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Thurman Iowa Race Information

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 8:36 am
by Iamdanjohnson
I dont want to start on this too soon and take any focus off of Merwin but I do have some information and plan to recap some of this at the Merwin rider's meeting so remind me!

This course is classic Iowa which means there is not a rock to be found. It also means there are very short steep uphills and downhills. It also means lots of narrow passages with all the draws and bluffs. This one is not crazy tight or anything but very technical in that you have to ride exactly where you are supposed to. There is no room for sloppy or out of control riding or you will be off the course and maybe not get back on it. All of our courses have a lot of room to run off the course and come back on. This one does NOT! I will be repeating over and over that this one is going to require more skill, precision, and restraint. You will have to check up just a bit or the course will bite you. Dont be scared away with all of this, just come prepared.

DO NOT CUT INSIDE CORNERS. Many of the inside corners are the top edge of a deep ravine. If you cut, you will pay the price. This is an extreme example but take a look at this wash out that was going to be an inside corner until it dropped a great deal this summer.

Re: Thurman Iowa Race Information

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 12:40 pm
by Pumpkinpatch
Ah....the homeland.
You guys are going to love that place.

Re: Thurman Iowa Race Information

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 12:42 pm
by slomojo
Why can't the course go through that hole? :shock:

Re: Thurman Iowa Race Information

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 1:20 pm
by El Dog
Why can't the course go through that hole? :shock:

or OVER it?!! :shock:

Re: Thurman Iowa Race Information

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 6:03 pm
by shredder
Joe (#1062) does a lot of his own mods to his dirtbike. Now I know why he was asking me about my ATV winch, that old dragster parachute I still have way back in the garage somewhere, old 2x4's and extra plywood, that old climbing ice hammer and my old boating flare gun and flares. God only knows what the hell he is up to....I don't think I really want to know! :shock:
I think I'm following the path at this race...NOT necessarily the guy in front of me! :wink:

Re: Thurman Iowa Race Information

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 3:58 pm
by wadedawg
This might be a place to break out the nitro boosters! I can't wait.

Re: Thurman Iowa Race Information

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:32 pm
by Speedysdad
Satellite imagery shows plenty of trees and ravines. Looks promising.

Re: Thurman Iowa Race Information

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:07 pm
by jerad741
hey jerad Thurman promoter just finished track yesterday and it is going to be a ball for you guys . we have a 50 chance of rain wed and that would make things perfect it has been dry here ,but track in great shape . the only way this one would rain out is lots of rain on Saturday and none in the forecast a Friday rain would be great , sundays forcast right now is high 78 and 20 percent chance evening showers so all looks good . also would like all the feedback I can get after the race is over on how everybody liked it or what we can change for next year. message board or email me at hey and remember no rocks and the ups and downs will be fun.