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Walters 2 Race Reports

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 8:57 pm
by shredder
HOLY COW MAN!!! What a day! What a race!!!
For me it was a truly epic adventure of pushing myself and finding the mental fortitude of just willing my body to go again, and again way past of anything I would have thought possible. More on this later. More on on my scattered parts (Acherbis left guard mount, right axle adjuster, axle nut, front number plate, right boot lock, camel back mouth piece) I left on the Walters Ranch course later.

As of right now I cant even sit down to type and my hands are almost useless at this point. I have a pounding headache, sore neck, bruised 6 major muscle groups and learned that I have many more muscles that I previously thought possible... How ever I will say that I believe to to a hankering for a goober burger I was able to see Dan Johnson's rig making a left onto 50 highway in Sedalia even though he got the hole shot when leaving. We put the stuff away with Joe Leaderhouse's help (thanks again Joe) and were last from the start and onto the asphalt but caught him at the intersection. We couldn't make the light and I was frantic. My wife says why are you in such a hurry as I need to return these 2 movies at Wal-Mart anyway!? Now I see why we don't take our wives on the back of our bikes while's because of various different reasons most of them won't make it back! :wink:

Please guys and gals I know for a fact that there is many, many stories that need to be told as well as who did what out there where the EMT's were working on a downed rider.? Good job by Mike and crew to alert some very tired riders to be cautious ahead.

Let's hear about it! :wink:

Re: Milford 2 Race Reports

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:39 pm
by shredder
Wow. I just read my own post. I think I hit my head harder than I thought. The deep scratches on my helmet are new, saw them when I put my helmet up. Milford? I mean seriously...Milford? Can someone please change the subject line to Read Walter's Ranch 2 instead of Milford 2 please? It's just been a long, long day...ya know? :wink:

Re: Ranch 2 Race Reports

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 3:19 am
by motoracr199
good 'ole Milford

Re: Walters 2 Race Reports

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:28 am
by Jason g
Great race report shredder! For me the heat and the blistering pace were the 2 challenges. From the start I hit the magic button, bike fired up and was 3 abreast going into the first hair pin turn. 4th or 5th descending downhill towards the woods when a bike flipped from hitting a rut and caused a pileup now im in 2nd or 3rd heading into the trails. tried to stay calm and keep my cool looking for a place to pass, finally got my chance on a rocky uphill. Standing while riding most of the time. I kept the throttle pinned and my bike drifted over the rocks like they weren't even their. I felt like I could of rode harder but my a/c was failing. Big props to the 61 yr old racer who finally got in front of me. Whoo man that guy is fast. Good race to everyone who showed up. ow ya thanks to the crew for putting on a great race one of my favorite tracks. !

Re: Walters 2 Race Reports

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:44 am
by E.A.
Things I learned from this race...

1) I need ventilated gear....
2) Having a MX bike with 100% stock suspension...SUCKS@walters
3) Having no water, because your camel back nozzle
4) If you move over for a AA rider, you WILL hit a tree... (and have to stop after your 3rd lap, because you can't shift)

Broke my nose.... and must have some sort of stress fracture in my left foot. Can't put much weight on it, and the tell tale black and blue on the top and bottom.

With that being said.... CAN NOT WAIT for the next race. :)

PS: Shredder, I literally chuckled every lap seeing your parts on the ground. :) ...thinking "how does one remove his number plate"

Re: Walters 2 Race Reports

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 11:08 am
by bmxpro2621
jason g wrote:Great race report shredder! For me the heat and the blistering pace were the 2 challenges. From the start I hit the magic button, bike fired up and was 3 abreast going into the first hair pin turn. 4th or 5th descending downhill towards the woods when a bike flipped from hitting a rut and caused a pileup now im in 2nd or 3rd heading into the trails. tried to stay calm and keep my cool looking for a place to pass, finally got my chance on a rocky uphill. Standing while riding most of the time. I kept the throttle pinned and my bike drifted over the rocks like they weren't even their. I felt like I could of rode harder but my a/c was failing. Big props to the 61 yr old racer who finally got in front of me. Whoo man that guy is fast. Good race to everyone who showed up. ow ya thanks to the crew for putting on a great race one of my favorite tracks. !

Your talking about Rod Rauch there buddddy. He is isnt he? I raced him in the Hillbilly series and you aint kidding. Very nice guy too. I seen you on the line behind me also.

