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Thurman, IA Is it just me??

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 7:21 am
by kchotrod
Is it just me or does anyone else like to see a race on the schedule that you don’t already know the way to? I mean you actually have to look at the directions. It is up north so it has to be cooler right? Maybe even a good night to sit around outside Saturday. Anyway someplace new and exciting so don’t miss it because you aren’t comfortable with it .

Also if you want to drive just a little farther to take in some sites check out the SAC museum close to Ashland NE. Some neat warplanes there and a nice look at the cold war missile sites.

Rod Smith

Re: Thurman, IA Is it just me??

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 8:15 am
by Btrigg88
I'll be watching this one from the sidelines. Still on the mend from chanute. I would also recommend the SAC museum. It's a cool place.

Re: Thurman, IA Is it just me??

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 11:29 am
by El Dog
Forecast for Sunday at Thurman, IA...

81*F and 60% chance of precipitation....!!

Re: Thurman, IA Is it just me??

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 2:56 pm
by jerad741
ok just to fix what is on peoples mind this is jerad Thurman promoter , don't know were the 60 percent chance of rain came from our local forcast has wed 40 to 50 percent chance on wed this week that would be perfect it has been dry here so that would make the track just right . our sunday forecast is 78 for the high and 20 percent chance of evening showers. this track could only be rained out with lots of rain on Saturday , a Friday rain would make it perfect to . just finished track yesterday and you will have a ball don't miss this one . just another thought it will be busy on race day so please when race is over feel free to message board ,or email me at and let me know what you think or changes you would like to see. want to have race every year if all goes good.thanks jerad

Re: Thurman, IA Is it just me??

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 3:12 pm
by wadedawg
I will be hauling up from S.E. Kansas on Saturday.....Is it possible to ride on Saturday afternoon?

Re: Thurman, IA Is it just me??

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 8:48 am
by El Dog
Weather only lookin' better!!

Sat: some precipitation

Race Day: 72F and partly cloudy!

Not sure it could get any better than this!!