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Riding Escort for 10 or 11 yr old ????

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:07 pm
by gentges
My 10 year old wants to try riding a couple big courses, so I have a couple questions.
1. Any particular tracks you recommend (easier tracks for the smaller bikes)
2. How does the escort thing work? Do I (the escort) need to be registered, pay a fee, were a special "escort" vest etc..


Re: Riding Escort for 10 or 11 yr old ????

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:33 pm
by Frank
I escorted for a while and not only had a great time, but I learned a lot about riding. You will still need to pay the $5.00 to use the property. I would still recommend paying for your race so if your little one runs the whole hour or not, you can still go nuttso for an hour or so and possibly collect points and place. If you pay for the race, just leave your numbers on as normal. If all your going to do is escort, take blue masking tape and put two large (E E)s on your number plates and followed behind the young rider. You will not have to pay to escort. Where one rider runs into trouble, many more will too. I would usually help out several riders before racing to catch up with mine. If mine got into trouble, I would catch him, if I didn't catch him, he was doing good. There were times I trailed him the whole time for just one lap and he was done and other times when I never caught up with him.
Melvern is the easiest one I know of, but all of the rides have alternative routes. Just encouage the young rider and you might be surprised.
Good luck and enjoy your time with your young rider. If you want to talk, just PM me.

2013 57

Re: Riding Escort for 10 or 11 yr old ????

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:12 am
by gentges
Thanks for the info!