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Walters Ranch 2

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 7:13 pm
by flipstick357
Hello boys and girls

It is about time for Walters Ranch, now known as Walters ranch 2. I am setting this one up as I have for the past 4 years. From what I have heard about the race a couple weeks ago it was a classic Walters ranch race with a long hard track.

Please don't let the reputation of Walters ranch scare you all off from this one. I assure you the track this week will be setup shorter easier and faster. In my 4 years setting up tracks out there I know where to find the flow out there and will have a good track for you this Sunday. And if the forecast holds up we will be a dry race and probably the last race until October under 90 degrees at race time.

With that I hope you all come out and race the last of the sub 90 degree races of the year. I am looking for a few more workers on Saturday setup and Sunday sweep. I already have a couple of people for both but I need a couple more of each. Please Text me at 785-217-6129 to confirm your spot for work averages. ****EDIT*** I am all full of workers for Sunday but still need a couple on Sat. If I have not confirmed with you via email or text and are not on the list later in this topic I am sorry you missed it by >.< that much. ***End Edit**

Also a little food for thought for you points chasers that are thinking of skipping this one. More points positions are won or lost on this race each year then any other race. The reputation of this place does result in a lower turnout normally. That means that person you are chasing in points or the person chasing you in points may skip or DNF this one. This is a great one to pick up an advantage for the year.

So to summarize boys and girls this Sunday is the time to get your elbows up, belly up to the bars, Suck it up and put your big girl panties on and go racing.


Re: Walters Ranch 2

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 7:37 pm
by Pumpkinpatch
Classic Mike Brown race.
Seriously. Have helped on this race for past few years.
Rideable and fun.
And, it does help if you pull up your skirt and put the big boy pants on. haha.
(classic Mike Brown).
I am sorry to miss it this time Mike.

Re: Walters Ranch 2

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 9:19 pm
by shredder
Whew! I was afraid that it was the same track only we had to ride it backwards!!! Man I can only go about 2 miles and then I gets this bad headache and twisted neck from looking backwards...WHEW! Thanks Flip :mrgreen:

Re: Walters Ranch 2

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 6:30 am
by Speedysdad
You may refer to this as WR2, but I know an 18 yr old who is referring to it as the REMATCH. You are coming back for this one aren't you Pumpkinpatch.

Re: Walters Ranch 2

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 6:33 am
by Pumpkinpatch
Wish I could Jim; but next time Collin sees me will be Warrensburg 1 / 2.

Re: Walters Ranch 2

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:14 am
by flipstick357
Workers are all set for Sunday but I Can use another one or 2 on saturday.

Workers Saturday:
1. Hunter Colbert #841 9:00 AM Confirmed Text
2. Mitch Ladd #510 9:00 AM Confirmed Text
3. Brennen Ladd #211 9:00 AM Confirmed Text
Workers Race Day:
1. Bob Angell #1060 8:30 AM Confirmed Text
2. Lauren Shaffer #82 8:30 AM Confirmed Text
3. Jeremy Stretz #25 8:30 AM Confirmed Text
4. Travis Slover #827 8:30 AM Confirmed Email
5. Tanner Slover #127 8:30 AM Confirmed Email
6. Nicholas Myers #1163 8:30 AM

Re: Walters Ranch 2

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 11:33 am
by trex
MYBE you should buy a pair of big boy pants, your words shorter ,faster and easier.We could ride quads on the gravel roads.Any race with a radar gun isn't worth having.

Re: Walters Ranch 2

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 11:43 am
by bmxpro2621
Last race was pretty easy besides the one biggest rock ledge climb. Flowy too but a new trail or direction to race on is always awesome. I liked the length of the last race too makes for a less non repetitive boring race.

Re: Walters Ranch 2

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 2:51 pm
by flipstick357
trex wrote:MYBE you should buy a pair of big boy pants, your words shorter ,faster and easier.We could ride quads on the gravel roads.Any race with a radar gun isn't worth having.

It is still Walters Trex, It will be mostly single track and no radar guns.

Re: Walters Ranch 2

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 8:37 am
by ktm1991
My dad wants to sweep this one if you still have room

Ryan Grun #255