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6 hour 2 man partner needed

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:06 pm
by wadedawg
I wasn't sure where to ask this so here it is I have a friend that is 70 yrs old and wants to ride the 6 hr 2 man St Valentines Day Masacre being held at Jeeps in Wichita. This race is on Sunday Feb 10. If you can only do 1 lap Carl will do the rest if he needs to..... He would prefer to sign up for the over 50 class but would race with the younger classes if he has to. Don't let his age scare you away from riding this Hare Scramble... Carl is an excellant rider. So if there is a reader out there wanting to do a team race, here is your chance. you can pm me or reply to this post and I will get in touch. THANKS

Re: 6 hour 2 man partner needed

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 8:39 am
by Harvey Mushman
I've done the Massacre a couple times and qualify for the Old Timers class. I think I can do more than one lap. Give me a call.

785.213.8043 Day
785.234.8683 Evening

Re: 6 hour 2 man partner needed

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 2:28 pm
by WireFryer
Barring any rain this coming week, anyone planning on running the massacre next weekend should count on dry and hardpacked.

We've had a little rain and snow the last few weeks, but not near enough to matter.


Re: 6 hour 2 man partner needed

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:26 pm
by bugler
How did it go? I really enjoy those 6 hr races down there.

Re: 6 hour 2 man partner needed

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:22 pm
by Harvey Mushman
Hey Bugler, good to hear from you again. The race went well, your old 3-hundy delivered the goods. Carl Bogle (sp?) and I took first place in Senior and they had I think three teams, there may have been four, not sure, so it's not like we won it by just showing up. LOL! Long day, up at 5AM not back home until 7:30. Temps were perfect, the wind blew 60 mph all day. The course was dry, love those berms, lets an old worn out woods rider play MX racer for a day. Body hurts today. Good times.

Re: 6 hour 2 man partner needed

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:00 pm
by czrider
Wow, how great to see the Bugle and Old Glory. It has been almost three years. Good to hear from you Jay..... Don S.... Pleiku, 1969.

Re: 6 hour 2 man partner needed

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 1:55 pm
by bmxpro2621
I keep hearing about Jeeps and never been to a race there. How do you get notified if there is another one coming up ever?

Re: 6 hour 2 man partner needed

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 11:38 am
by bugler
Harvey, thanks for the report. I wish I could have done it this year with you! At least my old bike was there ha ha.

I just traded in my '09 in to Cyclezone with only about one season on it if you're interested.

Here is the website for the Jeeps Club:

Re: 6 hour 2 man partner needed

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:01 pm
by Harvey Mushman
OK Bugler, the question is, what did you trade it for?

Re: 6 hour 2 man partner needed

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 9:18 am
by Blazin Bob
I was wondering the same thing... :)