General Bike Talk
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#1 Post by littlejon » Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:23 pm

Woke up this morning to the detached garage being open and a bike missing. I was just getting ready to have a security system installed but my buddy has been out of town. Needless to say, It will be going in sooner rather than later. The crazy thing is, they walked right past my '09 450, RM250 and stole my wife's '04 CRF230. Not to mention the other valuables that could have easily been snagged.

My truck was parked in the driveway all night. I've gotta say, they were pretty ballsy.

REWARD: For any information that leads to the return of my stolen bike/property. 816 885 1803

VIN: 9C2ME09014R000736

2004 Honda CRF230 very nice bike
Gay purple grips, decals on the rear fender
Fork legs have been semi polished

Also stolen: Pink Icon helmet, black AFX FX-39 (identical to Fly Trekker)
Brand new Geomax MX-51 100/90/19
Rigid cordless tools
CD player face plate out of my truck
Still gathering a list of what else may be missing...... Pretty random list, I know


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Re: STOLEN!!!!

#2 Post by WireFryer » Thu Feb 14, 2013 6:31 pm

Yo Littlejon, allow me to think outloud for a bit.
(enjoyed the same sinking feeling on 10/05/10 :roll: )

Inside job!!!!.

They left your big bikes because 10-14 year-old males can't push or start them!.

They can, however... roll out the pit/play bikes and stash them at a 'buddies house' just outside of town.

The fact that tools and a fresh tire where taken, indicate that an older relative with a lil' meth habit is in the mix somewhere :roll: .

WHO... Have you let in your shop, knows the inside of your shop, the lock system you use, the state of every bike in it, et al.

Get cold and ugly in your CSI analysis, and the thieves will seem obvious.

I know who took my bikes, the debt will be settled.....

The saddest sound in all MotorSports is the noise the drivetrain makes as you slowly coast to a complete stop.

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