Re: Walters 2 Race Reports

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 11:42 am
by flipstick357
The EMT on the trail for the last 15 min of the race was actually due to one of my sweepers breaking his ankle. It was Bob Angell and it was a compound fracture to his ankle or leg just above the Ankle. It was not really pretty. I really hated having to slow some of you down at the end of your race but we had a UTV coming up the trail against traffic so it was necessary. We got him out and his bike out of the woods efficiently a without incident. Thank you all for the patience in calmly working by the incident and a big thanks to the EMT Crew they were outstanding! Also A big thanks to the guy I grabbed to jump on the quad to ride his bike out. You were in the pits overheating yourself and when I told you the situation you instantly put your own situation aside jumped up grabbed you helmet and got on the Quad. Then you stayed out in the woods and slowed people down even after I said you could go. Hats off to you on that one. I didn’t even get your name and If you are on here please Identify yourself so credit can be given where due.

That was the only reported injury of the day.

Re: Walters 2 Race Reports

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 7:58 pm
by getdirty
I have to say that race puts the "off" in off-road! None the less, a great place to race. Thank you to the few, that put in the hours to make it happen for all of us.

I was pretty excited to race, had a group of good friends that were showing up and was itching to actually race again. We went out for the parade lap with 5 of us in a group. Thoughts things were going well until 2 of us were nowhere to be seen. Decided to push on and get back to fill up on fuel and water. When we got back, we found out we went under a ribbon and were off course! So we all chatted about were that ribbon was and knew I had to keep my eyes open during the race.
Got to my usual close to last off the line start, and was making my way down the dirt road - decided to move over to the grass to the left and WOW - no more dirt in the face! Made up a couple of spots and settled in for some single track racing and hope others made mistakes and I could take advantage. I had made 2 good passes by making better line choices when I came up to a bike across the path and the rider that was getting up and his face pretty bloodied up. So I kick stand my bike and start asking if he was okay. He was making clear sentences, and he asked if I could move his bike (with the front fender pointing toward the rear of his bike) and he told me to get going. Got back going and caught 2 more class mates, and was able to make it passed them before coming around lap 1. Started to drink water every chance I had on lap 2 knowing I probably would on get 1 more lap in. Lap 2 was taking its toll on so many riders – I have never seen so many bikes parked along the course!
Well, so much for the plan to drink all my water, came around after lap 3 and no checkered flag! I was so ready to call it a day. Got over by my pits and called out to a buddy for some water. Had to have help getting my helmet off and water poured over my head - WOW - Did that feel good! Buddy of mine loaned me his camel back, since mine was out, and took off for another lap. Decided to make the last lap a trail ride and survive. Glad I did another lap, even if it was my slowest – I made up 3 more spots in the standings.
Hats off the EMT crew and the rider telling all to slow down. I came by and saw the splint going on the leg and knew things were not good. Hope that rider is doing okay.

Re: Walters 2 Race Reports

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:32 pm
by Speedysdad
Get dirty--The rider was the 642. He came around and told us he needed goggles. He needed goggles because his were full of blood. Not to worry, six stitches and some bruising and he will be fine. He got knocked in the head pretty good and he wasn't thinking very good when his mom ordered him into the truck to leave. David is a tough kid and wanted to prove it by continuing to race.

Don't feel bad David most of us have been there before. We are all glad you are ok.

Re: Walters 2 Race Reports

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 7:04 am
by danceswithtrees
I would like to start by thanking all of the forward motion family for the assistance after my injury Sunday. This was my first full year in FMHSC and the year was really going great. Two race starts, two 4 place finishes and then decided to give the work average thing a shot.

I was really excited to get an opportunity to watch how the faster riders worked through areas of Walters Ranch that gave me fits a couple weeks before. I enjoyed assisting the Pee-Wee's and meeting some of the other riders in my class. The day was going great!!

At the start of the race, I spent about an hour helping riders pick up their bikes and giving line choices at the first big rock step ups. Knowing everyone had seen the area, I left to sweep the front half of the course. I ran across two riders, one with a flat and one wanting out of race, telling them to work themselves to the four mile marker and then I would assist them in getting back out to their vehicles.

Somewhere around 2 - 2 1/2 miles I moved to the right of the track to allow a rider pass. I really don't have a clue what happened then, as we got together and went down hard. My left ankle most have broken the fall for both of us, as my foot decided to part ways with my leg bones!!

The other rider picked up my bike and got it off the trail, then sped off to get medical help while I moved over to sit next to a tree. There were a lot of really great riders who slowed to make sure I was ok. Knowing that I had riders going for medical assistance I waved the rest of you on. I can't express my gratitude for all who slowed though.

I underwent surgery yesterday, requiring 9 screws and a really cool looking plate keeping everything together. I can't put any weight on the ankle for 6 weeks and then limited for another 6. Looks like I'll be taking a little vacation from everything this summer!

Again, a big thanks to all the riders who helped, and a great big thanks to the EMT's. Hope to be racing with everyone again next year!!

Bob Angell #1060