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Milford Talk 04-05-13 update

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 12:39 pm
by Iamdanjohnson
I am ignoring the 50% chance of rain in the forecast as I want a warm sunny season opener. However; I will set the course up sort of lame so that there are no real big climbs or super slick spots that the quads have packed down. I hear the lake is low so we can likely skirt the rocky shore and still be far inside the posted limits/boundaries set by the Corp. I may even do the start on the beach if there is room so be warned that the parking may need to stay behind a marked area and be slightly smaller. I have two extra EZ ups for the sign up area and plan to park an enclosed trailer along one side to help block. I strongly suggest the PW people come by 8:00 or so since the money has to be collected on the road and that slows down things quite a bit. It would be best if PW riders were the first to get there then about 8:30 or so the first race guys start rolling in and you second race guys hold off until 10:00 or even later. Sign up will be open until 1:00 so if we kind of come in over the morning there should be no long lines. First practice starts at 9:30 since we have Peewees at this one. Second practice will be at 1:00. The laps will be short enough to easily do a practice lap in 30 minutes I would think.

On to trophies. I paid more for this set of trophies than I ever have. I either have the best ones ever or I didnt get as good a deal as I once did. The PW riders will flip over the top three trophies and likely still be happy enough with fourth and beyond. Bring your PW rider to this one. The hardest part for them will be the loose pea size gravel areas that have to be used in their loop. I will try very hard to set up something that can be ridden by them even if it rains.

I want perfect as much as everyone else but if it rains, this place can handle it better than most any other place we race. There is a perfect gravel lot for parking and it will not get muddy in any way. The ground is rocky enough that even the muddy spots will just be slick on top and not turn into stupid deep ruts. Plan to ride this one no matter what, and if it turns out wet, it will allow you to test your limits and give you something to talk about for quite some time. As a matter of fact, it will likely get worse every time you tell the story!

50% chance it wont rain.

Signal is sketchy out there but If I am able, I will update this post tomorrow night.

Re: Milford Talk 04-04-13

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 6:33 pm
by shredder
Well that's all I gotta know!
We just got the green light boys and girls so let's kick the tires and light the fires cause it's race time!
Everyone is doing it, you'll have more friends. Not available in all areas. Void where prohibited. Offer good for limited time. Get your parent's permission. Ride more.

Re: Milford Talk 04-04-13

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 6:59 pm
by Speedysdad
I saw the rain chances show up in the forecast and i thought maybe if we didnt talk about it, maybe it wouldnt happen. Well those that went to the Off road cup should have an advantage.

Re: Milford Talk 04-05-13 update

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 8:21 pm
by Iamdanjohnson
2.5 done and I would guess that is almost half. Leaving out most cool climbs shortens it a bit but it is shaping up nicely. Start on the beach. Lots of parking still with all the extra beach! The end of the lap will be a gravelly rocky fast section to allow that one last chance to pass. Still haven't figured out how to slow that down for scoring. Very very dry here now so it may be a bit dusty when that 50% chance of no rain comes through.

Re: Milford Talk 04-05-13 update

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:04 pm
by quik406
Please put in some climbs. Easy hard line if it rains?

Re: Milford Talk 04-05-13 update

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 10:00 pm
by shredder
Even if it's an impossible line, even if the hard line is the long, heck bury land mines if you want that explode horse manure when it rains the little guys can go around but us witless adrenaline seekers need a fix Dan so whadda ya say? :wink:

Re: Milford Talk 04-05-13 update

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 10:01 pm
by shredder
Pretty please with a cherry on top? :roll:

Re: Milford Talk 04-05-13 update

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 10:11 pm
by Speedysdad
Rain chances are actually going down, and the best chance isn't until after 3. We might get both races in before the rain gets there.

Re: Milford Talk 04-05-13 update

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 6:40 am
by Superfast
I agree with Dennis and Jim, the rain keeps getting pushed off later and later in the day, we need our race fix! Throw in some hills, we raced Milford last year in the rain, it was all good!!!!

Re: Milford Talk 04-05-13 update

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 8:27 am
by cr250rwalker
Hills hills hills hills.