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Lost/Stolen/Accidently Taken - SPY Goggles at Walters Ranch

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 6:22 pm
by jimmy rippy
Due to the misty weather Sat am, I put a new pair of Blue/White SPY goggles at the first tree past checkpoint just in case I ran out of tearoffs.
After the race - they were gone.
I would appreciate them back in my hands.



Re: Lost/Stolen/Accidently Taken - SPY Goggles at Walters Ra

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 9:40 pm
by shredder
I saw them on the left side of the trail. I'm sure they will find their way back home soon. :wink:

Re: Lost/Stolen/Accidently Taken - SPY Goggles at Walters Ra

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 10:12 pm
by f-five
I seen some one hauling a pair of blue spy goggles that had been found on the trail to the trailer. They looked like they started out as new but had no lense and had been ran over a few times.

Re: Lost/Stolen/Accidently Taken - SPY Goggles at Walters Ra

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 1:43 am
by jimmy rippy
Mine were about 6' - 8' off the trail next to someone else's red gas tank. About 100' past the scoring.
You would have never know they were they there unless were to pit next to that tree. They were away from the main trail on the right by a good 6' in a goggle bag.
Don't think they were the ones mentioned above.
Just bought them Friday for $60.- dang it.

Re: Lost/Stolen/Accidently Taken - SPY Goggles at Walters Ra

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:25 pm
by f-five
Dang it, hate to hear that.

Re: Lost/Stolen/Accidently Taken - SPY Goggles at Walters Ra

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 3:50 pm
by ktmracer66
I saw a white pair my first time thru scoring but if I remember right, I saw them before I went thru scoring. They were on the trail and had been ran over a few times. I assumed someone took them off