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Warrensburg, MO

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 8:12 pm
by Frank
In the past, Warrensburg has been on both the east and west sides of the paved road. Does anyone know which side of the road it will be on this time and which direction for Saturday and which direction on Sunday?

Re: Warrensburg, MO

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:17 pm
by aferb360
Is this one of those tracks that will turn a brand new tire into chunks? I was told it was rocky as all get out. Just wonderin if its worth throwin the new meat on for this race.

Re: Warrensburg, MO

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:35 am
by Iamdanjohnson
West side. Not sure on the direction but it will be the opposite for Sunday.

This place is not rocky and your tires will last a long time here. Walter's Ranch is the rocky one.

Re: Warrensburg, MO

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:50 am
by grabbingears03
What type of terrain should we expect if not rocky? Is it single track or open flowing trails where your always on the gas? I have watched some videos of this place and it looks pretty hilly (lot of ups and downs). Will there be deep wide creek crossings? I have never raced here but from what I understand on Sunday the course is backwards from Saturday, is this true?

Re: Warrensburg, MO

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:50 pm
by aferb360
Awesome! Ill go ahead and throw that 140 80 18 on! That might plant the ol big bore! This way ill land on my head in a hurry!

Re: Warrensburg, MO

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:04 pm
by Mammal
Question about the two race system. When it states that rows 1-5 are at 11am and 6-11 in the afternoon, is this referring to the classes? Is AA the first row, etc? And so the Senior class (I'm an old guy now) gets to sleep late? Or do I have this completely wrong?

Re: Warrensburg, MO

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 12:40 pm
by Btrigg88
If it's the same as last year there are at least 3 crossings. A section where you drop off into the creek itself and follow it for 200 yards or so then try and exit on a steep hillside. This area was fun to watch. Then a big drop down to a 40 foot-ish creek crossing that was one to two feet deep. The last one was crossing the same creek in opposite direction. Also a steep drop in. The rest is fun trails with lots of good ups and downs. This could all change with the rain forecast this week. It's a good race for tear offs.

Re: Warrensburg, MO

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 1:48 pm
by Mammal
I am new to the split race format. If rows 1-5 go at 11am and 6-11 in the afternoon, are those rows the same as the classes? So is Row 1 AA, row 2 A, etc? I'll likely ride the trailrider class, so just trying to figure out when I need to be there.

Re: Warrensburg, MO

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 1:52 pm
by bmxpro2621
I dont know the west side from the east lol. West is the higher ground side right? I would think that creek on the other side that never gets ridden on would be like a real river haha. Everywhere else I have seen creeks and rivers have been wayyyy up and just crazy too. So racing the same side just one way then backwards.... hmm ok. :) Tired of rain so cant wait

Re: Warrensburg, MO

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:09 pm
West side story 3 years back :D :D