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carbondale for sunday

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 9:26 pm
by davidj2448
Course should be perfect for sunday. Perfect amount of moisture, fast flowing section on the south end and tight woods section on the north end. Most of course tacky and no water hazards. Maybee best course and conditions ever at this location.

Re: carbondale for sunday

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 9:19 pm
by bugler
Race was awesome today. I really liked the opportunity to race against the track and try to improve my speeds instead of always worrying about letting someone by. It was also great to be able to hit each of the three laps with full speed since I knew I only had to go one lap before getting a break.

Here is the results board. ... 50f6e122ba

Re: carbondale for sunday

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:43 am
by Btrigg88
bugler wrote:Race was awesome today. I really liked the opportunity to race against the track and try to improve my speeds instead of always worrying about letting someone by. It was also great to be able to hit each of the three laps with full speed since I knew I only had to go one lap before getting a break.

Here is the results board. ... 50f6e122ba
It was a perfect course today! Due to the start being delayed, it tacked up perfect. You followed me on the second lap, then I got to follow you on the third. My odometer showed 8.1miles. Sorry to hear about the junior who broke his collar bone. At least he will have a trophy to help tell the tale.

Re: carbondale for sunday

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 12:32 pm
by advbeach
I had a great time riding yesterday, lots of fun. See everybody at the next one.

Re: carbondale for sunday

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:17 pm
by E.A.
Let me start off by thanking everyone that took the time to make this event happen!
The course was awesome, the track was perfect, people were so nice it felt like family.
People wanted honest feed back, and I feel I have some, good and bad.

Pro’s and Con’s….. that’s the best way I can describe how I feel about this format.

Love the staggered starting; I feel that’s a major safety advantage. No massive pile ups at the first turn. (Although that’s kind half the fun)

Love the idea of doing a qualifying lap, to put you into the “correct” order. To help keep you from bunching up into a “train” of bikes in the woods.

I eat healthy and work out, just so I can get better each race with my endurance. I feel that its my endurance that far exceeds my limited riding skill at this point. So basically by taking away the endurance factor, takes away from some riders major way to win races. Obviously the idea is to limit fatigue, but I think doing (2) laps at a time would be awesome. Then at least you get a little more of a test of ones endurance factor.

People not moving out of the way. This was the most frustrating race I have been at thus far in all of the events I have done so far….being one of the tightest courses, and then people would NOT let you pass…. I followed someone for almost a solid MILE, politely reving my motor, yelling, EVERYTHING, while keeping about a 2- foot safe distance. And NOT one time did the person move over….not until they FINALLY missed a turn was I able to sneak bye. ( This happened on 2 of the three laps I did ) So either people didn’t understand the “move out of the way” idea, or didn’t care, but for me, it was a MAJOR let down and a basic waste of two laps…… My third lap I picked up over 3 min I believe, because finallllly I didn’t run into track hogs. (I followed #1010, and had a great time battling it out)

Takes way to long. 87 min of racing for me, and almost 5 hours of waiting around. (I know some of the delay was for the EMT) I hope that some sort of simple and fast excel spread sheet data can be used, to help speed up the scoring stuff. (I totally feel for you all, that had to suck, I can't imagine it with more people) So props for all those that manually added up all the time!

So I have to be honest, I love the idea…..but unless it turns into 2 laps at a time, (for a total of 4 or 6 laps) its not worth the amount of time spent waiting…and only getting 3 laps of racing for the same price we pay for normal FMHSC events…where its 2 hours of none stop action. The idea is good, it just need a bit more polishing.

Re: carbondale for sunday

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:47 pm
by slomojo
davidj2448 wrote:Course should be perfect for sunday. Perfect amount of moisture, fast flowing section on the south end and tight woods section on the north end. Most of course tacky and no water hazards. Maybee best course and conditions ever at this location.
I was skeptical,but the conditions were excellent.Not perfect,but excellent.Just the right amount of mud hazards to make it interesting.I made 2 passes in the mud.

Its going to take some polishing for the format to shine.It does take some of the luck out of the equation,makes it more of a test of skill,and reduces the importance of endurance.

Live engine starts and electronic scoring would improve things a lot.With live starts there would actually be 20 seconds between riders,the way it is if one rider takes a long time to start his bike the next rider doesn't have a 20 second gap.

Re: carbondale for sunday

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 5:40 pm
by E.A.
slomojo wrote:
Live engine starts and electronic scoring would improve things a lot.With live starts there would actually be 20 seconds between riders,the way it is if one rider takes a long time to start his bike the next rider doesn't have a 20 second gap.
Guilty,..... of the CR250 that starts perfect first kick in the pits..... yet on the line turns into a 4-5 kicker. Arrrrrg.... I think I could feel the next rider breathing down my back before I finally left the gate. :)

Re: carbondale for sunday

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:09 am
by bugler
Here is the first five minutes of the third heat. Look how awesome the track was! Notice, this was a dead engine start. The new KTM XC300 with lithium battery starts NOW! ha ha gotta love it.

Be sure to click the HD button for better quality if you have high speed internet. ... 5798996762