I just floated along having fun.” We had a lot of laughs from this one and it’s still funny today.

We have many great memories of him riding with the Forward Motion family and our family would like to thank you for them.

The Johnson family

Re: Thank You to the Forward Motion Family.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:20 pm
by shredder

Re: Thank You to the Forward Motion Family.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:20 pm
by keko
I never really met Cameron except for being on the startline with him a few times. I always liked giving fist bumps and thumbs up to my fellow 800 riders right before the start of a race. I can distinctly remember the 850 giving me the thumbs up before the race at Milford. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family Mark.

Re: Thank You to the Forward Motion Family.

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:51 pm
by Speedysdad
Mark, I have enjoyed getting to know you and the boys. My favorite memory of Cameron was encouraging him to get fast enough to beat his brother. Good luck to you guys, hope to see you soon.

Re: Thank You to the Forward Motion Family.

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 2:38 pm
by WireFryer
I was glad to help him out that dusty afternoon, Mark.

He definitely needed a hug after scrapping with that hedge tree!

I'm very sorry for your loss, but pleased that you and your family have decided to keep racing with us. 8)
